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Her voting in a state that she couldn't possibly lose is also a wasted vote, in that it doesn't matter. She could have moved to Florida, North Carolina or Ohio and cast her vote where her one vote could have mattered. Just has Trump's vote made no difference in NY neither did hers. If you don't see that then you are just not wanting to.


As far as moving, HRC was an opportunist when she moved to NY to run for a easy to win Senate seat. Trump is a life long New Yorker, if he moved just to vote it would look as fake as her Hot Sauce.


Hell, if he makes Florida his residency in 2015 it works huge wonders for his campaign as he becomes a resident of Florida. He could have closed the gap big time by becoming one of them. This is easy politics right here and he screwed that all up.

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Trump has filed a suit against Clark County in NV for keeping early voting polls open beyond the listed time this past weekend.


Clark County says all polls keep them open later for voters who were in line before the deadline.

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Trump has filed a suit against Clark County in NV for keeping early voting polls open beyond the listed time this past weekend.


Clark County says all polls keep them open later for voters who were in line before the deadline.


Say it isn't so!

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She didn't have to move. Her state was winning. Again, had he voted in a state he would win in I wouldn't have said a word. He knowingly cast a vote in a state he has ZERO chance to win. That doesn't strike you as stupid? If it doesn't then you are just not wanting to see how stupid he really is.


So your ONLY point seems to be that a candidate HAS to vote in a State they know they are going to win.


Or is your point that they should vote in Toss Up States where their Vote has a chance at swinging the Election.


You see voting in a state you are going to lose as a wasted vote. The exact same thing can be said for a vote in a state where you know you are going to win. Wouldn't Hillary have been smarter to move to New Hampshire to lock down that swing state, or does that show just how really stupid she really is.


If Jack Conway and Hal Rogers both ran for President from Kentucky, you would expect one or both of them to turn their back on their home state and move to Nevada and Illinois? That makes no sense, for one voters can see through that kind of pandering (well most voters) and secondly if the election comes down to just one vote it wasn't won or lost by someone moving.

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They looked my name up in the book and I noticed my father's name was listed above it. When he was living in Kosovo his residence was my house so he could vote in 2008. He moved to Atlanta in 2011 and voted in the Romney/Obama election in Atlanta. He passed away around Labor Day this year. Seems odd that his name would still be in the voter registry book.

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They looked my name up in the book and I noticed my father's name was listed above it. When he was living in Kosovo his residence was my house so he could vote in 2008. He moved to Atlanta in 2011 and voted in the Romney/Obama election in Atlanta. He passed away around Labor Day this year. Seems odd that his name would still be in the voter registry book.


Contact your county's board of elections. The purgation lists aren't always complete. I moved to the Louisville Highlands from the East End almost ten years ago but my name was on the list both there and here for a couple years before the paperwork caught up with my movement.

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Same thing happened to my son, who was listed for several years after he moved across the country.


Finally contacted the local circuit court clerk to take care of it. I checked and he no longer appears on the Mason County rolls.

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How so? She voted for herself in a state she will win. She moved there after Bill left office because she knew she could win a seat on the Senate which she did win. Now she cast a vote for herself in a state she will win that she has had residency in for over 10 years for the sake of winning elections. Had she cast a vote for herself in KY or Texas then I'd be all over her for being stupid. Had Trump cast a vote for himself anywhere but in a state we all know he will lose then I never would have said a word. Also keep in mind all projections show she will get the electoral votes to win the election. This is basic stuff a campaign that wants to win should know and be actively working against. How Trump's folks managed to screw this up is unreal. No way he should have been voting in New York. That is inexcusable. At the very least Trump voting in NY sends the wrong message to his supporters that understand the electoral vote.


Trump has holdings in NC. I have friends who live in a gated community by Lake Norman North of Charlotte. It's his development. Still owns the commons area and golf course and things there. He should have established residency there since it is a battleground state.

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