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Casino's in KY

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The dollars are already being spent in casinos. There are boats from northern KY to the tip of western KY. Keep the dollars in our state. The only thing that ruins people's lives is their own irresponsibility.


So let's legalize drugs if it is only personal irresponsibility that ruins lives. And society has no responsibility in limiting that.

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O but the tax revenue from the jobs created that are actually a benefit to the community and not a drain on the community. Not including all the jobs that are creating in other communities around the state that are making products for Toyota.


AND are you assuming that the casinos won't be given some sort of break to build in the local communities?


That's what Norwood Ohio thought when GM was there. Bativia OH is going through a tough time because of the Ford Transmission plant is closing. How many of those former employees will be on government assistance? Let's face it all companies come and go and all companies have good points and bad points. Casino's are not the solution to every problem is our society. On the other hand they are not cause of every problem in our society. They could work in KY.

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Legalized gambling--most especially lotteries, but slots as well--have often been dubbed "a tax on the stupid." You go in knowing the odds aren't in your favor, but you throw the money away anyway because you have hope. As we all know, however, hope is a lousy business plan, and the bank examiner will give you quite the fishy eye before chucking you out of his office when you list it as part of your assets when you go to get that second mortgage.


Normally, when your business is failing, you do what you can to attract new customers by offering a better product....What does the racing industry do? Call the state begging for handouts, asking to nose into another realm of gambling (aka finding new suckers), and annually threatening to move its premier event, the Preakness, to another shabby track it also hasn't fixed up, as emotional blackmail over a long-standing tradition.


As Andrew Green pointed out back in June in The Sun, more than a decade ago Delaware allowed slot machines at its tracks. In addition, Delaware did all the little things--billboards all over neighboring states, cheap parking, bigger purses on the races--and still nobody goes to the track. I'm no economist, but of what little I can see of it, this is called "failing."

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I will send your words out to all the families that have had their lives ruined by the gambling addiction of one of their parents. They will be glad to know that it is actually not a reality for them but rather an imaginative moment.:thumb:
Wonderful spin. Sorry, with this one you have nothing to stand on. :lol:
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You might think casino gambling in Omaha would be like a big Powerball jackpot win for state and local governments, a windfall that would cut taxes and solve every budget problem. You'd be wrong.


Even Iowa, with about $200 million in annual revenue from its gambling tax, is struggling with an anticipated budget deficit this year of about $200 million plus an equivalent amount to restore funds lawmakers withdrew this year from dedicated cash reserves.


"Can we get out of this problem with casinos?" said State Sen. David Landis of Lincoln, chairman of the Legislature's Revenue Committee. "No."


A single large, successful casino in Omaha might generate as much as $29 million in state gambling taxes annually, according to estimates that Creighton University economist Ernie Goss prepared for the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce.


That $29 million would represent only 1.2 percent of the state's annual budget and would scarcely blunt the $673 million, two-year budget deficit that state senators must deal with in the current legislative session.


If an Omaha casino did produce $29 million a year in gambling tax revenue, the money wouldn't make a dime's worth of difference. The revenue would amount to about 8.5 cents of every dollar in the deficit.


William Thompson, a public administration professor at the University of Nevada Las Vegas and a leading national expert on gambling, said state political leaders who think gambling is the answer to their problems need look no farther than Nevada. "We have a deficit here of $400 million," Thompson said.

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The law of supply and demand says that we're not going to get the same bang that Indiana did.
I predict we will get a much bigger "bang." The casinos will be closer to the urban core, and with the exponential effect of the surrounding attractions, it should flourish.
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Gambling doesn't ruin lives....irresponsible behavior does.


Illegal drugs don't ruin people's lives, irresponsible behavior does. So let's legalize them.


Speeding doesn't kill people, only irresponsible behavior does.


Making poor and unsafe products doesn't kill people, only irresponsible behavior of buying them does.


Let's just make everything legal and let the theory of Darwinism win out. Only the strong survive.


No welfare, no unemployment, no disabillity. Nothing and only those that are responsible get to survive. Who cares about the rest.


That was basically the Roman Empire and I won't no part of it.


I will vote with that mindset. Vote for whatever mindset you want.


We will differ here my friend.:thumb:


I expect more of my state and country and not less.

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Illegal drugs don't ruin people's lives, irresponsible behavior does. So let's legalize them.


Speeding doesn't kill people, only irresponsible behavior does.


Making poor and unsafe products doesn't kill people, only irresponsible behavior of buying them does.


Let's just make everything legal and let the theory of Darwinism win out. Only the strong survive.


No welfare, no unemployment, no disabillity. Nothing and only those that are responsible get to survive. Who cares about the rest.


That was basically the Roman Empire and I won't no part of it.


I will vote with that mindset. Vote for whatever mindset you want.


We will differ here my friend.:thumb:


I expect more of my state and country and not less.


Great post! THANKS!:thumb:

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I will send your words out to all the families that have had their lives ruined by the gambling addiction of one of their parents.


LBBC, two questions:


1. When are you starting your crusade to get Alcohol banned? I know of MANY families that have had their lives ruined by alcohol. This will be a long process, if I were you I'd get started right away.


2. Have you ever been in a casino?

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Illegal drugs don't ruin people's lives, irresponsible behavior does. So let's legalize them.


Speeding doesn't kill people, only irresponsible behavior does.


Making poor and unsafe products doesn't kill people, only irresponsible behavior of buying them does.


Let's just make everything legal and let the theory of Darwinism win out. Only the strong survive.


No welfare, no unemployment, no disabillity. Nothing and only those that are responsible get to survive. Who cares about the rest.


That was basically the Roman Empire and I won't no part of it.


I will vote with that mindset. Vote for whatever mindset you want.


We will differ here my friend.:thumb:


I expect more of my state and country and not less.

You act like we should take pity on these irresponsible losers who ruin their own lives and those of their family. NO --that is wrong! They are wrong! And on this issue, as you have shown clearly, you are terribly wrong. :irked:


People who support legalized gaming, do so because they care about this state, they want what's best for the community, and they realize that this is the only logical way to go. They understand that the gaming is already here. They just want the benefits to be here as well. They don't stand behind a veil of piety, as if it were some kind of moral issue. This isn't a moral issue. It's an economic issue, and one of common sense.

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