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Survivor: Game Changers

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I think they edited it to keep us watching. I think the reason Varner went there with his comment on Zeke was he truly did know he was going home and was totally desperate. The way he was adamant when he sat down at Tribal and stated he knew he was going home, I think he did know he was going home. We were the ones who didn't know it was a done deal he was going home because they edited it that way.


Probably accurate. I got to wrapped up in the emotion. I am usually better at calling out the edits.

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Oh I'm sure they ran it by Zeke before showing. They could have simply edited it out of the show if he was adamant and asked please don't include in show. Still not cool


You would certainly hope so.


Saw a tweet:


Actually Probst, Varner only outed him to six people. You outed him to millions.

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Not sure why, but Ive watched what Sarah said five times now. Just spoke to me.


Good! I can't imagine someone watching the past two seasons of the show and not recognizing the raw emotion, but also not giving this entire situation a bit of reflection.


I'm going to try to not make this political, but if it comes off that way, it's not my intention.


To be honest, I've struggled a little bit with the idea of transgender individuals and part of this is probably exacerbated by Caitlyn Jenner being the most visible member of the community.


I'm a huge defender of gay rights and while I happen to be strait, empathy comes more naturally when considering no matter what society says I can't help who I am attracted to and who reciprocates those feelings. It's much more difficult to imagine myself feeling strong enough to take steps to change the sex I was born with.


Zeke and Survivor might be that catalyst for some people, but for me, the singer of the band Against Me! transitioning helped to open my eyes. I really enjoyed their music, had seen them live, and the former Tom Gabel was a dude's dude. Her transition, interviews, and the fact that they have been putting out some of their best music threw me for a loop, but gave me a better understanding of a taboo subject.


At the end of the day, people are people. Some of them are awesome, some suck, and the majority of them fall somewhere in the middle. Who somebody sleeps with or whatever helps somebody make it through each day easier really isn't any of my business. Frankly I don't think I have the right to have an opinion about somebody's most personal issues and life is hard enough as it is for me to really care one way or the other.

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1. So super not cool Varner.

2. Zeke showed what "take the high road" really means.

3. Very few moments are shocking. That definitely was

4. If Zeke wasn't already unbeatable at final tribal he is now.

On top of revealing to the world Zeke is transgender, he also robbed him of a chance at a million dollars. No way he makes it now. I'll be rooting for him insanely hard because I really like the dude, but he's done and it's a shame.

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