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Obama Wants Applicants' Web-Posting Past

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Our President-elect, a former dope-smoking, cocaine-snorting friend of terrorists and other assorted radicals wants to make sure than none of his administration's employees have posted anything on a blog that might embarrass him.


Obama's tactics remind me of a song.


The dream police, they live inside of my head.

The dream police, they come to me in my bed.

The dream police, they're coming to arrest me, oh no....


I guess the thought police would reject our applications, RTS. :lol:


Obama Wants Applicants' Web-Posting Past

CNET: 9-Page Questionnaire Asks Job Applicants To Document Blog Posts, Comments, Facebook Profiles And More


(CNET) If you want a job in an Obama administration, be prepared to disclose every blog post or comment you've ever written.


A nine-page questionnaire requires applicants to list -- and if possible, provide copies of -- all "posts or comments on blogs or other Web sites" they have ever made. Also required are "aliases" or nicknames used on those sites.


Translated into English, this means that President-elect Obama wants to know far more about you than his predecessors did. That requirement would force applicants to disclose information about Facebook and MySpace pages, profiles posted on dating Web sites, and even what was posted on Web sites like CNET and YouTube that allow readers to append comments.


Note that question doesn't only ask for potentially embarrassing or incendiary posts. It wants a list of "each" one.


It also asks for the URLs of "any Web sites that feature you in either a personal or professional capacity," and suggests MySpace and Facebook by name as examples. Dating sites like Match.com would be included, too.

Edited by Hoot Gibson
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Our President-elect, a former dope-smoking, cocaine-snorting friend of terrorists and other assorted radicals wants to make sure than none of his administration's employees have posted anything on a blog that might be embarrass him.


Obama's tactics remind me of a song.




I guess the thought police would reject our applications, RTS. :lol:

Yes they would! Probably slap the cuffs on both of us as well. :lol:


BTW, I find it a bit absurd that he's that concerned about web posting.

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Obama is an unqualified bafoon who suckered a lot of people into voting for him.




Guess I just cost myself any chance at a position in his administration.


I didn't much think I would be offered a position anyway:lol::lol:


IMO - somethings should be his business and other things not.....but it looks as if he doesn't think so......yea ...this could get real interesting.

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Our President-elect, a former dope-smoking, cocaine-snorting friend of terrorists and other assorted radicals wants to make sure than none of his administration's employees have posted anything on a blog that might embarrass him.


Sieg Heil.

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I admit that while I am not completely happy that Obama won the election, I am more than willing to give him a chance as the new President.


That said however...


How is this ANY different from what Obama and his supporters railed against during the campaign? By that I mean all the attempts to bring up Obama's past associations that many people who supported him decried. Is this not the same thing? Is this not trying to delve into people's personal lives for the sake of politics?


I am on facebook, myspace and I have a LiveJournal. Under NO circumstances would I want ANYTHING that I do on there to have any bearing on my job. Some uptight beaurocrat could decide that something I posted on my LJ in jest is actually subversive or dangerous and keep me from getting a job OR get me fired. How is it any different than me talking to someone that I know about it, or emailing them? This is a violation of privacy plain and simple.

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What does Obama requiring applicants to provide every single blog and post have to do with the Patriot Act? Do you agree or disagree that this is an unreasonable invasion of privacy on Obama's behalf?



I'll answer your question, after you've answered mine. It is relevant.

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I'll answer your question, after you've answered mine. It is relevant.
My question i relevant. Unless Obama is requiring applicants to divulge all of their internet postings in order to comply with the Patriot Act, then your question is not relevant to the topic at hand. Is it relevant?
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