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Alcohol issues and the Chicago Bulls Challenge


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I just don't like the mentality that says if you don't drink there's something wrong with you -- as if it's some kind of weakness.


I tend to go the other way and that, at least in my mind, the inability of a drinker to control how much he or she drinks is a weakness. But I will say this: it took a while for me to get over the notion that it was somehow suspicious. That feeling that someone who didn't drink must have some strange motive or reasoning that I couldn't even begin to understand or relate to. It's not something that bothers me as I've gotten older, but I won't lie, it creeps up from time to time.

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Guest Birdflu
I tend to go the other way and that, at least in my mind, the inability of a drinker to control how much he or she drinks is a weakness. But I will say this: it took a while for me to get over the notion that it was somehow suspicious. That feeling that someone who didn't drink must have some strange motive or reasoning that I couldn't even begin to understand or relate to. It's not something that bothers me as I've gotten older, but I won't lie, it creeps up from time to time.


It is as simple as this: some people choose not to drink and some people choose to drink. Nothing anymore sinister than that. Drinking alcohol is only a problem when it becomes an addiction. But I guess I am no different, I am addicted to not drinking alcohol.

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At this point in the season I think I'm just playing for a better percentage in the lottery for next year.


There's a joke here about tanking and getting tanked but I'm not smart enough at unraveling tense confusion to figure it out.

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Looks like we have two games going. Who will have the most balls in the lottery and who will have the best team. I project myself to have a Sacramento Kings type of finish. Somewhere between worst and 5th worst. I'm thinking I'll end up about 10-21 but I know I'll be 1-7 just like Getslow on Monday morning. Shoot...I'm three beers deep now poolside and headed for the fourth. It's my birthday month too? Not. Looking. Good.

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Believe it or not, I used my own brain, eyes and common sense to come to these conclusions. If something doesn't interest you, why try it. Maybe you were subject to peer pressure. Only people I know with drinking problems have said anything about me not drinking. I chalked it up to misery loves company.


Fair enough on the bolded part.


The rest, well, that's completely out-of-bounds, frankly, and I resent the implication. I will confess, I've teetered on the line and leaned waaay over, but was able to get a handle on myself before it was out of control. Kind of leaned on the Catholic upbringing (even though I'm not the best Catholic in the world) and established more of a sense of moderation and knowledge of my limits. All part of growing up.


However, I am 3/4 German and 1/4 Czech. We drink. It's ingrained in the culture. We drink because it's a way to socialize, but also because it tastes good. No different than enjoying a cookie or chocolate or whatever. Have a few cookies or chocolates. Just not the whole box, every day. Too much of a good thing can kill you.

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I see what you are saying. But the attitude that driking is evil and will lead to horrible things after one drink is a much bigger problem in my mind. The Reefer Madness mentality run amuck...


From my experience, the people who are like that tend to come from dry counties where they serve grape juice at 98 percent (rough estimate :D) of the local church services. Those folks go off to college, have their first tastes of the booze and engage in the self-fulfilling prophesy their moms and grandmas have told them all their lives -- that they can't control themselves on booze.


They're the ones passed out in a pile of puke and urine at the end of the night, waking up the next morning wondering why their eyebrows are shaved and half their beard/stache is gone, and crude magic marker drawings of male genitalia have replaced the facial hair. It's usually the kids whose parents were honest with them about the pluses and minuses of booze who are sitting back laughing at the end of the night, taking Polaroids of their artwork.

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Guest Birdflu
Fair enough on the bolded part.


The rest, well, that's completely out-of-bounds, frankly, and I resent the implication. I will confess, I've teetered on the line and leaned waaay over, but was able to get a handle on myself before it was out of control. Kind of leaned on the Catholic upbringing (even though I'm not the best Catholic in the world) and established more of a sense of moderation and knowledge of my limits. All part of growing up.


However, I am 3/4 German and 1/4 Czech. We drink. It's ingrained in the culture. We drink because it's a way to socialize, but also because it tastes good. No different than enjoying a cookie or chocolate or whatever. Have a few cookies or chocolates. Just not the whole box, every day. Too much of a good thing can kill you.


I was making an assumption for affect, kind of like what you assumed about me. People just need to make their own choices and not worry about others. I respect your choices and I just want you to respect mine. No disrespect intended.

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