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Class A playoffs

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Hazard having to play Cumberland before they meet the district 6 champion could help district 6's chance against Hazard. Cumberland is a very physical team and that could leave Hazard a little banged up going to the game. And scores aside Lynn Camp and Campbellsville have both played the schedules that will make them ready to contend with Hazard or Cumberland and Williamsburg Offense will always give them a shot if nothing else because you never know when they are going to come out and score 60 or 70 points.

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I just don't see Mayfield turning it around...I am a huge Cardinal fan but if you would have asked me 5 weeks ago, I would say Mayfield would beat Marshall Co and Caldwell Co to close out the season! Now, I fully expect them to lose both games, then beat Crittenden Co, have a tossup game at Fulton City whomever wins that game will lose to Frankfort.


This is why they play the games and I hope I am wrong, but I just think there are more problems than the Cards can overcome!

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Why wouldn't you and I both think we will be back to playing like we did early? We were a different team without the players that are out and they should be back.

Fulton City by no means spanked Mayfield's bottom, they were extremely lucky to have won despite the Cardinal players that were out. They play again, which is likely, Mayfield is a heavy favorite and for good reason. I'm guessing you were not at this game or you would have known this.

Mayfield may very well get beat this week and next, they play 2 of the 3 teams (Lone Oak being the other) in the deep West that appear to be playing the best football in the area. I expect Mayfield to find a way to win atleast one of the two but even if they do not they will still be a favorite against Fulton City and should certainly make it atleast as far as Frankfort. From there it's unclear.


You make a good point that things will pick back up when we are 100%, but I think attitude has as much to do with it as injuries. They just don't seem to have the cohesiveness and team attitude they were playing with the first 6 games of the season......I hope they prove me wrong, but right now I am picking them to win two rounds of playoffs games, nothing more.

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You make a good point that things will pick back up when we are 100%, but I think attitude has as much to do with it as injuries. They just don't seem to have the cohesiveness and team attitude they were playing with the first 6 games of the season......I hope they prove me wrong, but right now I am picking them to win two rounds of playoffs games, nothing more.


I agree...I also too see that the attitude is not what it was the first six games...and I know they are trying to get that attitude and intensity back, and the next two weeks will tell alot about what this Cardinal team will have in the tank come playoff time. IF they can get back to where they were playing then I think they can be a force in the playoffs...but if they come out the next two weeks feeling sorry for themselves...then it will be a short playoff run.

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They have the leadership (a good group of seniors who take the game and tradition of Mayfield very seriously) but they can't do anything to the underclassmen that are spoiled and sometimes not coach able. The younger guys have been reading their paper clippings to much. You can talk till your face turns red but if they don't want to listen you can't make them.



Well, I know you know more than prob most of us since your boy plays on the team. I figured it was a few bad ones that was spoiling it for the rest of em, I really hope they come together as a team tonight, a win would be nice, but I first and foremost hope for the effort we saw in the first 6 games, thats all!!

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I think the possibility of a Raceland-LCA rematch would be interesting if both teams get by the 1st round.


LCA is almost a lock to be in the second round, Raceland has their work cut out for them on the other hand. Fairview is a strong football team that should not be taken lightly. For LCA they should not take Nicholas County lightly either though. Nicholas County is a good football team that has come a long way since last year, and I'm sure they would love to send the Eagles home packing in the first round.

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I think the possibility of a Raceland-LCA rematch would be interesting if both teams get by the 1st round.


This rematch is a possibility, but although raceland edged the Eagles in the season, you may want to check the schedules. In every game against mutual teams, Fairview has completely out played Raceland. I know that doesn't mean diddly when they play just something to think about. But whoever does win, likely goes to Lexington for what I think will be a very long night, LCA should dominate this distict in playoffs, too much talent and too good of a coaching staff.

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