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Movies that Give you Goosebumps


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TNT is carrying it on Wednesday....and Thursday....... and twice on Saturday.:lol:


I have watched Shawshank from beginning to end no less than a dozen times, probably more. I know just about every line in the movie. I have spent hours and hours on the Internet researching facts/trivia/background about the movie.


So, yes, if I happen to have the idiot tube on during one of those nights and come across the movie - I will most definitely watch it. :thumb:

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Two that's already been mentioned...


Remember The Titans - when the assistant coach/DC tells the team that he doesn't want the opponent to gain another yard...I loved that part.


Also, Dead Poets Society was a good one.

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I would really like it if we could do our best to keep this more of a discussion and explanation of movies and parts within particular movies that give you the Goosebumbs, or the Chills, and not just be another thread listing particular types of movies...

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Since this wasn't supposed to be just a "list" type thread (of which I already contributed) . . .


The ending to Shawshank with Morgan Freeman walking across the beach to meet Timothy Robbins is so absolutely cool it's indescribeable.


The ending to Shindler's List is a big-time "goosebump" feeling for me watching the actors and the people they portrayed in the film walk hand-in-hand and place stones on Schindler's grave.


Another one I forgot, which someone else mentioned: To Kill A Mockingbird - specifically, the part when Atticus introduces Scout to Boo Radley and she acts if she has known him all her life. You don't get teary-eyed on that one then you must have a heart the size of an acorn . . . . :lol:

Edited by cooperstown
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We Are Marshall - The starting scene where you get a good look at the Huntington area gives me chills because I've flown that route so much.

Rudy - The end of the movie when Rudy gets into the game.

The Dark Knight - When Bruce Wayne is talking to Alfred, BW removes his shirt, and you can see scars on his back.

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Apollo 13

October Sky


Sorry, I didn't realize the intent of the thread. Let me expand.


Apollo 13 - Four minutes has just passed since loss of signal and then you hear a crackling sound and see the parachutes...and Jim Lovell says, "Houston, it's good to see you again."


October Sky - Two moments. 1) When Homer tells his father that he is so much like him, stubborn, hardheaded...and then he says, "Yeah, Werner von Braun is a great scientist...but he isn't my hero." 2) When Homer's dad finally shows up a the launching of their last rocket and pushed the button and finally understands what his son has accomplished...then slowly puts his arm up on Homer's shoulder and smiles at him.

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