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Terrell Owens' possible suicide attempt

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It's really sad that people are making jokes about this, shows what kind of people are around nowadays...

Not just this particular incident but T.O. has left himself open to ridicule over and over again. He obviously has some mental problems as does not belong in football untill he can get help if he needs it or he just shuts up and plays football w/o the circus, everyone is on to it by now.

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Yes it is news but I think it was all blown out of porportion by the news. I do not think it was a suicide attempt but weather it was or wasn't, it will be with him throughout his career & life. He can't do anything about it now. He's the only one who knows if he wanted to end his life at the time. Everything else is just speculation. I believe that it was a mixture of to many different meds @ the same time. Maybe I believe that because I along with alot of other people don't want to believe that he attempted suicide but nobody but him knows for sure if he did or did not.

:thumb: I agree and ESPN did run with it and make more out of it before they knew everything that they could. Other networks reported the same thing but didn't devote a days programming to it.

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Not just this particular incident but T.O. has left himself open to ridicule over and over again. He obviously has some mental problems as does not belong in football untill he can get help if he needs it or he just shuts up and plays football w/o the circus, everyone is on to it by now.

Doesn't matter what he does, what he's done, or what he will do. He's not a horrible person, and to make any jokes of him attempting suicide, whether true or not, is very, very sad....

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Interesting interview on Rome's show today, and it made since. Before the catch against GB in the playoffs he was Terell Owens, after that catch he became TO. Apparently he felt bad for dropping a few passes earlier in the game and after the game he thanked Steve Young for having faith in him. They said he still to this day thanks Young for that pass. That to me shows he's insecure even though he's one of the best in the game. Apparently he had a very sheltered life as a youth, his mother was 15 at birth, his father was his next door neighbor (had an affair with TO's mother) and to this day his father has never acknowledged his son (next door neighbor). They also said he had a crush on a girl around the age of 13 and he was told to stay away from the girl, he eventually found out she was his own sister. Apparently he had a very sheltered childhood and now he's getting all the attention he never received as a youth.

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Not just this particular incident but T.O. has left himself open to ridicule over and over again. He obviously has some mental problems as does not belong in football untill he can get help if he needs it or he just shuts up and plays football w/o the circus, everyone is on to it by now.



That must mean a suicide attempt is 100% out of the question. I know someone who attempted suicide and was let out of the hospital the next day. That's a fact. Tell me about this 72 hour waiting period all you want, but it does happen. I have to think if TO wanted out of the hospital then they would have let him out (probably into his publicist's care). She mentioned depression to the police and called it in as a "suicide attempt." As an athlete I'm 100% sure TO knows all about what painkillers do to his body. Talk all you want about that, but ask Brett Favre. I'm not sure about getting his stomach pumped, but I'd say it's quite possible that he got his stomach pumped, hit the road, took more supplements, and went to practice.


If he did commit suicide, would he have a press conference and say it? No chance, he would have done what he did today and blow it off as absurd. If he went to the hospital last night and they recovered the majority of the medicine before it was absorbed then he's recovered almost immediatley. Had medicine absorbed in his stomach a bit longer then they may have had to take him to the hospital.


For the last time, I seriously doubt that TO took a generic painkiller. I'm 90% (I'm normally 100) sure that a "hydrocodone" is Vicoden. Just because our mediocre insurance companies won't spring for the name brand doesn't mean the Cowboys won't. However, I would imagine that he was taking something stronger so he could endure workouts. Probably a Perk(sp)ecet.

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TO was never the one who claimed it was a suicide attempt. It may have been, but it could also just be he took a few too many pills on accident. Either way TO should receive no blame for this being blown out of proportion. It wasn't like he jumped outta the hospital bed and shouted, "I just attempted to kill myself!!!"


A lot of you are making fun of a man for possibly attempting to kill himself. That right there is a great sign of class and maturity. Keep it up, it'll get you far in life.

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TO was never the one who claimed it was a suicide attempt. It may have been, but it could also just be he took a few too many pills on accident. Either way TO should receive no blame for this being blown out of proportion. It wasn't like he jumped outta the hospital bed and shouted, "I just attempted to kill myself!!!"


A lot of you are making fun of a man for possibly attempting to kill himself. That right there is a great sign of class and maturity. Keep it up, it'll get you far in life.

Agreed 100%....

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As an athlete I'm 100% sure TO knows all about what painkillers do to his body. Talk all you want about that, but ask Brett Favre.


These are athletes, not doctors. Trust me, I know hundreds of athletes high school, collegiate and professional that take painkillers and supplements together without knowing what it could do to them. And whats the difference if he was taking HyrdroCo, Vicoden, or Percocet. Its not like he took the 35 like everyone was speculating. And I am sure that his pills aren't just lying in a drawer somewhere, they are probably in a bottle with other pills that he is taking, so that he has them all in one bottle instead of a bunch of different bottles, thats what I would do.

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These are athletes, not doctors. Trust me, I know hundreds of athletes high school, collegiate and professional that take painkillers and supplements together without knowing what it could do to them. And whats the difference if he was taking HyrdroCo, Vicoden, or Percocet. Its not like he took the 35 like everyone was speculating. And I am sure that his pills aren't just lying in a drawer somewhere, they are probably in a bottle with other pills that he is taking, so that he has them all in one bottle instead of a bunch of different bottles, thats what I would do.



He said in his PC they were in a drawer. You know plenty of professional athletes do you????? When you see TO tell him to lay off the meds. There isn't a difference in 35 pills, but 5 percs are a lot more potent then 5 of the others. TO has been hurt in the past. What are the supplements he's taking to make his finger heal?? Nothing I've heard of. I'm sure he's taking amino acids, possibly creatine, possibly NO2. Nothing that he I can imagine him taking can make him groggy and "incoherent" other than the percs, and he had to have taken a lot, or he doesn't know his body which is highly unlikely considering he's a professional athlete that's got one of the most athletic bodies in the world.

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I have taken dilantin for a small form of epilepsy which I have had for 28 years. Twelve years ago, I left Nashville and realized I hadn't taken my 3 pills from the night before so I thought I would double up and take 6 to make up for the missed day. I drove for hours and forgot I took the pills and redid the entire exercise again; I took 3 and 3 more to make up the missed day before: 12 pills instead of 3.


The next day I could barely walk. I went to the Dr. and my blood level was .34 instead of .10 which was what my medicine was supposed to be to not have a seizure. .40 would have been FATAL.


Accidents do happen. TO could have had one. If it wasn't one he is a tortured soul and should have our pity; if it was an accident, he should thank his lucky stars like I did.

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