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Did Mike Yeagle apply for the Conner job or not?


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Strange situation .......


Congratulations to Coach Trosper. I wish him well. (That is a serious comment)

For the record ... Yeagle DID apply. That is a fact.


The sheriff already announced as part of the staff ....... interesting.


At this point, I will have no further comment on the the entire situation other than this: I think that Trosper can make things work at Conner. I hope that he does.



I would be willing to bet from this post he did.;)

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Since we're all dancing around elephant in the middle of the room, I'll throw this out there:


Could it be that Mike applied for the job, Conner knowing they would have no "good" official reason for not hiring him if he interviewed, but not ready to go there, mysteriously "misplaced" said application?


I know it sound Conspiracy-ish, but it seems to be the only plausible solution.

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I agree with the relevance of the coaching job at conner. I think it is safe to say that the interest in Yeagle is the coaching again issue. It would be better to start the post with " Is Yeagle going to coach again?"

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Who really cares? Is it even relevant? Leave the guy alone!

Trosper is the head coach at Conner. It does not matter if Nick Saban applied at this point in the game. It is a moot point!


Which isnt out of the question in light of recent Saban events...:lol:

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I have people on both sides of this question that should know the answer telling me different things so I wanted to give the question a new thread.







My source at Conner tells me that Yeagle did not apply for that job. But you and I know that that source was a liar about some other issues, too.


Your old football coach told me that Yeagle does NOT want to coach at this point. He is happy at Dayton teaching.

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Thanks for all the email and private messages on this topic.


Half the people that should know say he applied and half the people that should no say he did not apply.


Reading between the lines I believe Coach Yeagle was on the fence but he had someone helping him with the application process that was a little more aggressive than him. Furthermore, even if he did apply, he must have backed out at some point or surely the powers that be at Conner would have given him an interview.


I only bring all of this up because it is an example of a larger problem we all face and that is many people are not very truthful these days and as long as that is the case media scrutiny will continue to increase on these types of issues.

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