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P A Announcer issues


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I have been to a few venues in NKY this season and have noticed a severe lack of professionalism of some of the public address announcers at football games. The announcers seem to be wannabe play by play guys or color analysts. Way too much talking, often at inappropriate times (when the ball is being snapped), not understanding the Official's hand signals/calling out the incorrect penalty, re-living the previous play with dialogue, calling players by odd nicknames, referring to an incomplete pass as "no good" and a missed extra point as incomplete, leaving the microphone on so that we can hear even more blather...the list could go on and on. At most, just give the down and yard mark once in a while, acknowledge players from both teams who do well on most plays, inform the crowd (correctly please) what penalty has been called and do some local civic announcements. Other than that, flip the mic switch to the off position. Maybe I am just getting old, but I'd rather watch the game with just the ambient crowd noise and the atmosphere of high school football, than to sit and have to listen to someone who has no idea what their role should be and who loves the sound of their own voice waaaayyyy too much.

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I've had issues with some but they are few and far between. As long as they don't put their personal bias spin on how the game is going then I have no issues with them. The PA announcing I have the biggest problem is with baseball. I have been to a couple places where they intentionally treat the visiting team like trash through the way they announce and it's a shame. One place in particular that I will not mention because the last time I was there they seemed to straighten their act up, but 2 years ago they had a student doing the announcing and it was beyond embarrassing and if I were one of the home team fans I would have had him yanked out of the booth.


The displeasure with how he treated the visiting team was stated to them numerous times after the game as well as during the game.

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I have been to a few venues in NKY this season and have noticed a severe lack of professionalism of some of the public address announcers at football games. The announcers seem to be wannabe play by play guys or color analysts. Way too much talking, often at inappropriate times (when the ball is being snapped), not understanding the Official's hand signals/calling out the incorrect penalty, re-living the previous play with dialogue, calling players by odd nicknames, referring to an incomplete pass as "no good" and a missed extra point as incomplete, leaving the microphone on so that we can hear even more blather...the list could go on and on. At most, just give the down and yard mark once in a while, acknowledge players from both teams who do well on most plays, inform the crowd (correctly please) what penalty has been called and do some local civic announcements. Other than that, flip the mic switch to the off position. Maybe I am just getting old, but I'd rather watch the game with just the ambient crowd noise and the atmosphere of high school football, than to sit and have to listen to someone who has no idea what their role should be and who loves the sound of their own voice waaaayyyy too much.


I'm sure this will illicit so e quick responses from the audience here- but Highlands Group of student PA announcers need to be tweaked.

I think it's fantastic that they have created this opportunity to enter the media world - with game time and half time interviews etc- but many of the things mentioned above should be monitored a little tighter. I don't care so much about nicknames or getting the crowd fired up (to a point) but please just get down and distance and penalties called correctly- or leave it in the hands of a knowledgable adult.

I will also say that Johnson Central gets an A for pre game atmosphere- and an F for in game. Playing all the audio and music clips you can squeeze into the 25 seconds between plays at ridiculously high volume levels is truly obnoxious.

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I'm sure this will illicit so e quick responses from the audience here- but Highlands Group of student PA announcers need to be tweaked.



Tweak the student announcers! Great atmosphere, great football, Pa - not so much. I commend the school in bringing the students into the game atmosphere with the halftime news broadcast, etc. But let the students broadcast JV, Frosh, FTJL and bring in a good voice to match the good football

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No names will be named as there are multiple offenders in the area that I have heard and no doubt many more that I have not had the displeasure of hearing. I understand that an announcer will tend to be biased for the home team, but it should never be disrespectful toward the opponents and I have not heard any of this locally. My beef is with too much chatter and getting things wrong. If you don't know, just say nothing! And there is no reason to do post-play by play after we have all just seen the play! If there is to be music between plays, let it be from the band.

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It's not just a Northern KY phenomenon. I understand a bias in inflection and so forth but there are a few PA folks here in Jefferson County who egg on the crowd to "get behind the defense" or "accidentally" start talking while a visiting QB is trying to do his cadence or as a play is happening.


PA guys ARE NOT play by play announcers and they shouldn't try to be.

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Keep in mind that most of these folks are dads or alums living vicariously through their sons/school. Yes some go over the top, music between every play is VERY bush league, and everyone could benefit from the "less is more" philosophy, but overall nothing to get too bent out of shape over.

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Lexington Catholic's PA dude is over the top.


He's got nicknames for everything. Knight needs to tell me who all these people are.


The Cobra

The Couch

The Principle

He said the blue train

The Lexington Catholic make some noise on 3rd down.


But he is a nice guy

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Lexington Catholic's PA dude is over the top.


He's got nicknames for everything. Knight needs to tell me who all these people are.


The Cobra

The Couch

The Principle

He said the blue train

The Lexington Catholic make some noise on 3rd down.


The first one is Dave Parker, the second is Tim, the third is Probably Morgan Freeman (though it could be Dennis Haskins). No idea on the "blue train".

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