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Huckabee pulling his negative ads

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Maybe he thought by allowing the ad to run, then pulling it would make him seem even more "good". It gets attention if it runs and he makes a big deal out of pulling it. He gains nothing if it's never run, or he doesn't make a big deal out of pulling it. Maybe he's more politician than man of faith? :sssh:
Yeah, it really is Campaign Tactics 101. Why pay for an ad if you can get the media to think it's news? :thumb:
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This was 100% pure stunt. For a guy that likes to play himself off as a political outsider, this was straight from the political strategists' handbook and it makes him look bad. If you're running on nothing more than being different and then you actually play the game the same way....

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I think you may be right. I think he lacks staying power and will fade.


Yeah - and this little SNAFU has caught quite a bit of attention on media outlets as the day has went on and going into Iowa in a couple of days this could really hurt him.


I think he needs to win or come in a close 2nd in Iowa to not fall back to the second tier.

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This was 100% pure stunt. For a guy that likes to play himself off as a political outsider, this was straight from the political strategists' handbook and it makes him look bad. If you're running on nothing more than being different and then you actually play the game the same way....


I totally agree.

My Dad, who used to work for the federal government always said, "You better learn to play the game or the game will play you."

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I think he'll be the Republican candidate, but I think whatever candidate comes out of the Dems side will beat him fairly easily.


The evangelicals delivered the race to Bush. They stay loyal to the Reps and Huckabee can motivate them like he did in Iowa and they could deliver the race to Bush.


In addition, the three amigo(a)s of the Dems could leave each other in a bloody pulp in trying to win the Democrat primary. How dirty will it get between those three up to 2/5?

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The evangelicals delivered the race to Bush. They stay loyal to the Reps and Huckabee can motivate them like he did in Iowa and they could deliver the race to Bush.


The Supreme Court delivered the race to Bush, plain and simple.


Evangelicals can't deliver the Democrats who went from Carter to Reagan to Clinton, and Huckabee won't win the big race without finding a way to expand beyond his base. Iowa is a blip.

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The Supreme Court delivered the race to Bush, plain and simple.


Evangelicals can't deliver the Democrats who went from Carter to Reagan to Clinton, and Huckabee won't win the big race without finding a way to expand beyond his base. Iowa is a blip.


Gore not being able to carry his home state of Tennessee is SSSOOOOOOOOO very conveniently overlooked by Gore supporters. If the people who know you best won't support you, well.....that says a lot.

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Gore not being able to carry his home state of Tennessee is SSSOOOOOOOOO very conveniently overlooked by Gore supporters. If the people who know you best won't support you, well.....that says a lot.
:thumb: Exactly! If a US Senator cannot even carry his home state, national voters should be thankful that the clown did not get elected. Aside from McGovern in 1972, I cannot think of any other candidate who lost his home state in a presidential election.


Even Carter and Mondale won their home states in landslide losses to Ronald Reagan.

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