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APTRANS.gif updated 34 minutes ago


IOWA CITY, Iowa - Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley suggested on Monday that AIG executives should take a Japanese approach toward accepting responsibility for the collapse of the insurance giant by resigning or killing themselves.




How do these clowns get elected? Maybe this should be Congress' motto.

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Cuomo subpoenaed information from AIG on Monday to determine whether the payments made over the past weekend constitute fraud under state law.


He says contracts written in March 2008 guaranteed employees 100 percent of their 2007 pay for 2008, regardless of their performance. The checks were mailed Friday.


What responsible business owner or CEO would sign contracts like that? :madman:

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Was it the classiest comment in the world by Grassley? Probably not. But I really don't care. Because the truth of it is that is probably how most of the country feels about these morally-deficient crooks at companies like AIG, where the greed and incompetence never seems to end.

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For what its worth, it would have probably cost AIG more if they hadn't paid the bonuses for two reasons. First, they would have had their pants sued off by the people they were obligated to pay bonuses to. Second, those people who really drive the profitable portions of AIG would abandon ship.

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Was it the classiest comment in the world by Grassley? Probably not. But I really don't care. Because the truth of it is that is probably how most of the country feels about these morally-deficient crooks at companies like AIG, where the greed and incompetence never seems to end.


I agree with you!

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APTRANS.gif updated 34 minutes ago


IOWA CITY, Iowa - Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley suggested on Monday that AIG executives should take a Japanese approach toward accepting responsibility for the collapse of the insurance giant by resigning or killing themselves.




How do these clowns get elected? Maybe this should be Congress' motto.


Is he the Jim Bunning of Iowa?

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For what its worth, it would have probably cost AIG more if they hadn't paid the bonuses for two reasons. First, they would have had their pants sued off by the people they were obligated to pay bonuses to. Second, those people who really drive the profitable portions of AIG would abandon ship.


Well I guess I'm wondering why those executives who oversaw the departments of AIG that basically ran the company into the ground are still on the payroll and even eligible to receive these bonuses.


In my opinion, I'd have at least preferred to see the head of AIG say they were going to make those executives sue to obtain the bonuses. That would have been a lovely sight - a bunch of overpaid AIG snakes banding together to publicly sue the company to use government money to pay them bonuses for running the company into the ground. Personally, I don't think the clowns would have had the guts to do so.

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For what its worth, it would have probably cost AIG more if they hadn't paid the bonuses for two reasons. First, they would have had their pants sued off by the people they were obligated to pay bonuses to. Second, those people who really drive the profitable portions of AIG would abandon ship.


Unfortunately you are correct. It would have been better to let them fall into bankruptcy and let that court sort it out.

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If we as Americans are stupid enough to allow our government to start this bailout stuff in the first place...We don't have a right to whine when they start cramming millions up a hogs you know what.


After thinking about this for a few months now, did any of you expect anything positive to come from these bailouts? Surely you didn't. Did you?


This is EXACTLY what you get when government starts peddling in private banking/business. I'm sorry, but we're getting what we deserve.

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