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FBI Ready to Indict Hillary

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From what I read twotoplace is Tom Delay says the FBI is ready to offer forth the evidence to indict Hillary Clinton. That makes him the messenger. Now if this is true, and they send the evidence to the Attorney General and she chooses not to indict based on who this is, I will ask you? What would you do? Would you indict her if the evidence supports that or does she get a free pass?

Why is DeLay a source in this story? If an FBI agent wanted to harm Hillary politically, why would he or she leak info through a right-wing clown hack like Tom DeLay?


The reason one sees stories like this popping up is that anyone in the know in the GOP knows there will be no indictment, unless there's a hidden agenda between Hillary and Loretta Lynch.

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Why is DeLay a source in this story? If an FBI agent wanted to harm Hillary politically, why would he or she leak info through a right-wing clown hack like Tom DeLay?


The reason one sees stories like this popping up is that anyone in the know in the GOP knows there will be no indictment, unless there's a hidden agenda between Hillary and Loretta Lynch.


twotoplace I will ask once again, if they offer evidence that she broke the law, are you for indicting her? Yes or No?

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Why is DeLay a source in this story? If an FBI agent wanted to harm Hillary politically, why would he or she leak info through a right-wing clown hack like Tom DeLay?


The reason one sees stories like this popping up is that anyone in the know in the GOP knows there will be no indictment, unless there's a hidden agenda between Hillary and Loretta Lynch.


It's a nice Republican bluff. While dangling these "charges" they get to allege Hillary MAY BE a criminal, and the Obama administration MAY BE refraining from indicting Hillary.


It's a political smear dream.

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twotoplace I will ask once again, if they offer evidence that she broke the law, are you for indicting her? Yes or No?

Bush-Cheney-Powell all got a mulligan for an actual war in Iraq that killed 4,500 and injured 32,000 Americans. Any transgressions that Hillary may have committed pale in comparison.

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The question is...do you want this to happen?


HRC is indicted and nothing or something comes of it, and the GOP has successfully derailed the Clinton campaign.


For your reward you get Bernie Sanders on the national stage hammering income inequality when one (possibly two) billionaire tries to convince America that he knows how to make America great by building a wall.


Socialist anyone ? Anyone?


May just want to smack her on the wrist for her crimes , or those far left loons will be running the Whitehouse.


As someone who may potentially get hit with taxes, I support Sanders.

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This is very simple. WHEN she is not indicted then many on the right will again say that she got a free pass. It never ends.


How many investigations have we had on her? About 6 months ago we had a republican led investigation say that they could not find anything on her.


If, and I do say "if" she is indicted then we can talk about this. If not then there is nothing to this just like all of the other times.


About a year ago a couple of republican higher ups said that all of this going after Hillary will backfire, as they stated it way too early. If they were smart, they would have held off on everything until late this summer.

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This is very simple. WHEN she is not indicted then many on the right will again say that she got a free pass. It never ends.


How many investigations have we had on her? About 6 months ago we had a republican led investigation say that they could not find anything on her.


If, and I do say "if" she is indicted then we can talk about this. If not then there is nothing to this just like all of the other times.


About a year ago a couple of republican higher ups said that all of this going after Hillary will backfire, as they stated it way too early. If they were smart, they would have held off on everything until late this summer.


I keep saying that the October surprises are way too early.

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Bush-Cheney-Powell all got a mulligan for an actual war in Iraq that killed 4,500 and injured 32,000 Americans. Any transgressions that Hillary may have committed pale in comparison.


Do you support a indictment of Hillary Clinton if the evidence warrants? Yes or No?

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I wonder if Clinton gets indicted for the email server if that will clear the way for other potential criminal prosecutions?


I am just spitballing but if you believe some of the bad things we hear about Clinton there has to be A LOT of skeletons in the closet and if so and if she is already under indictment I see the potential for piling on.

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I wonder if Clinton gets indicted for the email server if that will clear the way for other potential criminal prosecutions?


I am just spitballing but if you believe some of the bad things we hear about Clinton there has to be A LOT of skeletons in the closet and if so and if she is already under indictment I see the potential for piling on.


Its like Cosby, at some point there are just so many......twotoplace must be her mom or dad. :lol:

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Do you support a indictment of Hillary Clinton if the evidence warrants? Yes or No?


Since you keep asking questions, I have one for you.


If no indictment is brought about, will you support the decision that the evidence wasn't there to indict, or will you hold on to belief that she received special treatment?

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Since you keep asking questions, I have one for you.


If no indictment is brought about, will you support the decision that the evidence wasn't there to indict, or will you hold on to belief that she received special treatment?


If she is not indicted I will say she is not guilty. I still have some trust in the system. If the FBI were to come out after she was not indicted and publicly say or show the evidence, then we have a problem.

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