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Couple Breaks Kid's Heart


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My guess is the guy with the frosted hair was frosted over the fact that couple squeezed a kid that size in with them versus buying him his own seat. That had to make for a fun evening.

It also didn't look like he saw the kid at first, then it was all about the gal!

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I noticed the older guy had a ring on a certain finger...think that was his wife? I'd laugh hard if it wasn't and somehow his wife saw this...karma at it's finest lol.


That was the thought going through my mind as I watched those two. Have you ever seen adults as overjoyed at getting a ball that was tossed into the stands? They didn't even really catch a foul ball. A player tossed it into the stands. They acted like they just caught Aaron's #715.

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I, too was angry, until I realized that the ball wouldn't have fit in that kid's mouth anyway.


Doubtful that the kid is old enough to appreciate a major league souvenir. He's just crying because he didn't get his way.

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That was the thought going through my mind as I watched those two. Have you ever seen adults as overjoyed at getting a ball that was tossed into the stands? They didn't even really catch a foul ball. A player tossed it into the stands. They acted like they just caught Aaron's #715.


I had a very similar thing happen to me with my grandson. My 3 grandkids get to a lot of games with me and we are usually in my seats in right field behind Jay Bruce. My oldest granddaughter gets balls thrown to her all the time by Jay but my 8 year old grandson has never been lucky to get one. We were in different seats one night in the 2nd row and Jay spotted him and even pointed right at him. My grandson had his glove and reached out to catch it and some older clown in front of us grabbed it and acted just like what you said, like it was #715. My grandson reacted the same way and everybody around the guy in the 1st row told him he made a mistake and should give it to my grandson. Not a chance he acted like he had just found gold. Needless to say I would have probably made a scene had it been someone else's kid and I wasn't with my grandson but that's the way some people are.

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