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"Look at my African-American over there" ~ Trump

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Man, I hate to do this in the face of all your passion, but regardless of the storm of events he got lucky under, Dollar Bill Clinton presided over the best economic times this country has seen since Eisenhower, and slashed the welfare rolls while he was at it. As a bilious liberal democrat (totally interchangeable words, of course) at that.


I'm now gonna :puke: for having to do all that, but it was needed.


Hillary Clinton is grossly indefensible. Trump is too. Get over it all. And keep it remotely factual.


Please tell me how HRC economic policy supports job creation? Over regulation provides the motivation for jobs to be moved off shore, and Free Trade provides the invitation and mechanism to do so.Small business is already suffocating under the weight of Obamacare and now HRC wants them to pay 15$/hr for unskilled labour.

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Please tell me how HRC economic policy supports job creation? Over regulation provides the motivation for jobs to be moved off shore, and Free Trade provides the invitation and mechanism to do so.Small business is already suffocating under the weight of Obamacare and now HRC wants them to pay 15$/hr for unskilled labour.


I thought she wanted to unionize everything? That's more than 15.00/hour.

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Dollar Bill had nothing to do with great economic times , so much about creating a great economy is nothing more than timing. Creation of the Internet, or any other new invention that might surge the economy.


President success with the economy is really hard to gauge.


Well, he picked Gore as VP and Gore invented the Internet soooo....

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Dollar Bill had nothing to do with great economic times , so much about creating a great economy is nothing more than timing. Creation of the Internet, or any other new invention that might surge the economy.


President success with the economy is really hard to gauge.


So if it doesn't matter...

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When is the last time you think Obama did anything egregious?


There are several, these leap to mind. He's not nearly liberal enough to suit me, on the whole.


Surveillance/spying policies

Inaction on Gitmo

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Trump is really going way off script with his comments this week. All he should have said in response to HRC's foreign policy speech is "So, the Sec State that was too busy to take a call from her Benghazi station that was under attack, killing 4 people, is calling me dangerous."


Both the remarks referenced in this thread and the ones related to the judge overseeing his Trump U case were really unnecessary.


However, HRC fans, don't celebrate just yet. She has hidden from the press for nearly this whole campaign season. Once we get to the debates and her whole record is exposed, she will wilt under the pressure of her record, if she is not indicted by then!


HRC as POTUS will be a disaster for the economy. The left just does not understand basic economics and the suffocating role big government and its associated regulation in its depression of job creation. I guarantee you if HRC is POTUS, more jobs will be off shored (Are you so naive to believe these agreements are written be folks concerned with keeping jobs on this shore?), the labour market will be flooded with illegals, you will see chain restaurants go out of business rather than pay $15/hr for unskilled labour. There will be downward pressure on wages. The rest of us that still have jobs will be taxed to make up for the failure of liberal economic policy. The liberal utopia will bust and we will be in DEEP EXTENSIVE RECESSION.


By putting Bill in charge of the economy, HRC is conceding that she is clueless on economic matters. And how did Bill get the economy going you may wonder? BY SLASHING THE DEFENCE BUDGET.


My concern - Trump has NO credibility on Wall Street and in the global markets. NONE - and he isn't building any through his lack of transparency and lack of economic policy. I believe that Trump's election is more likely to hurt our national credit rating, diminish access to capital markets, and choke the economy of liquid capital that is fundamental to growth.


From everyone I've spoken to who is connected with banking, financial markets, and investment capital, Trump's election would have a far greater negative impact to the economy than HRC, who would be perceived more as business as usual.


Folks - while it's convenient to fall back on partisan politics and stereotypes, it's not the right path here. Trump is not a "Republican" in the mold of Reagan and Bush I/II - the man is a loose cannon with no experience with national economic policy and no credibility with the institutions and nations that will fund growth. Open your mind to the possibility that this man could reverse ANY positive momentum our economy has achieved. We've had bread lines with conservatives in office, too.

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