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Bellevue Football Opening


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On Chad Montgomery facebook page he said that he didnt get the job. And they will announce something May 3rd or 4th on the next coach. He's a good guy and going to be a good headcoach someday. Just think his age might have hurt him

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I truely hope that the Tigers Ad can take advantage of this oppourtunity. Who else would you want to be your head coach? First Chad Montgomery is a born and bred Bellevue guy, a football HOF in Bellevue and NKYFL. He's a First Class individual, knows and understands the game of fooball and how to coach and teach it. IMO, Why not face it? He will be the Head coach at Bellevue High school sooner or later. Just as well let him get started on keeping the program rolling. Look at the other young area high school football coaches such as Newport (Nick Rice) and NCC ( Eddie Eviston). Good Luck Chad and the Bellevue Tigers!!!

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It will be interesting to see who they interview and select as their coach. As far as Chad goes, I do not know him personally, but I am aware that he has been coaching in Dayton. Knowing the rivalary that the two schools have I would like to know how the players and fans of Bellevue would feel about him coming back to Bellevue to coach. I know first hand that it is extremely difficult to come back and coach at your alma mater. Lots of pressure and pitfalls for a young coach to do that.

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Chad is a quality young man, I agree with that completely. However, what about Nick Wilson. He is also a product of the program and has been in the system working closely with Coach Eckstein for the last 5 years. If any young coach should be hired, I think it would be Wilson.


Also, from following the team myself, I think that Wilson has always beat Chad in head to head match ups at the JV level. I know JV is extremely different than Varsity, but that should also be a least a minor factor in the decision of Chad v. Nick

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Well as a Dayton player we are happy coach Montgomery did not get the job. I'll tell you how much we like our coach. You would think everybody here would be mad at him for leaving, but we were not going to be. We would have been happy for him as we were for for coach Rice. He's a great guy and a better coach. As far as the success at the jv level it is froshmore and we only played that. We only used freshman and sophmores and not a few juniors. Plus we did not have two of our better athletes play last year the Smith kid and Rogg. So not a good comparison and I know all my Bellevue friends who play wanted him to get the job and even their parents as well told me a few times.

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Coach Montgomery said it is not official yet, but Bellevue has a great candidate who will do well for them. Apparently the biggest factor was there was no teaching position available for him so it had to do nothing with age or experience. Good Luck Coach Montgomery and I hope you are here until I graduate at least.

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