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State Championship Rings


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In our house (THS) the coaches work with Balfour (Jewelry Store) and then consult with the SENIORS on the design of the ring. The order form come home to the parents in late January. Delivery time just befire SPRING BREAK! There are 3 choices: 1. BPS- Two precious white metal-silver and platinum, $339.00. 2.BPA- An exclusive yellow metal with silver, gold and palladium, $389.00. 3. 10K Gold, $560.00. The rings are customize with Name, Number and Position on side of the ring and name engraved on inside of ring. Get your check book out! It's worth it!! P.S. I bought two!!

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From what I have heard, coach Schneider at Newcath went to the trouble to get help from the boosters and other anonymous donors to pay for Newcath's 2005 state championship rings. He had made the point that he wanted everyone on the team to have the same ring, so money wouldn't be an issue for some kids who couldn't have afforded one of the "better" rings like some of the kids who were in families with more money. I though that this was very cool.

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From what I have heard, coach Schneider at Newcath went to the trouble to get help from the boosters and other anonymous donors to pay for Newcath's 2005 state championship rings. He had made the point that he wanted everyone on the team to have the same ring, so money wouldn't be an issue for some kids who couldn't have afforded one of the "better" rings like some of the kids who were in families with more money. I though that this was very cool.



The Russell 05 team did the same thing. Myself, Coach McGlone and The AD sat down and met with Balfour and designed the rings. We then presented the design to the seniors for approval. We went win gold selenium for the cost savings. Still had to raise almost 15,000. But the parents had to option to help raise money or donate. We never sent order forms home. Everyone got the same ring so the issue whether they could afford it or not was not a factor.

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