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I want Romney's accountant. (14% Fed. Income tax rate is sweet.)


More than the vast majority of tax payers....so what is sweet about it?


And it does not take a super accountant. Romney's income is mainly capital gains. The current rate is 15% for capital gains. They still get a few deductions and whala - 14%. The math is easy.

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More than the vast majority of tax payers....so what is sweet about it?


And it does not take a super accountant. Romney's income is mainly capital gains. The current rate is 15% for capital gains. They still get a few deductions and whala - 14%. The math is easy.


Flotsam = working slob. Very little income taxed at the capital gain rate. Most shekels earned taxed as ordinary income.

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Flotsam = working slob. Very little income taxed at the capital gain rate. Most shekels earned taxed as ordinary income.


And at the federal rate those skekels that should be well less than 14%. You have to get into AMT territory ($150K+) to get into an effective rate of 15%.

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And at the federal rate those skekels that should be well less than 14%. You have to get into AMT territory ($150K+) to get into an effective rate of 15%.


The marginal tax rate of a married couple filing jointly who earn 150k is 28%.

The marginal tax rate of a married couple filing jointly bumps up to 25% at 70,701.

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