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Cinton apolgizes for RFK remarks

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BRANDON, South Dakota (CNN) – Hillary Clinton said Friday she regretted comments that evoked the June 1968 assassination of Robert Kennedy as part of her explanation for why she was staying in the presidential race late into the primary season.


"Earlier today, I was discussing the Democratic primary history and in the course of that discussion mentioned the campaigns that both my husband and Senator Kennedy waged in California in June in 1992 and 1968, and I was referencing those to make the point that we have had nominating primary contests that go into June. That's an historic fact,” she told reporters.


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BRANDON, South Dakota (CNN) – Hillary Clinton said Friday she regretted comments that evoked the June 1968 assassination of Robert Kennedy as part of her explanation for why she was staying in the presidential race late into the primary season.


"Earlier today, I was discussing the Democratic primary history and in the course of that discussion mentioned the campaigns that both my husband and Senator Kennedy waged in California in June in 1992 and 1968, and I was referencing those to make the point that we have had nominating primary contests that go into June. That's an historic fact,” she told reporters.


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Yeah, I'm sure she meant no offense and regrets the reference. Probably not a good time to reference California '68.

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Sounds like it was a stupid comment on line with what Huckabee said.

The Huckabee statement then the magazine cover that had Senator Obama sited in a rifle scope is what, I think, is making this more than it really is.

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Why is she apologizing for giving an example of another Democrat who was still campaigning for the nomination in June? Obama and his handlers must be among the thinnest skinned people in politics.


Perhaps they aren't thinned skinned, just looking for anything to push her on out the door?

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Perhaps they aren't thinned skinned, just looking for anything to push her on out the door?

If you are accusing conservatives of wanting to push her out the door, I don't think you could be more wrong. Here are two simple reasons: 1) Clinton staying in hurts Obama; and 2) Clinton is almost a moderate compared to ultra-liberal Obama.


If you are accusing liberals of wanting her out, I guess you could be right, but I'd just as soon assume that it is the media wanting to make a controversy out of anything to get viewers.

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If she was just trying to mention other democratic races that lasted well into the summer, she could have just mentioned 1984 for example. She purposely meant to reference '68 and Kennedy, which I think was a bad move especially considering Ted Kennedy's recent health diagnoses.

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