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We do not belong to government. Government was created by the People. Government belongs to the People.


An all powerful government is at odds with personal freedom. By cheering on the greatness of government, the rights and achievements of the People are lessened.


We're getting into semantics here. Govt is intermingled with our daily freedoms. That video wasn't promoting an "all powerful government."

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There have been accomplishments, and they will be mentioned a lot this week. What we won't hear is that all of these "accomplishments" are tax and spend initiatives. God help the next generations if we allow it to continue...


4M private sector jobs in the last 29 months are all "tax and spend initiatives?" You don't buy that.

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Well, one thing is for sure, Michelle can certainly say she is better off now than she was 4 years ago. Her date nights have gone from dinner and maybe a movie in a rusted out car to dinner and the theater in New York City on Airforce One.


Surely we do not begrudge the POTUS getting out on a date. We haven't become that petty, right?

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Clyde, the enitre night centered around government. It just did, if big government is to your likely then fine but don't try and act like this administration isn't all about government.


It did center around how govt can help. It NEVER said govt is the alpha and the omega.

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I don't have a problem with it. I am sick of hearing, from both sides mind you, about how tough all of them have had it.
It never ceases to amaze me how every politician came from a hard working blue-collar family that has instilled the fundamental values of America in to them. Uphill both ways to school.
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It did center around how govt can help. It NEVER said govt is the alpha and the omega.


Oh my gosh, you kill me. You take one pharase and pick it to death. Every speach centered around government and it's involvement. Every success story involved the government. We are all a member of the government, the government this, the government that. Like I said if that's the country you want, great have at.

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That Gas hasn't doubled, it was high previous, during and in all likely hood after Obama's 2nd term. It's too high and hurting the economy but it was high way before Obama and not his fault.


So gas hasn't doubled since 7 months before Obama took office, that we have established. Do you still want to claim the Dow has doubled? Because the Dow was at 11,800 in July of 2008 and 13,000 in May of 2008.


I just want to understand. It looks to me like you use which ever date suits you best. July 2008 for gas and March 2009 for the Dow. Just seems pretty inconsistent and misleading.

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4M private sector jobs in the last 29 months are all "tax and spend initiatives?" You don't buy that.


Per CNN 4.5 million jobs added-a number cited often by the dems. 5 million jobs lost.


Net negative 500,000. Again per CNN.


This President has been a failure.Michelle did nicely. I didn't care for the San Antonio major. Thought he was too scripted.


I did like Ted Strickland of Ohio-say what you believe and mean it. Call out the other side if that is what you think.

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