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U.S. giving Mexico $1.4 Billion to help their borders to Central America


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I heard about this while at work last night. We can't (USA) even patrol our own borders properly, but Congress wants to pass a $1.4 Billion dollar aid package to Mexico to help them with their border to Central America to keep Drug Cartels and Criminals out of Mexico.


Are you kidding me? We can't even protect our borders.


It is called the Merida Initiative.


Here is a video from the State Dept. from 2/7/08 on this and a couple of articles.


What is everyone thoughts on this?



Video from State Dept.


Council of Foreign Relations article


Another article from 2/11/08 on Merida Initiative

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This is another one of those instances where I cant see the logic in our Country's frame of mind here. Its sad when the U.S will continue to focus their attention on other world affairs when there are problems here that need to be addressed first.


I could not have said it better than myself. Did you know in Southeast Ky. the proverty index is around 80% where I live:cry::madman:

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I suspect that a large portion of the money would flow through Mexico and into bank accounts in the Caymans.


Given public opinion that is heavily in favor of controlling our borders, widespread bribery and kickbacks are the only explanations that I can think of to explain our elected politicians failure to take what would be popular enforcement actions.


(Before anybody asks for documentation to support my conspiracty theory, let me say that I have none. If I did, I would have already taken it to the FBI.)

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I could not have said it better than myself. Did you know in Southeast Ky. the proverty index is around 80% where I live:cry::madman:


Honest question: why, if the poverty level is so high, don't more people move out of the region to where jobs are available? I can understand love for one's home, but given the choice between being able to work or staying at home and living in poverty, its a no brainer for me: move.


People are obviously making the choice to stay and live in poverty. Do you think that one of the reason more people aren't moving to get out of poverty is because the welfare system provides enough subsistance that they can stay where they are and get by?



I know some people advocate that the problem could be solved if more money flowed into the area to improve roads, the school system, stimulate economic development etc., but realistically I don't ever seeing that ever happening to the magnitude necessary.


Businesses flow to where easily developable land is available. Much of eastern Ky is challenged there. They flow to where a decently sized airport is nearby. Eastern Kentucky does not have one. They flow to where there is a plentiful supply of highly educated workers. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the case in much of eastern Kentucky (if we thought pouring money into the education systems was really going to work, money might help but it would take decades to get the work force needed). Building roads helps but only if it leads to an area where all the other resources are already present. In my mind its the last resource provided, not the first.


Finally, I'm not intending to berate eastern Kentucky. I understand their love for their region. Heck, I love N. Ky too. But if I lost my job and could not provide for my family, I'd pick up and move in a heartbeat to where I could get a job. Thus I have a hard time understanding why people continue to live in poverty. Am I oversimplying the situation? I'm honestly looking for "the other side" so I can be better informed.

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