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High School Football Budgets


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In reading the SI High School preview, I found it shocking that a high school would have a $450,000 budget for football. Hoover High in Alabama does.


Does anyone have any idea of what a school's football budget is?


Yeah but we are talking about one of the top 5 High School football programs in the Nation. They travel all over the US to play there games so you know they have to have a huge budget. I know that they played on ESPN 2 last year against Nease from Florida if im not mistaken. Maybe someone can correct me. I believe that a schools budget would depend upon the amount of success the program has which leads to more out of your boosters and great number of followers.

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Have you all checked out the show "Two-a-days" on MTV? It is pretty neat. The first episode of an eight part series highlighted the week up to the Nease game and the actual game. I know its a bit of a teen drama, but still pretty cool.

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In reading the SI High School preview, I found it shocking that a high school would have a $450,000 budget for football. Hoover High in Alabama does.


Does anyone have any idea of what a school's football budget is?


NOWHERE near that much for most schools. Regarding Hoover High. I was told by someone in the know that they spend $100,000 a year with Nike. Each Coach is allowed to spend $1,000 on Shirts shoes whatever. I'd like to see the paychecks those guys get.

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I get that, JC. I'm just curious as to what some of the KY high school budgets are.


BTW, Hoover's boosters raise that money every year.


What makes you think the booster's raise that amount of money annually? Doesn't seem plausible to me.


If Hoover has that kind of budget, which they may very well have, it came from the MTV series and playing on one of the ESPN networks. And if MTV and ESPN are showing your coaches on TV, Nike will probably give them plenty of gear. It's all television driven in my opinion.

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Yeah but we are talking about one of the top 5 High School football programs in the Nation. They travel all over the US to play there games so you know they have to have a huge budget. I know that they played on ESPN 2 last year against Nease from Florida if im not mistaken. Maybe someone can correct me. I believe that a schools budget would depend upon the amount of success the program has which leads to more out of your boosters and great number of followers.



You are correct but I think it was on ESPN.

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USA Today Articles


I highly recommend this and the links to other articles down on the right underneath the photo gallery.


Did anyone read the Moeller story linked under the photo gallery. At the bottom of the story it had some interresting quotes from Crable about not being on a level playing field with St X. I just thought that was interresting that a private school coach would be complaining about another private school having unfair advantages.

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In SI, the head of the boosters (QB's dad) said they raise it.


Coach makes $94k and doesn't teach.


Thanks for the response. I haven't seen the SI preview you are talking about. But, eventually, I think this could cause some problems. I stand by my comment that they've gotten a lot of money for the program because of TV. That won't last very long. I've seen some very good high school coaches in Ky., that bascially donate their time.

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You start talking Alabama high school football you're talking about a horse of a different color. My son lives there and his old school is a 5A contender each year. I know they burn the bermuda off the game field every year and redo. He's told me what the coach makes but I can't remember. It's reasonable to say quite a bit more than the best paid coaches in Ky. He's told me some pretty wild recruiting stories too.:sssh:

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