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Everything posted by Mr.Fundamental

  1. I would just like to point out that I have been saying this during the previous adminstration. I know that I am one, but I have to believe others to share this same opinion as well, so grouping all people is not the correct thing to do.
  2. :laugh: Something like that! In seriousness, it is called easter!
  3. AMEN:thumb: Maybe that will change, maybe not, it is my hope that it does!:ylsuper:
  4. Thanks for the info:notworthy: However, I agree with the premise of the Declaration. I don't think the time has come for that just yet, but the two party system sure is taking us down that road.
  5. Easter is only mentioned once in the book of Acts (I believe chapter 12 verse 4, don't hold me to that), just pointing that out
  6. I can not remember but either the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence states that from time to time revolution must happen, I think it comes from the Declaration of Independence. Can you help me on that?
  7. I like the idea; people that wish not to follow socialism needs to stand up! I say vote every incumbant out let America speak! Capitalism, freedom to win or fail, freedom to live a life style that is your business not the governments. I am all for this! Ironically, this debate has been going on since the founding of our country with the Jefferson and Franklin, go figure!
  8. Check this out: http://www.givemeliberty.org/FreedomDrive/Redress/PetitionTax.htm
  9. A natural born citizen did not bring the admendment to the floor, considering by strick law that OHIO was not part of the United States until 1953. That is a point in history that conservatives or liberals can not argue. Therefore the admendment should be abolished or presented again. This would clear up any confussion. I just think that this is very interesting! I see so many interpretations (sp) on the constitution so I wish to do the same. I hope this makes more people think about the constitution.
  10. This should help and point you into the direction of why I have stated what I have... http://www.usconstitution.net/constnotes.html#Am16 By the way you can join the group it mentions, I would be more than happy to help you!
  11. It was never ratified! It has been taken to court twice because of that little fact, and both times the courts have agreed with the plantiff, the ironic thing is that as it was moving up the court system to the Supreme Court, the plantiff went bankrupt:ohbrother: I will get the constitution and show you what my interpretation is... as soon as I find the constitution.
  12. I am for one glad to see this "tea" party stuff. I believe that ALL politicians have forgotten who they represent, with the exception of California. I have maintained and still maintain that the two party system has failed, hence my support for the Libertarian Party. I do not think it is the government's responsibility to bail out a failed product. I do not think it is the government's responsibility to tell me what is moral and immoral. I do think that tax money should be used as mandated in the Constitution. I do think think that the Federal Income Tax is unconstitutional. I do think that I think to much:D
  13. I am not doubting this, but they just cut 10,000 positions in California, I am trying to find the link!
  14. I am a teacher and understand what the private sector is saying about wanting results. We all want results for our children that is not the problem. The problem is how do we obtain results and what should those results should be. Is threating teacher pay going to get the desired results of whatever the results are? Or is the problem of getting results rest at home with the parents... Or is the problem of getting results with the child... Is the problem the way school systems spend money (i.e. sports programs) Just some things to consider If it was just the teacher I would say yes cut the pay but there are way to many factors other than the teacher to consider... Please remember that
  15. Whitley will be good in the southeast but will meet Highlands and they will have the same fate as everyone else in 5A ball.
  16. Just a thought: Is taxing at higher rates constitutional for those that make more money, it seems to me that is discrimination... just a thought... continue:popcorn:
  17. I started thread to get people's thoughts on what the constitution means to them, I hope that the people see how far off we actually are especially with ideas of entitlement.
  18. First Welcome, You are in for some ride! This a great place and alot of interesting views, just check a new thread I started:thumb: As to discuss what is the proper way to tithe or who should the money go to well, I believe that answer is between a person and God. Here is how I tithe, but again just me I give 50% to our church debt ( I believe that God wants no one in debt) 25% to the church to keep administrative duties going 12.5% to a mission field 12.5% to local ministries However, that is just me, and I also believe that a person should give offerings as well as tithings.
  19. I know the point you are making, but there is something wrong to me with saying the government allows. We are the government or at least we use to be... I never understood how Congress can get around the Constitution Amendment 2 A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. For the Record Infringed: In the context of the Constitution, phrases like "shall not be infringed," "shall make no law," and "shall not be violated" Source: http://www.usconstitution.net/const.html#A1Sec8
  20. 5A against a 5A... Whitley has struggled against schools its own size, 1-2, both loses against South, but I think that the upset is likely!
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