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snakesnot_2000 last won the day on November 19 2023

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About snakesnot_2000


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    Retired Chemical Operator at United States Enrichment Corporation


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  1. Close, except for QB play they should be real close. This scrimmage will tell us a few thing about our QB's.
  2. No split? All I know is it should be a real scrimmage, not like last year. We should find out something about these teams.
  3. Mayfield and Owensboro scrimmage at Mayfield , August 9th.
  4. Original member of the "27" club and a great singer of the iconic band THE DOORS. He would be 80 years old if alive but he lives as a 27 year old. The Doors have some timeless music, check them out. He died July 3, 1971.
  5. Carter was as fast as I've seen in person. Made some great plays against Mayfield .
  6. I would say PT main assignments is to win a State Championship and to beat Mayfield.
  7. Leahy had a runnerup to Middlesboro in 1998.
  8. No. Was an assistant coach at Mayfield. Glad to have had him.
  9. I'm pretty confident about our QB situation, we have two Freshmen candidates battle it out. Both are pretty good.
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