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Guess Title IX only applies to regular season?

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Sweet 16 Boys at Rupp. Sweet 16 Girls never at Rupp.


35th District Boys play at Regents Hall on NKU Campus last year. Get to play at Holmes this year. 35th District Girls stuck elsewhere.


So I guess the KHSAA only worries about Title IX stuff during the regular season when it only costs the individual schools money?

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Are the gyms being used sub-standard? I doubt it. Title IX probable doesn't address the prestige of a venue that is used. Only difference in playing Girls Sweet 16 at WKU, EKU or Rupp is the prestige of the arena. Yes it would be awesome for the girls to play at Rupp...but for me I think most would just as soon play at Memorial (Home of UK Hoops) as Rupp.

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Sweet 16 Boys at Rupp. Sweet 16 Girls never at Rupp.


35th District Boys play at Regents Hall on NKU Campus last year. Get to play at Holmes this year. 35th District Girls stuck elsewhere.


So I guess the KHSAA only worries about Title IX stuff during the regular season when it only costs the individual schools money?


That's not a title IX issue. So do you have a daughter that plays?

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Are the gyms being used sub-standard? I doubt it. Title IX probable doesn't address the prestige of a venue that is used. Only difference in playing Girls Sweet 16 at WKU, EKU or Rupp is the prestige of the arena. Yes it would be awesome for the girls to play at Rupp...but for me I think most would just as soon play at Memorial (Home of UK Hoops) as Rupp.



In the case of the 35th district while the Beechwood gym is not substandard for a high school game there is a reason the Boys district game are not played there.

And if it is because of the fact that everyone who wanted to see the Boys games could not fit that would be correct. But then why enforce Title IX rules throughout the year (Prime times, prime dates) for the Girls but then decide ...well they can fit all their fans in a small gym so it won't matter.


As for the Sweet 16 it is obviously a money thing with the Girls not being able to use Rupp as the cost would be high and the attendance would not support the expense. Fine. But then don't enforce the Title IX rules that cost schools money all year long by having Boys games on Wednesday nights and Girls in Prime Time Fridays. If the KHSAA is going to stick with that then the Girls should be in Rupp for the Sweet 16.

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That's not a title IX issue. So do you have a daughter that plays?


No daughter that plays. But how is it not a Title IX issue? If Title IX KHSAA guidlines include girls getting the equal opportunity to play on Friday and Saturday nights and even goes as far as telling schools what percentage of Boys/ Girls doubleheaders that the Boys can play second............how is the Boys playing at Rupp Arena year after year and the Girls never playing a Rupp Arena not similar. Isn't the idea of equal opportunity what it is all about?

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Frank, you've got no leg to stand on here.


Re 35th: I'm sure the girls could play at Regents if they wanted to. No one is keeping them from playing there. Host school gets to make that call.


Rupp/Diddle are the same - big college arenas.

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They don't play at Rupp because 20K people do not go watch girls basketball games. WKU, IMO, is an excellent venue for girls sweet 16. Perfect size, great city, generally an easy travel for most. With that being said, in the 4th region, both boys and girls play their region tournaments at WKU.

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You all are making my point. If under Title IX Rupp/Diddle can be considered equal. If playing at Beechwood and not at Holmes is considered equal and maybe because the Girls coaches, players, fans prefer it that way.............then way does the KHSAA tell Girls teams they must play on a Friday night (often opposite other Boys games including their own school) or that they must play the second game of a doubleheader instead of the first X percent of the time. What if the Girls decide they would rather play on Thursdays and have the night to themselves?

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You all are making my point. If under Title IX Rupp/Diddle can be considered equal. If playing at Beechwood and not at Holmes is considered equal and maybe because the Girls coaches, players, fans prefer it that way.............then way does the KHSAA tell Girls teams they must play on a Friday night (often opposite other Boys games including their own school) or that they must play the second game of a doubleheader instead of the first X percent of the time. What if the Girls decide they would rather play on Thursdays and have the night to themselves?


Two unrelated issues.


The Friday/Saturday/DH issue is about what is considered "prime time." I'd argue it hurts a school's overall athletic budget but the argument could be made by girls that playing M/Th instead of on a Friday evening is relegating them to a lesser status.


You can't make that same argument in regards to Rupp/Diddle or where the 35th is held.

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What makes Rupp better than Diddle? Number of seats, prestiege, or UK plays there. Diddle has history, on a college campus, and has better seating. Playing the girls in Diddle is not going to be a title IX violation. Its the same arugment every year. Its basically a UK thing. The girls want to play in Rupp. You would probably have people complain if the girls played their finals in the Yum Center.

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What makes Rupp better than Diddle? Number of seats, prestiege, or UK plays there. Diddle has history, on a college campus, and has better seating. Playing the girls in Diddle is not going to be a title IX violation. Its the same arugment every year. Its basically a UK thing. The girls want to play in Rupp. You would probably have people complain if the girls played their finals in the Yum Center.
That's a certainty.
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What makes Rupp better than Diddle? Number of seats, prestiege, or UK plays there. Diddle has history, on a college campus, and has better seating. Playing the girls in Diddle is not going to be a title IX violation. Its the same arugment every year. Its basically a UK thing. The girls want to play in Rupp. You would probably have people complain if the girls played their finals in the Yum Center.


Not to mention, the Bowling Green are is very proud to host the Girls Sweet Sixteen. I believe Bowlig Green is home to 5 state championship events every year and they have no intention of lsoign any of them. I'd say Bowling Green will do all they can to keep the Girls Sweet Sixteen at Diddle. After watching a WKU game this year I'd say the Boys Sweet Sixteen would be better at Diddle as well.

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