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Disney airs first ever gay kiss/scene in cartoon

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Way overdue. Seriously.

These are 3-10 year olds watching this. Not adults.


Another way to try to make kids think it's cool to be gay or to try being gay.


So it isn't cool to be gay. Seems like adults are bothered more than a kid would be. Only way a kid would be is if the parents told them there was something wrong with it.


Let's raise another generation of homophobic attitudes, that will stop the divide. I will never get the hate.

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So it isn't cool to be gay. Seems like adults are bothered more than a kid would be. Only way a kid would be is if the parents told them there was something wrong with it.


Let's raise another generation of homophobic attitudes, that will stop the divide. I will never get the hate.


My kids do think that was stupid and not right.

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Disney is very calculating. With the first gay character coming in a live action movie on "The Beauty and the Beast", I think this was a test balloon to preempt any backlash for the upcoming movie.


What character is gay in the new version of the movie?


I sure hope you don't say Lumiere. That dude had all the ladies in the original.

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Well I can say 100% I will raise my kids knowing/thinking it's wrong.

It's against my Christian belief and hopefully they pay attention in church too.



Yeah, let's hope they do just that. If they pay REAL close attention and really fine tune their spiritual selves, they'll easily come to understand that none of the anti-gay rhetoric they hear from many church-going people have anything to do with true spirituality.

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Never, ever ceases to amaze me how uptight some people are when it comes to sexuality. Fortunately, nowadays, only a fringe segment of the Christian right sees a gay kiss in a cartoon as a big deal. Wasn't it Falwell that had a hissy fit over one of the Teletubbies? There are a few Falwell's that remain but they are rapidly becoming more and more irrelevant.

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