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Dominating Teams


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I have read many posts in here over the last couple of years, Bashing the Teams that have taken it to the next level. Two that seem to top the list are consitantly Beechwood and Highlands. Do they deserve all the sideways comments, do these folks think that the Josh Conners and Adam Dempsys drop from the sky? Or that Nieko Tiepel and Dominic Mainello just walked on the field and had that talent/ HECK NO! The programs that they are associated with have given them the knowledge and training and they have supplied th blood, sweat and grit to be the best of ths best.

I put the blame on the teams that settle for mediocracy year in and year out, they could be on top if they chose to. Put the Ludlow players in the Beechwood systym and the Tigers success would surface, put Dixie under Highlands supervision you would see State rings. They just dont settle for second best!

I call for the rest to step up!!

Edited by rockmom
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Yeah I actually think those talented players would be talented on any team. Neico Teipel is just a downright good football player, and he would be on any team. I don't think Beechwood had a lick to do with it, same with Mainello and Conner. But I understand what youre saying. And I agree to an extent. But good football players will be good football players on most teams. It's your supporting cast that makes the difference.

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Yeah I actually think those talented players would be talented on any team. Neico Teipel is just a downright good football player, and he would be on any team. I don't think Beechwood had a lick to do with it, same with Mainello and Conner. But I understand what youre saying. And I agree to an extent. But good football players will be good football players on most teams. It's your supporting cast that makes the difference.
Good point,I do agree. but my point is the training of the "supporting cast ". Thats what I question, Its easy to coddle a superstar!



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I can only relate to the Ludlow players and to be honest there has been plenty of talent here over the years. Our problem is simply numbers and the quantity of good players we have. In years past we may have had 4 or 5 players that could play for a Beechwood team, or anyone else for that matter, but the rest simply weren't really very good players, but due to the lack of numbers, had to play. I hope that makes sense. And that's not to slight those less talented. As a Ludlow supporter I will always stand behind our kids.

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Really? A list of dominating teams that doesn't include Trinity and St.X.? Really?


Two teams are hardly a list. IMO he used Beechwood and Highlands is because he is probably from NoKY, and is familiar with those teams.


Obviously, other teams fit into the same situation.

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Would anyone on BGP actually be naive ehough to think these teams are that great without getting players from outside the district? regardless of whether or not they are approved transfers or tuition students, I see both of these teams year in and year out with superb players from outside their districts. Would they still be good teams without these players; YES. IMO, that is what is taking these teams to the next level.


As Noel Rash would say, "It is what it is!"

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I think on a like thread it is summed up, it takes a village to raise a Bluebird.




Oh and 110% is not just a T-shirt slogan!


True, however with any successful program COACHING is key. A good coaching staff can bring out the best in not only the superstars, but can make ALL kids on the team work harder and succeed more than they ever thought possible. That makes a strong team in all positions.


Once a great team is established, more and more kids want to be a part of it, including tuition students. Beechwood kids start in kindergarten wearing red on Fridays and going to pep rallys and games on Friday nights. They cant wait to wear uniform when they grow up!

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Would anyone on BGP actually be naive ehough to think these teams are that great without getting players from outside the district? regardless of whether or not they are approved transfers or tuition students, I see both of these teams year in and year out with superb players from outside their districts. Would they still be good teams without these players; YES. IMO, that is what is taking these teams to the next level.


As Noel Rash would say, "It is what it is!"


...and your point is...You have superior academic schools with superior football programs and you are going to take issue with those schools because people want to send their kids to school there. I don't get it!!!

Every school can do this. No school district is not permitted to build a good football or any athletic program. Maybe the answer is to make your school safer and more academically successful.

You know "Build it and they will come":scared:

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...and your point is...You have superior academic schools with superior football programs and you are going to take issue with those schools because people want to send their kids to school there. I don't get it!!!

Every school can do this. No school district is not permitted to build a good football or any athletic program. Maybe the answer is to make your school safer and more academically successful.

You know "Build it and they will come":scared:


I agree that they are fine academic schools. However, kids will learn anywhere, if they want to learn. This is even true of Holmes (no offense Holmes! but the academic index speaks for itself) Just sending a kid to these schools is no guarntee of a better education, that is up to the kid. However, if my little Johnny wants to play for a winner, I will send him to Highlands or Beechwood, because of academics. :sssh:

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I agree that they are fine academic schools. However, kids will learn anywhere, if they want to learn. This is even true of Holmes (no offense Holmes! but the academic index speaks for itself) Just sending a kid to these schools is no guarntee of a better education, that is up to the kid. However, if my little Johnny wants to play for a winner, I will send him to Highlands or Beechwood, because of academics. :sssh:


I just cannot agree with the , "the kids will learn anywhere, if they want to learn"

I don't want to call out any schools or kids, but I know of kids who changed schools to attend better academic schools and struggled in their new environment.

I seem to recall a certain transfer to Beechwood who was a straight A student at his former school and struggled to stay eligible after his transfer. He did eventually succeed in the classroom after a lot of hard work.

I also recall an A/B student from a school last year who couldn't score high enough to be eligible for his Div. I scholarship.

I also know of kids at BHS and HHS who ranked in the halfway part of their class and scored 25+ on their ACT.

These schools will continue to receive good student athletes based on this alone.

Schools and Boosters need to hold academics first if they want to build a better athletic program.:thumb:

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I have read many posts in here over the last couple of years, Bashing the Teams that have taken it to the next level. Two that seem to top the list are consitantly Beechwood and Highlands. Do they deserve all the sideways comments, do these folks think that the Josh Conners and Adam Dempsys drop from the sky? Or that Nieko Tiepel and Dominic Mainello just walked on the field and had that talent/ HECK NO! The programs that they are associated with have given them the knowledge and training and they have supplied th blood, sweat and grit to be the best of ths best.

I put the blame on the teams that settle for mediocracy year in and year out, they could be on top if they chose to. Put the Ludlow players in the Beechwood systym and the Tigers success would surface, put Dixie under Highlands supervision you would see State rings. They just dont settle for second best!

I call for the rest to step up!!


I agree to some extent, talant does have something to do with it, but it is like Joe Pa says, if you don't like the score being run up on you, get a better defense. It is the offenses job to score and no good coach would ever tell his team not to score, and it is the defense job to stop the offense, if they can't then it is not offenses fault, GO HARD OR GO HOME!!!!







BTW the football field is a "NO WHINING ZONE!!!":madman:

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