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It appears the Democrats have enough votes to filibuster Neil Gorsuch confirmation.

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Although current talking points by the Dems call it the 60 vote rule, not a filibuster.


That said I hope that after the first vote is taken Mitch McConnell invokes the Reid Doctrine and changes Senate rules so that a simple majority will get him confirmed. It was good enough when their side had the White House for lifetime appointments to federal courts, it's good enough for this one.


This is a man that was unanimously confirmed to a lifetime post on the federal court of appeals just a few years ago.


The Democrats can say whatever they want but it's clear that this is part of a two fold strategy.


First, their desire to deny the current administration ANY legislative victory. After 7 years of screaming about Republican obstructionism it's obvious that they are perfectly happy to now play the same hand. We're in a never ending loop here where both sides refuse to give an inch on anything.


Second, they are still furious that McConnell refused to bring Merritt Garland up for a vote even though Joe Biden himself supported such action in the final year of the GWB presidency had a vacancy happened.


With Chuck Schumer and company currently harping about how catastrophic it will be for the rule to be changed to get Gorsuch confirmed does any seriously doubt that had roles been reversed last year and Dems held a slim majority in the Senate that they wouldn't have changed the rules in a second to get Garland confirmed?


I hope all of this cause several results. First, Gorsuch takes a seat on the Supreme Court. Second, while I certainly wish no harm to them, I hope that something happens so that one of the Court's staunchly left leaning votes (Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, Kagen) or Kennedy has to step aside and the current administration gets to nominate another Justice. Finally, I hope that McConnell has the stones to change the rules so that all matters before the Senate only require a simple majority. If that doesn't happen in today's toxic political environment nothing will ever get done again.

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I honestly support the confirmation of Gorsuch, BUT why should the democrats not make it hard: Americans have been rewarding obstructionism on Election Day.


I would say that the last election showed that Americans wanted change from the status quo and currently all BOTH sides are doing is maintaining the status quo. Every one wants one side to give a little when it's their side demanding the other side give.

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McConnell said yesterday that Gorsuch would be comfirmed this week and it would be up to the Democrats how that happened. All but confirming he would go nuclear. Say what you will about McConnell when he says it he means it. It is a done deal.

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McConnell said yesterday that Gorsuch would be comfirmed this week and it would be up to the Democrats how that happened. All but confirming he would go nuclear. Say what you will about McConnell when he says it he means it. It is a done deal.


Yep...it has to be. If McConnell let Schumer win and block Gorsuch, the Republican Party would literally implode. If Trump cannot get a guy as squeaky clean as Gorsuch confirmed with a majority in the Senate, the R's would be seen as worthless...and rightfully so. And whether or not the R's use the nuclear option now, the Dems would not even hesitate to use it if and when roles are reversed in the future.

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The Dems can harp all they want. If Mitch changes the rules, they only have themselves to blame for doing it in the first place.


Did rules ever 'change back' from when Reed changed them?


(Not that two 'wrongs' make a right....but as Trey Gowdy said when rules, laws, etc. were being flaunted a few years ago - "tommorrow is coming." and tomorrow is here...)

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I watched a few hours of his hearings where he was being questioned, it's hard to think of anything he said which someone could use to oppose him. 20-30 years ago he would have been confirmed with 90% vote...but today everything is about posturing and pure politics (on both sides) it's rare that someone actually does the right thing anymore. They do what ever the ® or (D) next to their name says they should.

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