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Let's hear everyone that has crucified LexCath and Lex Christian...

All Tell

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What if we just had a member of the KHSAA at each of the hospitals for every kid that is born. Right after the medical staff does the APGAR test and the parents cut the cord, they then can choose a school.... Mark here for public or here for private please.


Nice one! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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I can tell you from my own experience with Trinity's open house when I was younger, not all THAT long ago, that there was very little mention of the athletics for the school. They talked primarily about the school's facilities, day to day things and so on. The open house tours were also done by student ambassadors(usually student council members). After the tour we went to the cafeteria where they displayed all the extracurricular activities for the school. In fact the Quick Recall team's coach tried to convince me to play for them when I got to Trinity. I suppose that was recruiting too, of course I received no financial aid and didn't end up doing it for more than a few weeks anyway once I got there.


I am not going to come on this thread and act or lead anyone to beleive I know it all, I surely do not.

But lets all step back and actually talk realistically. There is recruiting that goes on. We all know its true, why deny it. Just dont get caught. Now, if your boosters or such have the economic ability to give a really talented 8th grader in a city or public school and there sits a Trinty, Lex. Cath., Lou. Cent. , or any one of these other schools that would say to that parent. Hey, I know u are working for 24,000 per year. How about you and your soon come and be a Knight. There could be a job paying in the upward of the 40's. Bam, Knights got themselves a new player. :thumb:

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I am not going to come on this thread and act or lead anyone to beleive I know it all, I surely do not.

But lets all step back and actually talk realistically. There is recruiting that goes on. We all know its true, why deny it. Just dont get caught. Now, if your boosters or such have the economic ability to give a really talented 8th grader in a city or public school and there sits a Trinty, Lex. Cath., Lou. Cent. , or any one of these other schools that would say to that parent. Hey, I know u are working for 24,000 per year. How about you and your soon come and be a Knight. There could be a job paying in the upward of the 40's. Bam, Knights got themselves a new player. :thumb:



We have to recruit students to survive, plain and simple. I cannot speak for how things are done in Lexington, nor will I. I care little for that town except when I have business to attend to there.


Trinity, St.X, DeSales, Sacred Heart, Assumption, Mercy, Presentation and Holy Cross all send ambassadors to the Catholic grade schools here in Louisville to meet with the 7th and 8th grade boys and girls in order to convince them to come to their school. I see no problem with that. I can't even begin to comprehend how that IS a problem. I am unable to wrap my mind around the idea that people have problems with anyone being able to attend a private school, even with financial aid.


I don't know what anyone does out in Lexington, no clue. I do know that all our financial aid is need based and the level of which is determined by an independent and private 3rd party outside of the state of Kentucky with absolutely no vested interest in Trinity's athletic programs. Rockmom could tell you with more detail as she has actually dealt with these forms, but I don't believe there are places on the forms for if your son is an athlete or not.

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I am not going to come on this thread and act or lead anyone to beleive I know it all, I surely do not.

But lets all step back and actually talk realistically. There is recruiting that goes on. We all know its true, why deny it. Just dont get caught. Now, if your boosters or such have the economic ability to give a really talented 8th grader in a city or public school and there sits a Trinty, Lex. Cath., Lou. Cent. , or any one of these other schools that would say to that parent. Hey, I know u are working for 24,000 per year. How about you and your soon come and be a Knight. There could be a job paying in the upward of the 40's. Bam, Knights got themselves a new player. :thumb:

You must like the movie Blue Chips...

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Morrow's side of the story:




If his account is true, I don't think there was a violation of KHSAA recruiting rules. If his account is not true (and a violation of KHSAA rules did occur), who would have provided information to the KHSAA to support their conclusion? It is a little illogical to me that the student (Cosby?) or his father would have turned in Morrow after deciding to play for him.

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Morrow's side of the story:




If his account is true, I don't think there was a violation of KHSAA recruiting rules. If his account is not true (and a violation of KHSAA rules did occur), who would have provided information to the KHSAA to support their conclusion? It is a little illogical to me that the student (Cosby?) or his father would have turned in Morrow after deciding to play for him.


As I said when I posted this in basketball forum...

All I can do is laugh!! :lol::lol::lol:

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Morrow's side of the story:




If his account is true, I don't think there was a violation of KHSAA recruiting rules. If his account is not true (and a violation of KHSAA rules did occur), who would have provided information to the KHSAA to support their conclusion? It is a little illogical to me that the student (Cosby?) or his father would have turned in Morrow after deciding to play for him.


If, as Morrow contends, there was no violation of rules then why would he ever agree to a suspension. There's no way I let my good name be out there as a cheater if I did nothing wrong and there's no way I take a punishment like that if I knew I did nothing wrong. I still believe that the last thing Morrow wanted was further investigation that would have gone on had he appealed.

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The article said Morrow chose to accept the 4 game suspension without contesting it to avoid the distraction that a pending investigation would create.
So if it looks like a duck , and quacks like a duck its not a duck its a horse . I agree with AllTell . He did this to avoid further investigation .
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What tuition that you will have to pay????


No public schools parent pays a cent for tuition.


You have completely lost me.


As to the whole uneven playing field rhubarb you yourself said that successful programs recruit themselves and being successful makes good athletes want to play there.


We moved out of district and we pay a small tuition for our son to go to his school. Both schools in fact are public schools. (The one he attends and the one he should attend)

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