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I'd like to hear from X fans, is it time for a coaching change?


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This post is a joke!


I'll have to agree...A 14-1 season with the only loss coming in the State Championship is far from a bad season...LSUrock, do you know how many teams dream of just stepping into PJCS to play for a title. X has nothing to be ashamed about.

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This season has to go down as one of the most disappointing in the history of Tiger football. Several potenial college caliber athletes, a back that was offered as a sophomore and a QB that had never tasted defeat. Dream senario no doubt. Mix in the feeling by most X faithful that situation over in St. Matthews was chaos and it just couldn't get any better for the Tiger clan. Too bad they had to actually play the pesky game. So now the Tigers must face the fact that Bob Beatty can best Mike with All Americans and without. I would think that the Tiger faithful are uneasy at this time. So Tigers I ask you, is it time for a change?

LSU Rock you have got to be kidding. Right? Mike Glaser has taken St. X to three straight state finals. In the last ten years St. X's record is 115-21, St X has been to the state finals five times and won 3 championships.

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LSU Rock you have got to be kidding. Right? Mike Glaser has taken St. X to three straight state finals. In the last ten years St. X's record is 115-21, St X has been to the state finals five times and won 3 championships.

Of course I'm kidding. But like all good satire, there is a grain of truth. :lol:

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St.X had a great season, you cant argue against that. Glaser is a great coach. The team went udefeated until the championship. That is no easy task, who ever is on your schedule. Trinity outplayed X at state. Thats no reason to start a thread about a coaching change...at EITHER school. We're two very lucky schools because we have the two best coaching staffs in the state, possibly the best out of a LOT of states.

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Way to show class in victory :rolleyes: . Glaser and his staff coached St. X to the best overall season of any team in the state this year. For whatever reason, they tightened up in the championship game when some critical injuries and uncharacteristic penalties made it apparent that it wasn't going to be another blowout.


Trinity played - and Beatty coached - a great game. He did exactly what I thought he would have to do to beat St. X, and it certainly helped when Curley got knocked out.


I saw a couple of the Trinity players who were very diplomatic after the victory. Too bad the same isn't true of some of their fans.


This season has to go down as one of the most disappointing in the history of Tiger football. Several potenial college caliber athletes, a back that was offered as a sophomore and a QB that had never tasted defeat. Dream senario no doubt. Mix in the feeling by most X faithful that situation over in St. Matthews was chaos and it just couldn't get any better for the Tiger clan. Too bad they had to actually play the pesky game. So now the Tigers must face the fact that Bob Beatty can best Mike with All Americans and without. I would think that the Tiger faithful are uneasy at this time. So Tigers I ask you, is it time for a change?
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Well, I can see that the "classy post" period has ended and the pebbles have entered the low-ball potstirring phase. This topic has no merit whatsoever. The St. X. football team laid a clunker last Friday night and lost to a deserving Trinity squad by a narrow 14-6 score. In reality, we all know that in this rivalry anything can and often does happen.


In terms of the status of the St. X. football programs, we could not be happier with the performance under Coach Glaser's leadership. This is especially true over the past couple of years, where the offense has been diversified somewhat, and the Tigers "broomed" the wee-weeds at all levels during the regular season. Mike has been, and always will be, a much more caring and personable individual than Beatty, who despite the results of Friday night remains a very controversial figure in the trinity community. The future still looks much brighter in Tigertown than in the St. Matthews landfill. I'm standing pat on my hand...the real question is are you drawing ONE? :rolleyes: :sssh: :rolleyes:

Dear Oxnard, many of we Trinity alumni were stunned at Trinity's victory and we are well aware that St. X has gone to three straight state finals and has great freshmen and JVs in the mill. The way it seems to be going Trinity will be playing St. about four games a year.
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You need to realize that this thread was initiated by a Trinity supporter, definitely not St. X. No one at Tigertown is turning on Coach Glaser. This thread is just a bitter retart from a minority of the pebble fans who were suffering from being out of the limelight. For the majority of those involved with both teams, both victory and defeat were accepted with class. :cool:


Please note that someone (rockmom?, birdsfan?) has altered my post as highlighted with no notation of that having occurred...h-m-m-m. :lol:

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Dear Oxnard, many of we Trinity alumni were stunned at Trinity's victory and we are well aware that St. X has gone to three straight state finals and has great freshmen and JVs in the mill. The way it seems to be going Trinity will be playing St. about four games a year.


Couldn't agree with you more. We may be the only teams on each others schedule. :thumb:

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This season has to go down as one of the most disappointing in the history of Tiger football. Several potenial college caliber athletes, a back that was offered as a sophomore and a QB that had never tasted defeat. Dream senario no doubt. Mix in the feeling by most X faithful that situation over in St. Matthews was chaos and it just couldn't get any better for the Tiger clan. Too bad they had to actually play the pesky game. So now the Tigers must face the fact that Bob Beatty can best Mike with All Americans and without. I would think that the Tiger faithful are uneasy at this time. So Tigers I ask you, is it time for a change?


Sorry LSU, but I believe Planet Tiger is just fine with their coach. Your displeasure with Coach G is well documented and I think you will have to remain irritated until he decides to step aside, which I am confident will be on his own terms. The disappointment in coming up "inches" short of keeping the Rockpile squirming for at least another 9 months while putting up clearly our worst showing of the season was a tough pill to swallow, but I didn't see finger pointing going on after the game, especially in Coach G's way. There were alot of contributing factors leading to the Tigers demise not excluding one of the best performances all year by the Rock defense but Coach Mike cannot legitimately be held responsible for the loss. These are HS kids who are going to have off nights but I guess you have grown accustomed to this never happening in the land of football perfection in St. Matthews when it matters most-see Dixie Heights 13 months ago. :rolleyes: Yes, disappointment was in the air but this Tiger parent was more sorry about his son's 4 year journey with Coach Glaser being over than losing the game because I know what a great impact he has had on him as a football player and most importantly, as a human being. As a parent, I will take all the help I can get in my child's character building. Some of us like the fact that Coach G has a ton of "17 yr old friends" and you have the right to be happy with a legitimate football expert who so proudly boasts about his only job being "the football coach" if you so choose. I think the criticism your guy takes in his adopted homeland stems more from that line of thinking while nobody doubts his football pedigree and you appear to be the minority in supporting it (at least until the Rocks win).


As a Tiger parent, I find your label of this season being "one of the most disappointing in the history of Tiger football" a slap in the face to what these young men accomplished. Friday night clearly was one of the most disappointing GAMES in Tiger football history, but wasn't it you that asked in September-"It is just a game isn't it?". Why should we find shame in losing to a perennial power such as Trinity? Oh BTW, spare me with the "we don't care how many losses we have as long as we win the one that matters most" talk too because the true "chaos" has been raining on Shelbyville Road from 9/23/04 to 10/2/05. The forecast calls for some pretty heavy precipitation/steady competition for the next few years at least so you might want to buy a poncho since they don't allow umbrellas at the "home of the Rock". :D


I have enjoyed most of your posts because while sometimes a bit crass, they are primarily fact based and to the point (and most of the time, pretty darned funny). This thread does not meet that description and is truly I feel, beneath you. Personally, I think you rightfully could have reworded the question asking your brethren if it is STILL time to look for a coaching change at Trinity since you and Rockmom appeared to be the only two strongly supporting Coach Beatty on 9/24/05. I'll ask you a better question-did the Rocks victory give Coach Bob a reprieve that he might have so desperately needed? :cool:

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