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Russia Invades Georgia

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This situation is becoming very serious. Georgia has declared a state of war on Russia and this headline just appeared on CNN.com:


At least 2,000 people have died in Tskhinvali in South Ossetia, and the Georgian city has been destroyed, a Russian ambassador tells Interfax.

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This situation is becoming very serious. Georgia has declared a state of war on Russia and this headline just appeared on CNN.com:


At least 2,000 people have died in Tskhinvali in South Ossetia, and the Georgian city has been destroyed, a Russian ambassador tells Interfax.



Exactly. From what I can gather, a small group of people in that particular province were wanting to break away from Georgia...apparently Russia takes what support they can get when it comes to invasions.


Russia should also remember it has bad luck when invading small countries with mountain ranges.

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Are the Russians seriously using the Olympics to shield media and world coverage from this?!!!! Any other weekend and this type of thing would have 100 posts by now, and possibly even be a General Discussion thread.


If that's part of their plan it seems to be working....

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Note the me-too tough guy follow-up announcement by Obama. How would he respond to such an unprovoked attack without the pressure of political campaign bearing down upon him. Once again, McCain demonstrates quick, decisive leadership and Obama demonstrates that he is a follower.


Obama's initial statement:


Candidates condemn Georgia violence


“I strongly condemn the outbreak of violence in Georgia, and urge an immediate end to armed conflict," Democrat Barack Obama said in a statement. "Now is the time for Georgia and Russia to show restraint, and to avoid an escalation to full scale war. Georgia’s territorial integrity must be respected. All sides should enter into direct talks on behalf of stability in Georgia, and the United States, the United Nations Security Council, and the international community should fully support a peaceful resolution to this crisis.”


McCain's response to the Russian invasion:


Statement by John McCain on Russia's Aggression in Georgia


ARLINGTON, VA -- U.S. Senator John McCain issued the following statement regarding the current conflict between Georgia and Russia:


"Today, news reports indicate that Russian military forces crossed an internationally-recognized border into the sovereign territory of Georgia. Russia should immediately and unconditionally cease its military operations and withdraw all forces from sovereign Georgian territory. What is most critical now is to avoid further confrontation between Russian and Georgian military forces. The consequences for Euro-Atlantic stability and security are grave.


"The government of Georgia has called for a cease-fire and for a resumption of direct talks on South Ossetia with international mediators. The U.S. should immediately convene an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council to call on Russia to reverse course. The U.S. should immediately work with the EU and the OSCE to put diplomatic pressure on Russia to reverse this perilous course it has chosen. We should immediately call a meeting of the North Atlantic Council to assess Georgia's security and review measures NATO can take to contribute to stabilizing this very dangerous situation. Finally, the international community needs to establish a truly independent and neutral peacekeeping force in South Ossetia."


Obama's response - Take Two


Sen Barack Obama (D-Ill.) broke from his Hawaii vacation to discuss the clashes between Georgia and Russia with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and the Georgian president, his campaign reported.


Afterward, he issued a statement saying: "I condemn Russia’s aggressive actions and reiterate my call for an immediate ceasefire." - McCain, Obama step up criticism of Russia over Georgia


I think that it is great that Obama took time to learn which side the US is on before condemning either party. Even better is the fact that McCain immediately knew the good guys from the bad guys.

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Are the Russians seriously using the Olympics to shield media and world coverage from this?!!!! Any other weekend and this type of thing would have 100 posts by now, and possibly even be a General Discussion thread.


If that's part of their plan it seems to be working....


Russian and Georgian hug on the medal stand after a shooting competition...maybe there is hope for peace? lol

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Note the me-too tough guy follow-up announcement by Obama. How would he respond to such an unprovoked attack without the pressure of political campaign bearing down upon him. Once again, McCain demonstrates quick, decisive leadership and Obama demonstrates that he is a follower.


Obama's initial statement:




McCain's response to the Russian invasion:




Obama's response - Take Two




I think that it is great that Obama took time to learn which side the US is on before condemning either party. Even better is the fact that McCain immediately knew the good guys from the bad guys.


Aces, you are really stretching. There isn't a dimes worth of difference between the McCain and Obama initial statements. Note the call in the INITIAL statement to respect the territorial integrity of Georgia. Note also that the initial McCain statement did not condemn the Russians. We get it. You don't want Obama to win the election. Obama could walk accross the Pacific holding the hand of Jesus and your immediate post would read "Once again, Obama proves that he needs help".:D

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Aces, you are really stretching. There isn't a dimes worth of difference between the McCain and Obama initial statements. Note the call in the INITIAL statement to respect the territorial integrity of Georgia. Note also that the initial McCain statement did not condemn the Russians. We get it. You don't want Obama to win the election. Obama could walk accross the Pacific holding the hand of Jesus and your immediate post would read "Once again, Obama proves that he needs help".:D
:lol: Obama initially condemned the outbreak of violence and urged Georgia to show restraint. McCain immediately condemned Russia's naked aggression. Not a dime's worth of difference? :rolleyes:


Obama is as clueless on foreign policy as he is on energy and economic matters. He is a follower and in this case, he followed McCain's lead.

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