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Obama's Plan To Disarm America!

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The nuclear weapons we have today are a reflection of a world that was almost destroyed. I see nothing wrong with stopping production, getting rid of the majority of them, and keeping some in our pocket just incase.

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As long as Russia really does it, but the thing that kept us from WWIII was the assurance of mutual destruction.


Do you trust that Russia really will?


Do you trust China?


The rest is what bothers me, slowing down military advances is just crazy and do you guys realize what it will do to the already horrible economy?


If Boeing and companies like them have to cut workforce its not going to be pretty.


$626.1 billion is the total budget and almost all of that goes to US companies.

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I see no problem with ceasing production of nuclear arms and furthering weapons research in other directions. Disarming and the concept of "a world without nuclear weapons" is idealistic drivel at best.


The "Unproven missile defense systems," comment makes my laugh. How in the world are we SUPPOSED to "prove" them and make them an effective defense for the United States if we do not spend the money on the research?

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I see no problem with ceasing production of nuclear arms and furthering weapons research in other directions. Disarming and the concept of "a world without nuclear weapons" is idealistic drivel at best.


The "Unproven missile defense systems," comment makes my laugh. How in the world are we SUPPOSED to "prove" them and make them an effective defense for the United States if we do not spend the money on the research?

:thumb: Using the same illogic, humans would not have developed any weapons. Of course, we also would not have developed no farming implements or other tools because no technology is proven until working prototypes have been built.


I am also in favor of dismantling nuclear weapons once we possess more powerful and effective alternatives. Unilateral disarmament, which liberals such as John Kerry proposed in the middle of the Cold War, is an idea that cannot be logically supported. That is probably why the idea appeals so much to liberals - it fits in so nicely with the rest of their world view.

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As long as Russia really does it, but the thing that kept us from WWIII was the assurance of mutual destruction.


Do you trust that Russia really will?


Do you trust China?


The rest is what bothers me, slowing down military advances is just crazy and do you guys realize what it will do to the already horrible economy?


If Boeing and companies like them have to cut workforce its not going to be pretty.


$626.1 billion is the total budget and almost all of that goes to US companies.


Do you trust America? Let's be frank, our country hasn't been what I'd call they symbol of Mother Theresa over the years. Just because we say we're going to disarm doesn't necessarily mean we are going to disarm.

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You can have my ICBM launch key when you can take it from my cold, dead, radioactive hand.




Thank you, Slim Pickens. :lol:




We've just got to learn to love the bomb all over again.

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:thumb: Using the same illogic, humans would not have developed any weapons. Of course, we also would not have developed no farming implements or other tools because no technology is proven until working prototypes have been built.


I am also in favor of dismantling nuclear weapons once we possess more powerful and effective alternatives. Unilateral disarmament, which liberals such as John Kerry proposed in the middle of the Cold War, is an idea that cannot be logically supported. That is probably why the idea appeals so much to liberals - it fits in so nicely with the rest of their world view.


:thumb: Nice post and you last sentence said it all.

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