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Disney airs first ever gay kiss/scene in cartoon

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Personally I'm living in the now, and I don't have time for science or religion to answer the questions about my life that I myself am as capable of, if not more so than they are to answer for myself.


Living in the now? It seems a little short-sighted to me. But it is your right. Personally I try to think beyond the now, to plan for the future and to learn from the past.

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Living in the now? It seems a little short-sighted to me. But it is your right. Personally I try to think beyond the now, to plan for the future and to learn from the past.


But you don't know anything for certain, and what I do know for certain is that I am alive now.


What a wasted life for me to plan for the unknown when I can be following my true nature now and not someone else's false unprovable understanding of it.


What a wasted life that I don't be myself because others don't understand, or they follow unprovable beliefs from man-made religion.


I certainly can't live my life after I'm dead, and if you say there's life after death, you can't honestly say you know for sure. If you say that you know for certain you are being delusional, and you're lying to yourself and others.


It makes absolutely no sense if there was a god, for that god to make the unknown so unknowable, then have some humans or a "savior" translate that god's intent and expect other humans to take heed to it or else.


There are human's all over this planet being raised with different religions. That we know for certain, and within human behavior is their habit of believing in the unknown even if that unknown is a different belief than other religions and consider it to be the truth and passing it on throughout generations year after year, decade after decade, century after century.


Religion is human behavior and the continuum of human behavior over time.


Does your god take into account all of these things and that some humans might have trouble simply surrendering to concepts that lack logic or came from obvious human invention?


"Too bad you questioning unbelieving human because other humans claim to have the answer and you must follow it or else".


How ridiculous is that?


Sounds a whole bit to me like a load of man-made concepts trying to provide and settle on answers for the unknown with no way of possibly knowing. It has humanity written all over it. The whole language of religion has humans written all over it.


You too have the right to believe what you want too, and I'm all for your freedom to do so, but it's so incredibly ridiculous for someone who can't honestly say that they truly know the answers to smugly turn to someone else with no proof and act like they do have proof when they mostly certainly do not.


You're following the unprovable teachings from a book that we do know for certain was written by men and that's all we know, and to say that it's anything beyond that is more likely absurd than if it were true.


Is it true?... you don't know and you can't say for certain that it is. You believe it to be because you were raised to believe it to be and it's so ingrained in your behavior that it's difficult to think any other way, not to mention how it has its built-in guilt factor to guard you from questioning it, or dare disbelieve it.


There very possibly could be a supreme being, but even if there were we'd have no way of knowing. I'm not even denying that there couldn't be, but why on earth would that god be so Planet Earth centric in this whole entire Universe?


Sounds a bit human earthling centric to me and a ton of man-made concepts.


Religion claims to explain the ultimate unknowable truth instead of facing humanity's limitations of knowing the ultimate unknowable truth.


Science at least admits this and tries to further understand. Religion does not try to understand for it's too busy claiming to know.


I'll take my chances with reality and what I do know for certain.

Edited by B-Ball-fan
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Living in the now? It seems a little short-sighted to me. But it is your right. Personally I try to think beyond the now, to plan for the future and to learn from the past.


The other peculiar thing about religion with its built-in guilt factor is to pass the notion that it's honorable to have "faith" even it there's no proof. You're a good devout humble servant of the teachings of religion if you "just believe".


I'll assume that you would've considered the beliefs of Heaven's Gate and the followers as being bat crap crazy. How is it they came to believe such nonsense you might ask? Their beliefs seemed so far fetched.


Yours beliefs don't seem far fetched to you because of hearing them your whole life. To others your beliefs seem as far fetched as does the beliefs of Heaven's Gate.

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I'm not running from you or hiding. But like I think I have said before, I respect what you think and I'm proud you stand up for,what you believe.

You have definitely given me plenty to think about and ponder on and I appreciate that.

While I still think I'm right, I'm not above being proven wrong either. But there is now way to prove either of us right or wrong IMO.


I still feel doing the homosexual scenes or innuendo stuff in kids cartoons or movies is wrong.


What's to prove?


I'm gay and that's a fact.


Millions of people are gay and that a fact.


Me being gay is not an "opinion", it's a reality, so therefore nothing to prove.


Your disapproval of it is an "opinion" and religious beliefs are "unprovable".


I think all homos should forego their natural reality and take heed to your "unprovable opinion"


Sure, makes sense, doesn't it?


Homosexuality is a true facet of the human condition and is a reality for a very significant portion of humanity. It's only made out to be a problem by humans who don't understand it and perpetrate the notion that homosexuals are disgusting sinners. That's their misguided perception which is created from fear and misunderstanding.


Folks like that are nuts if they think that their misguided misunderstanding will dictate my life. That's YOUR problem, not mine.


Straight people are represented all the time within movies. What's so wrong about presenting gay people too?


Are we afraid of the truth?


Are we afraid to perhaps finally understand?


The reason that we were lurking in the shadows in hiding for so long is because of a society that forced us to. That can appear to be a maladjusted existence. You know why? Because it is... No human with dignity should have to live like that and thankfully we have come a long way to stop the nonsense, and personally I will call anyone out without hesitation who continues to perpetrate the notion that we are deviants and tries to keep us in hiding.


It's time to get real.

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I dunno.... Just an observation, but it is ironic to me that those who are less likely to put their faith in a deity are those who are more likely to put their faith in government. Or maybe a discussion for another day.

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What's to prove?


I'm gay and that's a fact.


Millions of people are gay and that a fact.


Me being gay is not an "opinion", it's a reality, so therefore nothing to prove.


Your disapproval of it is an "opinion" and religious beliefs are "unprovable".


I think all homos should forego their natural reality and take heed to your "unprovable opinion"


Sure, makes sense, doesn't it?


Homosexuality is a true facet of the human condition and is a reality for a very significant portion of humanity. It's only made out to be a problem by humans who don't understand it and perpetrate the notion that homosexuals are disgusting sinners. That's their misguided perception which is created from fear and misunderstanding.


Folks like that are nuts if they think that their misguided misunderstanding will dictate my life. That's YOUR problem, not mine.


Straight people are represented all the time within movies. What's so wrong about presenting gay people too?


Are we afraid of the truth?


Are we afraid to perhaps finally understand?


The reason that we were lurking in the shadows in hiding for so long is because of a society that forced us to. That can appear to be a maladjusted existence. You know why? Because it is... No human with dignity should have to live like that and thankfully we have come a long way to stop the nonsense, and personally I will call anyone out without hesitation who continues to perpetrate the notion that we are deviants and tries to keep us in hiding.


It's time to get real.


I am real and I have my own real opinion.


I like to think I can think for myself and not be chastised for not believing what others believe or think.


I like to think I can believe in what the Bible says. Yeah man wrote it while inspired by God.


You dont have to see things to believe in them.


I respect your opinion and ideas, but that dont mean I have to accept of believe them.


just because yo usay you were born gay dont mean people are born that way. I wasn't born gay so my argument can go that way too.


Regardless I dont think Disney should subject young kids to this. Its a turn off to some, while some may applaud it. How about just doing nothing.

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I dunno.... Just an observation, but it is ironic to me that those who are less likely to put their faith in a deity are those who are more likely to put their faith in government. Or maybe a discussion for another day.


You and @Pioneer.Pride have both alluded to this but where throughout this thread has anyone spoken in such a way for it to be considered a valid or contentious point? It certainly was never said by me and I've probably been the most outspoken one here.

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Amen to that brother.


Once I was on a long flight to England where every seat came with a private video screen to watch movies. Sitting directly in front of me was a man and woman, and their 3 year old daughter.


The child was sitting right next to daddy and was fussy the entire time (annoying yes, but not terribly unusual for a kid of that age). Pretty much ruined any chance of catching a wink, and then at the end of the flight she finally did fall asleep and fussed and whined about waking to get off the plane.


I could see through the seat that the whole flight dad watched one machine gun fight movie after the other. Scene after scene of guns guns guns death death death violence violence violence.


I can't say for sure that this is what kept the child in an irritable mood, but it certainly would make one wonder. If I had a kid the last thing that I'm doing is sitting next to them for 8 hours watching heads being blown off one by one.


The whole tough guy action/murder/war/guns/violence movies seem for some to be like a right of passage into manhood. Almost like Dad's cool with his little Johnny being schooled in the whole butt kicking genre to toughen him up.


But how dare a movie depict the true reality of same sex love when just about 99 percent of every movie ever made freely depicts straight relationships?


Gay relationships are real and exist all around us. We as a culture can either continue to try to pass the notion that it's wrong and keep it in hiding, or face the reality of it and embrace it as one true facet of humanity.


If there's an agenda at all it's to once and for all finally to start getting real.


I didn't grow up with gay movies, so how did I turn out to be gay? No matter how many hundreds of straight movies I've seen in my life, I was going to be gay anyhow.


If you really want to get real there's more gay relationships in this world than people running around with machine guns shooting people up, yet we're cool with one violent murder movie after the other.


Gayness is real, always has been, always will be, it's not going anywhere so might as well get used to it, and maybe even try to start to understand it rather than letting misguided information continue to forever control your thinking about it.


I shudder to think how many perfectly decent teen kids over the years have committed suicide because of the fear and abandonment they felt knowing that they were gay in a unaccepting mean spirited hateful society, and didn't know how they were going to handle negative reaction from family and friends, and could no longer handle the suffocation in their what feels like an eternal closet.


It's hard for kids to process that time will pass and they'll be able to get on with their lives no matter how ignorant their parents are, but even still it'll play heavy on their hearts that their parents will never understand and accept them.


So why not open this reality up in movies where we can start changing that negative image in society into a more accepting positive one where the world begins to come around to understanding it rather that stay misinformed and fearful, and perpetrating unfounded and unnecessary hatred?


Over the last few years I've given plenty of things for @mountain ref to ponder outside of whatever he's been exposed to, or lack there of to intelligently reconsider the negative attitude he has toward the topic, yet no matter what he's only happy when he can remain negative about it.


What's up with that?


He's been right on the edge of understanding numerous times, yet that lifetime fixed notion he has will overrule any and all new logical information that he's been exposed to, yet he'll speak with so called authority on a matter where he stands only to continue to perpetrate misinformation, and hatred, and disgust towards millions of his fellow men and women who have no other agenda than to live happy loving lives being true to themselves.


Dude, if any of your kids do turn out to be gay it's because they naturally are, and it won't be because they saw a same sex kiss in a cartoon. If you really loved and cared about them you would better serve their lives by trying to understand them rather than condemn them.


Being how you are I sincerely hope that none of them are, but if they are and unless you get a grip, you're going to make your kid miserable if Dad can't bring himself to get over his obsession with staying negative. Your kid is more important than your fascination with feeling morally superior to others when you're painfully not.




It may have a psychological explanation. Words of wisdom from Shakespeare in Hamlet " : "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." There is usually a reason when a person is overly aggressive and repetitive in their condemnation of something or someone. I remember as a child watching Jimmy Swaggart sermons on TV. Week after week he harped on how terrible pornography and perversion was and how Christians should stay away from it. There wasn't a week that he didn't spend time condemning porn and some sort of sexual "perversion." We all know what befell Mr Swaggart. He was engaging in the very acts that he so often condemned. I have also known multiple people who have harshly criticized homosexuality, only to have it revealed later that they were dealing with this very issue in their own lives. So, like I said, there is often some psychology going on below the surface.

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But you don't know anything for certain, and what I do know for certain is that I am alive now.


What a wasted life for me to plan for the unknown when I can be following my true nature now and not someone else's false unprovable understanding of it.


What a wasted life that I don't be myself because others don't understand, or they follow unprovable beliefs from man-made religion.


I certainly can't live my life after I'm dead, and if you say there's life after death, you can't honestly say you know for sure. If you say that you know for certain you are being delusional, and you're lying to yourself and others.


It makes absolutely no sense if there was a god, for that god to make the unknown so unknowable, then have some humans or a "savior" translate that god's intent and expect other humans to take heed to it or else.


There are human's all over this planet being raised with different religions. That we know for certain, and within human behavior is their habit of believing in the unknown even if that unknown is a different belief than other religions and consider it to be the truth and passing it on throughout generations year after year, decade after decade, century after century.


Religion is human behavior and the continuum of human behavior over time.


Does your god take into account all of these things and that some humans might have trouble simply surrendering to concepts that lack logic or came from obvious human invention?


"Too bad you questioning unbelieving human because other humans claim to have the answer and you must follow it or else".


How ridiculous is that?


Sounds a whole bit to me like a load of man-made concepts trying to provide and settle on answers for the unknown with no way of possibly knowing. It has humanity written all over it. The whole language of religion has humans written all over it.


You too have the right to believe what you want too, and I'm all for your freedom to do so, but it's so incredibly ridiculous for someone who can't honestly say that they truly know the answers to smugly turn to someone else with no proof and act like they do have proof when they mostly certainly do not.


You're following the unprovable teachings from a book that we do know for certain was written by men and that's all we know, and to say that it's anything beyond that is more likely absurd than if it were true.


Is it true?... you don't know and you can't say for certain that it is. You believe it to be because you were raised to believe it to be and it's so ingrained in your behavior that it's difficult to think any other way, not to mention how it has its built-in guilt factor to guard you from questioning it, or dare disbelieve it.


There very possibly could be a supreme being, but even if there were we'd have no way of knowing. I'm not even denying that there couldn't be, but why on earth would that god be so Planet Earth centric in this whole entire Universe?


Sounds a bit human earthling centric to me and a ton of man-made concepts.


Religion claims to explain the ultimate unknowable truth instead of facing humanity's limitations of knowing the ultimate unknowable truth.


Science at least admits this and tries to further understand. Religion does not try to understand for it's too busy claiming to know.


I'll take my chances with reality and what I do know for certain.



This post should be required reading, especially for young people who are still flexible in their thoughts and beliefs. Truly impressive insights.

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I am real and I have my own real opinion.


I like to think I can think for myself and not be chastised for not believing what others believe or think.


I like to think I can believe in what the Bible says. Yeah man wrote it while inspired by God.


You dont have to see things to believe in them.


I respect your opinion and ideas, but that dont mean I have to accept of believe them.


just because yo usay you were born gay dont mean people are born that way. I wasn't born gay so my argument can go that way too.


Regardless I dont think Disney should subject young kids to this. Its a turn off to some, while some may applaud it. How about just doing nothing.


The difference between you and I here is that it's not my opinion that I'm gay, and it's not an opinion that religion is the belief in the unprovable.


Your thoughts on homosexuality are indeed an opinion spawned by both your unprovable religious beliefs, and I suspect too from an upbringing of societal negative attitudes.


You are indeed free to stay right where you are on the matter, but if you feel at all chastised I do not sympathize with you one iota because it has been the same attitude as yours that contributed to making the lives of so many others so miserable for so long, as well as numerous teen suicides who felt chastised for simply just being who they are in an unaccepting hateful stubborn backward society who used religion to try to justify their hate, and when it was simply their own ignorance, fear, and misunderstanding that was at the root of their negative attitude.


You may have this attitude and opinion all that you want but after hearing this same nonsense my whole life you can expect with certain guarantee that you will get no pass from me on it, and I will call you out every time without hesitation.


Some will say that I'd be more inclined to gain acceptance if I didn't throw it in people's faces. I've no reason to throw it in anyone's faces, but I also have no reason to live my life in hiding either. I should be as free to speak of my life just as anyone does without worrying about who can't accept it. Everyone here is free to refer to their husbands, and wives, etc...and no one bats a lash, and I wouldn't expect anyone to, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna skirt around anyone in this world because they're too ignorant to handle me just being who I am.


I grew up with heterosexuality right in my face and didn't object, and with that I also watched throughout my life straight people ridicule and demean homosexuals not even realizing sometimes when there were gay people in their company, and because of their ignorant stereotyping simply assumed that everyone was straight while they continued to create an atmosphere that made it socially acceptable to mistreat, slander, insult, ridicule, and discriminate against perfectly decent peaceful people.


I can't care if straight people feel like it's being thrown in their faces. They certainly didn't care how their ignorance for so very long set a pace in society for so many years to destroy or hinder the lives of others.


Just as they didn't hesitate to wear their ignorant homophobia on their sleeves, I'm wearing my objection to them right on mine.


I've no reason to dance around their toes for fear of ruffling their feathers. They didn't give a crap for years how they messed with the lives of other so if I hear or see people continuing to spit this same ignorance I will relentlessly tell them that they can shove it. I have no patience for them. They've had all evidence that they've needed to get a clue, and if after that they still won't then it's apparent to me that they've got issues and simply don't want to understand for whatever variety of reasons it makes them more comfortable to remain ignorant.


You continue to perpetrate ignorant rhetoric, expect me to call you out. I'm not avoiding your toes, I'm aiming directly at stomping on them (figuratively speaking of course).

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Secular humanism is not a new concept. And my earlier post is not responding to any particular post, but is merely an observation. For myself I don't have faith that an entity such as a government is infallible and capable in and of itself making good decisions regarding my welfare. The irony to me is that those who eschew religion are often willing to accede inordinate power to a central authority run by very fallible humans.

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This post should be required reading, especially for young people who are still flexible in their thoughts and beliefs. Truly impressive insights.


Are you aware of the literacy rates of today's youth?

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But you don't know anything for certain


You are correct. I just think I can learn from my past and try to be better in the future. Living in the now seems irresponsible. At least I think it would be irresponsible for me to live like that.


But hey, its America.

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You are correct. I just think I can learn from my past and try to be better in the future. Living in the now seems irresponsible. At least I think it would be irresponsible for me to live like that.


But hey, its America.


Perhaps you're misunderstanding my meaning of "living now".


I don't mean it in the irresponsible sense like I just got my paycheck and I'm gonna spend it all up this weekend because "I'm living for today man"...


...It's more from a realism perspective of accepting my limitations of what I can know, and emphasizing and realistically approaching life with what I do know.


Realism is the key word here, and at the risk of using a man created term, existentialism is the focus.


The nice thing about existentialism though is that it's void of established man-made concepts for the sake of existing within one's own reality and living accordingly with the awareness of one's human limitations of knowing the ultimate truth, and following a practical life that coincides with one's own truth and reality.


Sensible, practical, harmoniously navigating trough life being as truthful to one's self in the most realistic way possible void of unprovable concepts dictating one's existence.


Not at all meant to be interpreted as air-headed and carefree to the point of irresponsible stupidity. Not the same thing at all.


As in 'living now" because realistically that's at the very least what we can possibly know for certain.

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