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Do You Have Any Eating Peculiarities?

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Tonight I had fried salmon patties and pinto(soup) beans. I like to dip my salmon patties in mustard and I always put a big glob of mayonnaise in my soup beans. From the time I was a child I remember loving mustard with my salmon patties. Pretty much the same can be said for the beans and mayo. Whenever I go to Cracker Barrel and order beans, the waitress looks at me like I am crazy when I ask for some mayo with my pintos. So I guess it is just one of my peculiarities. Does anyone else share one of these? What are some of the odd ways you like to eat certain foods ? Any other peculiarities related to eating?

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I've been called "peculiar" for eating one item entirely before moving on to the next. I didn't even realize I did this, but since it was brought to my attention, I realize I do it all the time.


I also do not like for any of my food to touch. When the green bean juice gets into the broccoli caserole it just ruins it for me.

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I've been called "peculiar" for eating one item entirely before moving on to the next. I didn't even realize I did this, but since it was brought to my attention, I realize I do it all the time.


I also do not like for any of my food to touch. When the green bean juice gets into the broccoli caserole it just ruins it for me.


I hate when my food touches other food items on the plate unless it is like fries and a burger. I like to dip chicken nuggets in Wendys frostys.

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1. Food can not touch or mix with other food or sauces..

2. I eat one item at a time,

3. Have to have milk with chocolate cake.

4. Have to drink Pepsi with Resse Cups

5. I do not eat leftovers, PERIOD!

6. Peanut Butter and Pickle sandwich

7. Peanut Butter and Banana sandwich.

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1. Food can not touch or mix with other food or sauces..

2. I eat one item at a time,

3. Have to have milk with chocolate cake.

4. Have to drink Pepsi with Resse Cups

5. I do not eat leftovers, PERIOD!

6. Peanut Butter and Pickle sandwich

7. Peanut Butter and Banana sandwich.

The first step is admitting you have a problem



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I've been called "peculiar" for eating one item entirely before moving on to the next. I didn't even realize I did this, but since it was brought to my attention, I realize I do it all the time.


I also do not like for any of my food to touch. When the green bean juice gets into the broccoli caserole it just ruins it for me.


My sister-in-law drives me bonkers over this...She'll take a flippin' paper towel & soak up all the juice so it doesn't touch the other stuff. :mad: :jump:

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1. Food can not touch or mix with other food or sauces..

2. I eat one item at a time,

3. Have to have milk with chocolate cake.

4. Have to drink Pepsi with Resse Cups

5. I do not eat leftovers, PERIOD!

6. Peanut Butter and Pickle sandwich

7. Peanut Butter and Banana sandwich.


I thought #3 was a must for all of society & on #4 I replace the pepsi with Mountain Dew.

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I hate when my food touches other food items on the plate unless it is like fries and a burger. I like to dip chicken nuggets in Wendys frostys.


Coming from a guy that mixes his beer with tomato juice, that might be one of the weirdest things I've ever heard HT.


Not only do I hate Wendy's nuggets, but I can't imagine dipping them in a frosty. Don't think I could stomach that one.

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Fries in the frosty for me...




I always thought this must be a girl thing. About ever girl I have ever dated mentioned the fries in the frosty thingy. I love the frosty; the fries are fine. Together?... just have never felt the urge or built up the courage I guess.

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