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Game of Thrones: Season 7

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Euron's victory came a little too easy for me.


The Dragon fleet was split. A good portion were hauling the Unsullied to Casterly Rock. That may explain how easily Euron crushed his niece and nephew.


The Jorah operation scene was well acted. Jorah's arc must play in at the end because he's been saved too many times.

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The Dragon fleet was split. A good portion were hauling the Unsullied to Casterly Rock. That may explain how easily Euron crushed his niece and nephew.


The Jorah operation scene was well acted. Jorah's arc must play in at the end because he's been saved too many times.


Both characters are very good. Samwell has great conviction.

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I liked How Theon was done this ep, He seems to be the strong swordsman that is castle trained tearing up the iron born, but when he sees Euron's men carving people's tongues out and ear off he reverts to Reek and Nopes right out of there

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At least he did a visual representation of what the writers did to the Dorne storyline. If you aren't going to get it right, just end it. Thank God that's over with.


Unreal how bad they adapted the sandsnakes. We should all be happy its over.

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Thought last night's episode was the best so far and got the ball rolling.


What was up with Mel's prediction for Varys? He seemed shocked by it.


Cersei is going to screw up eventually, right?


Something bad is going to happen to Littlefinger or Sansa.

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Thought last night's episode was the best so far and got the ball rolling.


What was up with Mel's prediction for Varys? He seemed shocked by it.


Cersei is going to screw up eventually, right?


Something bad is going to happen to Littlefinger or Sansa.

You'd think. But so far Dany and her dream team have looked pretty bad. I have a feeling all of this is building to Dany hopping on a dragon and scorching the earth.
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You'd think. But so far Dany and her dream team have looked pretty bad. I have a feeling all of this is building to Dany hopping on a dragon and scorching the earth.


Was really hoping for a lot more of a chess match in this final war for the throne. So far you're right, House Targaryen and its allies look completely outmanouvred at every turn (especially against Euron's magical fleet of wizard ships that can sail into anywhere completely undected).


Just wanted a bit more. Heck, two castles changed hands in the span of about 40 seconds last night, either one of which would have been a half season arc in any previous season.

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You'd think. But so far Dany and her dream team have looked pretty bad. I have a feeling all of this is building to Dany hopping on a dragon and scorching the earth.


I read a comment from someone who thinks there's a double agent amongst Dany's group.


But I think she keeps losing for the show's expediency. They had to even the odds.

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Could "tell Cersi it was me" foreshadow an eventual rift between the Incest Twins? Jamie is fond of Tyrion, if he knows he didn't kill Joffrey and Cersi tries to do something to him could that be what turns Jamie against her?

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