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OK does anyone else have an issue with this?


A secret ballot is pretty sacred and yet in the voter roll book that I signed the number of the ballot I voted on was written by my name. I'm not saying that it has happened but doesn't that make breaking the seal of the secret ballot easier?


I took a closer look at this since I read your post before going to vote here at lunchtime. The ballot number is on that little tab that gets separated from the physical ballot before you drop it off.


That ballot number appears only on that tab and not on the actual ballot anywhere. So they can use the number to verify that an individual voter was handed a physical ballot, but it doesn't appear there's a way to match an actual ballot to the tab to which it was previously attached.

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Two randoms this morning.


1. The dead lady is still on the registered voter role. Wonder who she will vote for this year.


2. Tailgate party in the parking lot. Some guy had his big smoker going and was serving up breakfast in the parking lot next to where we vote.

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Trump is running for POTUS. Has a billion dollars in the bank. Didn't think to establish residency in a battleground state and is voting in New York where he has residency. A state he has ZERO chance to win. A rich man running for POTUS cast a wasted vote for himself. Ridiculous. :no: :no:

I'm willing to bet that's not even close to true. He's paper rich.


I wouldn't be shocked if he couldn't come up with $2M cash without a loan.

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Hillary Clinton is running for POTUS. Has a millions of dollars in the bank. Didn't think to establish residency in a battleground state and is voting in New York where she has residency. A state she has ZERO chance of losing. A rich woman running for POTUS cast a wasted vote for herself. Ridiculous. :no: :no:


This is true also, right?

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This is true also, right?


How so? She voted for herself in a state she will win. She moved there after Bill left office because she knew she could win a seat on the Senate which she did win. Now she cast a vote for herself in a state she will win that she has had residency in for over 10 years for the sake of winning elections. Had she cast a vote for herself in KY or Texas then I'd be all over her for being stupid. Had Trump cast a vote for himself anywhere but in a state we all know he will lose then I never would have said a word. Also keep in mind all projections show she will get the electoral votes to win the election. This is basic stuff a campaign that wants to win should know and be actively working against. How Trump's folks managed to screw this up is unreal. No way he should have been voting in New York. That is inexcusable. At the very least Trump voting in NY sends the wrong message to his supporters that understand the electoral vote.

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How so? She voted for herself in a state she will win. She moved there after Bill left office because she knew she could win a seat on the Senate which she did win. Now she cast a vote for herself in a state she will win that she has had residency in for over 10 years for the sake of winning elections. Had she cast a vote for herself in KY or Texas then I'd be all over her for being stupid. Had Trump cast a vote for himself anywhere but in a state we all know he will lose then I never would have said a word. Also keep in mind all projections show she will get the electoral votes to win the election. This is basic stuff a campaign that wants to win should know and be actively working against. How Trump's folks managed to screw this up is unreal. No way he should have been voting in New York. That is inexcusable. At the very least Trump voting in NY sends the wrong message to his supporters that understand the electoral vote.


Her voting in a state that she couldn't possibly lose is also a wasted vote, in that it doesn't matter. She could have moved to Florida, North Carolina or Ohio and cast her vote where her one vote could have mattered. Just has Trump's vote made no difference in NY neither did hers. If you don't see that then you are just not wanting to.


As far as moving, HRC was an opportunist when she moved to NY to run for a easy to win Senate seat. Trump is a life long New Yorker, if he moved just to vote it would look as fake as her Hot Sauce.

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Early Exit Polls show that it's going to be a rout...


Here’s where the candidates stand in the additional six states as of 11:45 a.m.:


Colorado (59.8 percent of expected votes observed):

Clinton – 46.3 percent

Trump – 43.6 percent


Florida (52.4 percent of expected votes observed):

Clinton – 48.6 percent

Trump – 45.2 percent


Iowa (33.3 percent of expected votes observed):

Clinton – 48.5 percent

Trump – 43.5 percent


Nevada (46.2 percent of expected votes observed):

Clinton – 46.7 percent

Trump – 45.2 percent


Ohio (22.7 percent of expected votes observed):

Clinton – 47.9 percent

Trump – 43.9 percent


Wisconsin (24.7 percent of expected votes observed):

Clinton – 52.7 percent

Trump – 40.3 percent

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My wife voted earlier in the morning. I took her "I voted" sticker and put it on my shirt when I went in to vote. It is a small precinct. The ladies working the sign in desk were quite upset about how I had a sticker already. Told them I try to vote as often as I can.

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Her voting in a state that she couldn't possibly lose is also a wasted vote, in that it doesn't matter. She could have moved to Florida, North Carolina or Ohio and cast her vote where her one vote could have mattered. Just has Trump's vote made no difference in NY neither did hers. If you don't see that then you are just not wanting to.


As far as moving, HRC was an opportunist when she moved to NY to run for a easy to win Senate seat. Trump is a life long New Yorker, if he moved just to vote it would look as fake as her Hot Sauce.


She didn't have to move. Her state was winning. Again, had he voted in a state he would win in I wouldn't have said a word. He knowingly cast a vote in a state he has ZERO chance to win. That doesn't strike you as stupid? If it doesn't then you are just not wanting to see how stupid he really is.

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Her voting in a state that she couldn't possibly lose is also a wasted vote, in that it doesn't matter. She could have moved to Florida, North Carolina or Ohio and cast her vote where her one vote could have mattered. Just has Trump's vote made no difference in NY neither did hers. If you don't see that then you are just not wanting to.


As far as moving, HRC was an opportunist when she moved to NY to run for a easy to win Senate seat. Trump is a life long New Yorker, if he moved just to vote it would look as fake as her Hot Sauce.


So if you were running for POTUS you would vote for yourself in a state you won't win? That makes no sense to me at all. I'd be on TV voting for myself in a state that is a stone cold lock for PP92. No way I'd be voting in my birthplace of Houston, Texas or hometown of Bowling Green, KY.

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