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FBI Ready to Indict Hillary

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You make WAY too much sense, which is why you usually get very little response to your posts.


Yeah, some things just send me into stream of typing and this is one.


I had some classmates that used to work for 'the agency'. I think they are all out now. It takes a toll when they do a security check with interviews with neighbors and family members each year. I have known some people who were in sensitive positions in previous jobs with Uncle Sam. And the vehicle they drove had bullet-proof glass and kevlar lined doors and remote start - and the remote start was not for cold mornings.


Its not a game, its not James Bond, but people take risks and sometimes perish in unusual situations far too much when involved with the clandestine operations. Treating this subject like a political football and making jokes is disturbing.

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Yeah, some things just send me into stream of typing and this is one.


I had some classmates that used to work for 'the agency'. I think they are all out now. It takes a toll when they do a security check with interviews with neighbors and family members each year. I have known some people who were in sensitive positions in previous jobs with Uncle Sam. And the vehicle they drove had bullet-proof glass and kevlar lined doors and remote start - and the remote start was not for cold mornings.


Its not a game, its not James Bond, but people take risks and sometimes perish in unusual situations far too much when involved with the clandestine operations. Treating this subject like a political football and making jokes is disturbing.


The only reason I "liked" this post is because I could not "love" it!

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Yeah, some things just send me into stream of typing and this is one.


I had some classmates that used to work for 'the agency'. I think they are all out now. It takes a toll when they do a security check with interviews with neighbors and family members each year. I have known some people who were in sensitive positions in previous jobs with Uncle Sam. And the vehicle they drove had bullet-proof glass and kevlar lined doors and remote start - and the remote start was not for cold mornings.


Its not a game, its not James Bond, but people take risks and sometimes perish in unusual situations far too much when involved with the clandestine operations. Treating this subject like a political football and making jokes is disturbing.


But what does it even matter any more?

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I talked to a lifelong, dyed in the wool, 100% Democrat today. He is an elected official. He says he is stunned that Hillary has not been charged and indicted yet, and he knows a thing or two about charging and indicting people.


He says he's embarrassed as a Democrat that the best the DNC come up with was Hillary and Bernie.

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I heard back in Thanksgiving that the plan was to drop the hammer on HRC before the convention. Maybe with the polls the the Obama/Jarrett/Holder machine has decided to move up the timeline.


They probably will wrap the Benghazi anchor around her neck and toss her over-board to some gung ho federal prosecutors. That will give the sharks some meat till January and soak up all the negative headlines.

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Guys, I realize this is a Republican wish board, but, in all seriousness, I can't see how she can be indicted for mishandling classified information without implicating nearly every high- level politician and bureaucrat in Washington from 2008-2012.


Do you guys realistically see that type of govt roundup? I don't, but I'm on the left and delusional :sarcastic:

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Guys, I realize this is a Republican wish board, but, in all seriousness, I can't see how she can be indicted for mishandling classified information without implicating nearly every high- level politician and bureaucrat in Washington from 2008-2012.


Do you guys realistically see that type of govt roundup? I don't, but I'm on the left and delusional :sarcastic:

You are on the left. You are delusional. I do agree with your assertion. Not happening.

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I heard back in Thanksgiving that the plan was to drop the hammer on HRC before the convention. Maybe with the polls the the Obama/Jarrett/Holder machine has decided to move up the timeline.


They probably will wrap the Benghazi anchor around her neck and toss her over-board to some gung ho federal prosecutors. That will give the sharks some meat till January and soak up all the negative headlines.


I've said all along that the President would at some point pull the chair out from under her, allowing Biden to slide in at the convention to take the nomination.


By doing it this way, Biden doesn't have to face an entire year of scrutiny...just a few months, giving him a lot less of a chance to screw up.

By Biden not running in the primary, it kept Hillary and Bernie from having to attack the President and Bidens record for the last 7 years...nothing worse than eating your own. The President expects to get attacked by whomever the GOP nominee is but he didn't want Sanders or an insider like Clinton attacking Biden and by proxy him all winter and spring.


If Hillary does in fact get indicted (thrown to the wolves) and Joe sweeps in to "Save the day", it will be the stuff of legend for years to come in political backrooms all over Washington D.C.

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