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Weekly Mayfield/ Beechwood thread

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Not to stop any further conversation on the subject, but, it has seemed to be a 2 team race in most peoples minds, but, as the season moves on, I'm becoming more and more impressed with both Hazard and Holy Cross. I remember in 1998, all year long, it was Bwood this, Mayfield that and then out of nowhere, Middlesboro takes both teams to the woodshed. I think everyone knew MBoro had a good team, but, I don't think many folks would have predicted them beating both that year. Just wondering if there's a team out there like that this year.

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Not to stop any further conversation on the subject, but, it has seemed to be a 2 team race in most peoples minds, but, as the season moves on, I'm becoming more and more impressed with both Hazard and Holy Cross. I remember in 1998, all year long, it was Bwood this, Mayfield that and then out of nowhere, Middlesboro takes both teams to the woodshed. I think everyone knew MBoro had a good team, but, I don't think many folks would have predicted them beating both that year. Just wondering if there's a team out there like that this year.
Everybody knew Middlesboro had a great team that year. I don't know anyone that was surprised when they won the state title, because they had been building that team for two years.
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Everybody knew Middlesboro had a great team that year. I don't know anyone that was surprised when they won the state title, because they had been building that team for two years.


Maybe, but, BWood had dominated the year before and Mayfield had beaten Hopkinsville and several other highly ranked teams and was undefeated and MBoro had lost the opening game of the year to Bell and kinda moved there way up the polls throughout the year as others were losing, but, they never got ranked higher than either BWood or Mfd. I know when we were beating Campbellsville in the semis and word came across that Bwood lost, there were alot of Cardinal fans surprised by it, maybe not shocked, but definately surprised.

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Maybe, but, BWood had dominated the year before and Mayfield had beaten Hopkinsville and several other highly ranked teams and was undefeated and MBoro had lost the opening game of the year to Bell and kinda moved there way up the polls throughout the year as others were losing, but, they never got ranked higher than either BWood or Mfd. I know when we were beating Campbellsville in the semis and word came across that Bwood lost, there were alot of Cardinal fans surprised by it, maybe not shocked, but definately surprised.
They shouldn't have been surprised at all. Everyone in the state knew that Middlesboro was a legitimate contender that year.


The parallel with Hazard and Holy Cross this year doesn't apply.

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Not to stop any further conversation on the subject, but, it has seemed to be a 2 team race in most peoples minds, but, as the season moves on, I'm becoming more and more impressed with both Hazard and Holy Cross. I remember in 1998, all year long, it was Bwood this, Mayfield that and then out of nowhere, Middlesboro takes both teams to the woodshed. I think everyone knew MBoro had a good team, but, I don't think many folks would have predicted them beating both that year. Just wondering if there's a team out there like that this year.


How about Fairview? I know nothing about them!

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Who's #1?


Why Beechwood can't win


Why Mayfield can't win


Beechwood hasn't beaten anyone in nearly 3 years


Mayfield plays a weak schedule


Any oher new angle's we need to look at?



My answer to rattle snakes questions are:


I think Mayfield is #1 but it is not clear cut. Previously I thought Bw but the Cards improvement to me has been greater than I expected and I changed my mind.

Why can't Bw win? They can and may but I think they are going to have to get stronger in the passing department. From what little I have watched (2 games and audio of 1) and the stats each week (so I am far from an expert and I realize this so I maybe misguided), the Beechies are way to reliant on the run and I don't see that working against Mayfield who might have the best defense they Beechies will have faced. Vocke and Nasalbaum are great backs, I just don't think they are going to find much weakness against the run in the Cards defense.

Why can't Mayfield win? Sorta the same, a much less potent offense than the past 2 years. I think the running game is better but the passing game is in the hands of a sophmore who is doing well but is not as good yet as his brother was and a line that is good but still a little behind last years. Jackson as a running back is much better and very often it takes more than the inital contact to bring him down. I look for improvement with the return of Higginson to the passing game and this group appears to be faster than last years team.

Bw hasn't beaten anyone in nearly 3 years! True but they do plan on sleeping at the Holiday Inn the night before the game and they did win the NKY frosh championship :deadhorse: Just kidding Beechwoodians, just couldn't help myself on that one. Bw has not won any games they were not suspose to but depending on your view of Mayfield the last couple of years I would also say that they have won all the games they were suspose to and the Mayfield game, if it happens this year, would be a toss up or close to it. I think the point Snake is making is that Bw has not been itself recently. The program is a little down compared to its past. I don't know if it is or not as I have not researched it and don't plan too.


Mayfield plays a weak schedule: Last years is likely the weakest I can recall but it made no difference. In my opinion, this years is a little better and certainly it is and has been good enough to provide the team with all the preperation required to win a 1A title. Bw's schedule this year in my opinion, is a little weaker, not their fault but I don't think that a couple of the teams on their schedule have turned out to be as good as everyone expected this year.


Any other angles: Who really knows? The 2 are located on opposite end of the state with no common opponets and that leads us all to just be taking shots in the dark at what is what. I doubt any of us have any real idea how the 2 stack up against each other. I do think that the travel might, and I stress might, take Bw a little out of their rhythem but like all the other factors who knows

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