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Shelby Valley 79 Phelps 6


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I was surprised and disappointed in SV, not for scoring that much, but for the WAY they scored late in the game with a giant lead. Granted, they didn't have a lot of bench to work with, with an estimated 25 players total on the roster. However, even after the running clock took effect, they play calleing was anything but conservative as it appeared they opened it up after that.


It was not nice.

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Phelps has alot of work to do and Shelby Valley kept their big players in all game. Big John was on the field almost the whole game.


That is really uncalled for, especially as the game was already well in hand. I can see giving starters some extended work being it is the first season game, but there is a time to eventually sub in the junior varsity, and this time comes a little before 60+. I know the bench isn't really deep, but with the game well in hand what better time to give the other guys a chance to play? None-the-less, congrats to Shelby Valley on the win, and best of luck to Phelps for the rest of the season.

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Agreed. Not a good way for a new coach to introduce himself to KY football. Don't worry Phelps. Belfry will give it back to Shelby Valley for ya. Not by running it up, but by letting them know how it feels to be outmatched.

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No it was not nice and not classy. The trick play on the 2 point conversion really got me mad. They arent improved they are worse than last year. I thought until seeing this game they would get the 4th seed and they still may depending on PC. But I doubt it. They will get theirs though from Pburg prolly. I mean to leave yoru starters on the field and runt hat wide open is uncalled for.

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Coach Saunders told the boys at half-time that the score was 0-0 not 35-6 or whatever it was so he said to go out and play like it was the beggining of the game and thats exactly what they did....its not there job to let up, it was phelps job to stop them and they couldnt do it. And its kinda of hard to sub in a jv team when there isnt one...they have cancelled all jv games they have scheduled is what i heard.

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Coach Saunders told the boys at half-time that the score was 0-0 not 35-6 or whatever it was so he said to go out and play like it was the beggining of the game and thats exactly what they did....its not there job to let up, it was phelps job to stop them and they couldnt do it. And its kinda of hard to sub in a jv team when there isnt one...they have cancelled all jv games they have scheduled is what i heard.



That still doesn't give them a reason to score 79 points. That truly is sickening. That's not right for the Phelps players who've actually worked hard, and the parents who try to support what little of a program they have left..

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Coach Saunders told the boys at half-time that the score was 0-0 not 35-6 or whatever it was so he said to go out and play like it was the beggining of the game and thats exactly what they did....its not there job to let up, it was phelps job to stop them and they couldnt do it. And its kinda of hard to sub in a jv team when there isnt one...they have cancelled all jv games they have scheduled is what i heard.


Questionable coaching job last night(throwing the football when up by 50+points,trickery on two point conversion,starters in the game in the final 2 minutes)...cancelled jv season...only 25 players on a AA roster...

Is the SV program in real trouble???


This is not a bash but a legitimate question.

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Sure sounds like it was a little much. However, Shelby Valley was coming off a pretty hard switch to the bare bottom last Saturday when they scrimmaged Johnson Central, but it was a classy spanking. I saw well-mannered players and fans, so that only leaves to question the one who calls the plays.

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I thought last week watching Shelby Valley scrimmage JC that they could have a descent season in class 2A. I was suprised by the amount of players that they had but i guess that all that matters is winning with however many players you have. Although i dont agree with passing the ball late in the game if its already over. That disrespectful, with 25 players you cant do alot of subbing but you can run the ball.

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When the continous clock is running, does it really matter whether a team runs or throws? The clock will run regardless. Jenkins apparently couldn't stop their run so why not pass? Maybe Shelby Valley views a pass the same way most of us view jus running up the middle. I've seen teams score in the 70s by running up the middle and scoring on four straight carries. Then what do you do? Further humiliate them and take a knee?


I don't have a horse in this race, but I never understood what the big brouhaha was about when a team passed when the running clock was going because the same amount of time ticks off the clock.

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