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Is this Indoctrination


Hail to the Chief we have chosen for the nation,

Hail to the Chief! We salute him, one and all.

Hail to the Chief, as we pledge cooperation

In proud fulfillment of a great, noble call.

Yours is the aim to make this grand country grander,

This you will do, that's our strong, firm belief.

Hail to the one we selected as commander,

Hail to the President! Hail to the Chief!



Is this Indoctrination?


I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Of the United States of America

And to the Republic for which it stands

One Nation under God, indivisible

With Liberty and Justice for all.


Is this Indoctrination


Our Father, Who art in Heaven . . . (I just use this as an example of "prayer in school")


Why are some things indoctrination and some not . . . oh b/c it is Obama:isurrender:


Replace “Chief” with “Obama” and does it have the same meaning? One is about the Office of the President the other is to a specific person. There is a difference.


As far as the Pledge of Allegiance, that’s to the Flag and not a person or position.


The prayer…..well I’m not even going to go there. When people start praying to Obama we a HUGE problem.

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Is this snappy little tune a praise to Mr. Obama or a Campbell's Soup jingle?


"Mm-mmm good!"


Ace said "how silly of us to acknowledge the accomplishments of the President. "


Not to be too pesky, but could anyone please inform me of any one "accomplishment" the President is being "acknowledged" for in any lyric of this little ditty? All I read are a bunch of platitudinous “he said"s attributing generic social themes to Mr. O as if he was the only (or at least the first) one to have ever thought up or said such things.


If anything, this amounts to plagiarism by third party transfer of attribution in an attempt to establish a contemporary legend… but I digress…


Mm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama


He said that all must lend a hand

To make this country strong again

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama


He said we must be fair today

Equal work means equal pay

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama


He said that we must take a stand

To make sure everyone gets a chance

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama


He said red, yellow, black or white

All are equal in his sight

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama


On a completely unrelated note... what exactly has this current president "accomplished" apart from the praises of this anthem, with a senate and house stacked entirely in his favor?

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Is this snappy little tune a praise to Mr. Obama or a Campbell's Soup jingle?


"Mm-mmm good!"


Ace said "how silly of us to acknowledge the accomplishments of the President. "


Not to be too pesky, but could anyone please inform me of any one "accomplishment" the President is being "acknowledged" for in any lyric of this little ditty? All I read are a bunch of platitudinous “he said"s attributing generic social themes to Mr. O as if he was the only (or at least the first) one to have ever thought up or said such things.


If anything, this amounts to plagiarism by third party transfer of attribution in an attempt to establish a contemporary legend… but I digress…


Mm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama


He said that all must lend a hand

To make this country strong again

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama


He said we must be fair today

Equal work means equal pay

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama


He said that we must take a stand

To make sure everyone gets a chance

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama


He said red, yellow, black or white

All are equal in his sight

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama


On a completely unrelated note... what exactly has this current president "accomplished" apart from the praises of this anthem, with a senate and house stacked entirely in his favor?



I was wondering the same thing. Of course, just getting elected was a major accomplishment in itself.

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Please read all of my posts so that you can see that I was being facetious to make a point elsewhere. I don't agree with this either.
I'm not looking for a big knock down drag out here Ace, I'm really not... and my problem with all this isn't you... it's the prevailing attitude that Obama is so awesome and his "accomplishments" so intelligent and so stellar that the only reason anyone could disagree with him is because he's half black and/or his detractors are simply too ignorant to appreciate how amazing he truly is.


This is as disingenuous as it is intellectually lazy.


how silly of us to acknowledge the accomplishments of the President.


The patriotism of it all:ohbrother:

While I accept your assertion that you find the propagandistic brainwashing of elementary school children "not cool"… I again ask you to throw me a bone here. What has this president actually accomplished beyond dousing us in a river of platitudes and aphorisms?


You also indicate a belief that singing a song of praise to an individual is “patriotic”. Again, I am willing to try to understand your view, but you need to do some ‘splainin’.

Why are some things indoctrination and some not . . . oh b/c it is Obama:isurrender:
Again, this is disingenuous… it doesn’t matter whether the indoctrination features Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Kim Jong Il, Hu Jintao, Castro, Ahmadinejad, Putin, Chavez, Gadhafi, FILL IN THE BLANK… indoctrination is indoctrination. The “because it’s Obama” mantra is wearing thin.


In my America, it's a parents right to "indoctrinate" or train his/her child. This is not the job or privilege of some state employed teacher or bureaucrat.

...the hate being thrown at Obama is different that it was at Bush. Distinctly different.
…different only from the perspective that it’s coming from “different” haters. How is “HATE” different? Is hate from a white person toward a black person worse than hate from black to white, or black to black, or white to white, or hetero black to homosexual white, or Arab to Jewish, or… or… or…


This is the problem I have with the whole “hate crimes” argument. How is murder any better or worse depending upon whether “hate” was involved? Should we truly punish “hate” murders more strongly than “love” murders? Do we punish more or less depending upon the amount of “hate” involved or depending upon the skin color or sexual orientation of the person murdered? REALLY? How can one murder be better or worse than another based on such issues?


I HATE no one.


I couldn’t care less if our president’s skin was paper white, coal black or vibrant green with large orange polka dots, as long as his policies and actions support our national defense, sovereignty and freedoms. On the other hand, a president with the supernatural ability to alter his skin tone while softly glowing in the dark is unimpressive if his policies are destructive to our nation and way of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


If I disagree with the president, it’s entirely because of his policies or ideology. I suspect there are a lot more folks out there who feel as I do than hate him for something as feeble as his genetics or because his middle name is Hussein. :thumb:

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I am simply being facetious to make a point from another thread. This is obviously different and not cool - just as the hate being thrown at Obama is different that it was at Bush. Distinctly different.


The hate being thrown at Obama and the hate that was thrown at Bush are distinctly different. Different people throwing the hate.


Isn't life the ultimate adventure? I mean if you were critical of Bush you were unpatriotic and if you are critical of Obama you are a racist. I guess we can't dislike the policies of anyone without there being a deep seeded hatred of something or some group of people.

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I'm not looking for a big knock down drag out here Ace, I'm really not... and my problem with all this isn't you... it's the prevailing attitude that Obama is so awesome and his "accomplishments" so intelligent and so stellar that the only reason anyone could disagree with him is because he's half black and/or his detractors are simply too ignorant to appreciate how amazing he truly is.


This is as disingenuous as it is intellectually lazy.


While I accept your assertion that you find the propagandistic brainwashing of elementary school children "not cool"… I again ask you to throw me a bone here. What has this president actually accomplished beyond dousing us in a river of platitudes and aphorisms?


You also indicate a belief that singing a song of praise to an individual is “patriotic”. Again, I am willing to try to understand your view, but you need to do some ‘splainin’.

Again, this is disingenuous… it doesn’t matter whether the indoctrination features Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Kim Jong Il, Hu Jintao, Castro, Ahmadinejad, Putin, Chavez, Gadhafi, FILL IN THE BLANK… indoctrination is indoctrination. The “because it’s Obama” mantra is wearing thin.


In my America, it's a parents right to "indoctrinate" or train his/her child. This is not the job or privilege of some state employed teacher or bureaucrat.

…different only from the perspective that it’s coming from “different” haters. How is “HATE” different? Is hate from a white person toward a black person worse than hate from black to white, or black to black, or white to white, or hetero black to homosexual white, or Arab to Jewish, or… or… or…


This is the problem I have with the whole “hate crimes” argument. How is murder any better or worse depending upon whether “hate” was involved? Should we truly punish “hate” murders more strongly than “love” murders? Do we punish more or less depending upon the amount of “hate” involved or depending upon the skin color or sexual orientation of the person murdered? REALLY? How can one murder be better or worse than another based on such issues?


I HATE no one.


I couldn’t care less if our president’s skin was paper white, coal black or vibrant green with large orange polka dots, as long as his policies and actions support our national defense, sovereignty and freedoms. On the other hand, a president with the supernatural ability to alter his skin tone while softly glowing in the dark is unimpressive if his policies are destructive to our nation and way of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


If I disagree with the president, it’s entirely because of his policies or ideology. I suspect there are a lot more folks out there who feel as I do than hate him for something as feeble as his genetics or because his middle name is Hussein. :thumb:


My whole post was facetious, actually spending time to look up lyrics. I don't think they should be teaching anybody to sing the praises to an individual. My point was that all is simply a matter of perspective.


You see people talk about Keith Olberman and his hatred of Bush, but the fact is in Franklin County Kentucky we don't get MSNBC, as I am sure that a lot of other smaller communities do not. So I would not consider Olberman or Madow main stream, but I would consider FOX and Friends In the Morning. If you equate FOX to CNN, I don't recall anyone on CNN calling Bush a Fascist, ever.


As to disagreeing with Obama's policies, heck he has been in office 8 months, if he doesn't really have accomplishments he doesn't really have policies at this point. He will have a new Health Care policy that will be his in whatever form it is, but what policy is it that he has that anyone can HATE?? What they hate is that it is Obama, and what they have been told that he might do. What was Van Jones' policy - don't know b/c he never got to implement one. What are any of the Czars policies that Beck/Hannity are railing against, don't know they haven't implemented any.


the only thing Obama has done at this point is the Stimulus and Car Bailout. So how about when we get on here and criticize we stick to those things, b/c that is all he has really done . . . I guess and health care at this point..


I don't think he is a god, or a semi-god, or a demi-god or the anti-Christ, just as I didn't think Bush was any of those things, but I also didn't come on here every day with some Blog post about one of the STUPID things somebody in his administration did.


let it go a bit.

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