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Colts vs Bears: Super Bowl thoughts/predictions.

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I think it depends on who gets up first. If Grossmen has to play comeback with the Colts pinning their ears back in 2 Deep then the Bears will shuffle back to Chicago. If the Bears can get up and pound the ball then I think they have the defense to give the Colts some problems. My biggest worry about the Bears staying in the game is Devin Hester vs the Colts coverage teams. They were AWFUL tonight!

In the end I just think the Colts will finally seal the deal!

Colts 27 Bears 20

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I wasn't sure where to post this, so I can go ahead and do it here.


I will take my crow with some A-1 sauce please! : )


Manning got the job done and he has one monkey off his back.


Chicago will not be given a chance by anyone and I'm fairly sure they are essentially going to use the same speech they gave before the Saints game. Manning is a better quarterback right now than Brees and he may have more weapons. The Colts defense will give up 150-200 yards on the ground and if Grossman passes for 150 that will be fine as well.


Manning will throw for 300 yards easily, just like the Saints game, this game will come down to turnovers. I know that's not a shocking revelation, but that's the deal. I'm VERY happy the national media will spend the next two weeks talking about the Manning family, Marvin Harrison and the beloved Colts. Just keep ignoring and disrespecting Chicago, fine by me.

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I know this means NOTHING to any of you, but thought you might find it interesting. I mentioned I'm in this playoff contest, and out of over 80 people, I'm one of only 13 that can win any jack. First place is a pretty healthy amount. Anyway, I thought you may find it interesting how the 13 people's picks shook out:


3 took New Orleans / Indy

5 took Chicago / Indy (including me)

4 took New Orleans / New England

1 took Chicago / New England (hero or goat...)


I think the balance underscores how tricky these games are this weekend.



Okay, now I'm down to one of 5 that have a chance to win some decent coin. I'm nearly sure that most if not all of the other 4 will choose Indy. Honestly, I'm leaning towards the Bears, but do I go with Indy to be safe and try to pick up the cash on a tie-breaker, or do I go against the stream and run with Chicago and either win the whole enchilada or fall out of the money. They pay the top 5 spots...5th place is $100.


What do you think?

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Honestly, the only thing I could ask for besides this Super Bowl is Bears/Bengals. I really like Peyton Manning and have been a Bears fan for a long time. I'm probably 60\40 pulling for the Bears...

:thumb: I agree with you on this. My favorite teams are the Bengals and the Browns but my favorite NFC team has always been the Bears. I like Manning also but will be rooting for .................Da Bears. I will wait on my prediction for this one. Indy should be the favorite, no question but I also believe that then Bears will decide to show up.:sssh: :D I am just gald that we have a Super Bowl w/o the Pats or Ravens.:ylsuper:

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I wonder how many times we will see the "Superbowl Shuffle" on the tube in the next 2 weeks...?

Not as much as the Manning commercials.:eek: :lol: . I am going to concentrate like GT said on NCAA basketball the next 2 weeks, then watch the Super Bowl and pull for the Bears.

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