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i'm saying anything that the government does is paid by tax dollars. How else does a government work?


I'm saying this. I would rather $9 trillion dollars be spent in the United States to work on fixing our healthcare system, education system, immigration system etc. instead of using it to help Iraqi's. I am not saying that we need to pay for everyones insurance, i'm saying we need to research and find a way to work with insurances, hospitals and medical providers to get a plan in place for everyone. The gov't is the only entity that can do this.


I will also make this point. The immigration system needs to be done in a way to get these immigrants on the path to citizenship. They need to come to us instead of avoiding us. If we try to round them up, it will cost lots of money, then we deport them & they come right back. I think we need to be smarter with our money than that.


Are you in favor of wealth redistribution?

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Somebody give me some actual number on welfare who abuse the system. My sister recieved WIC for some time here in this fine state and hated going to the cashier with her food stamps, etc. and was embarrassed by it. But her 7.50 per hour job did not allow her to be able to afford to feed her children otherwise. I often helped pay the gas bill in the winter time and she was embarrased by that.


She is a functional adult, but made a mistake 15 years ago that she will never escape from b/c our system is not designed for her to succeed. She can't go get a GED b/c she can't afford to take off work to take the classes needed to pass it. If they are offered in the evening she can't afford child care.


I just don't see the system being gamed by as many people as folks believe. I think it is a bogey man to scare people.

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Somebody give me some actual number on welfare who abuse the system. My sister recieved WIC for some time here in this fine state and hated going to the cashier with her food stamps, etc. and was embarrassed by it. But her 7.50 per hour job did not allow her to be able to afford to feed her children otherwise. I often helped pay the gas bill in the winter time and she was embarrased by that.


She is a functional adult, but made a mistake 15 years ago that she will never escape from b/c our system is not designed for her to succeed. She can't go get a GED b/c she can't afford to take off work to take the classes needed to pass it. If they are offered in the evening she can't afford child care.


I just don't see the system being gamed by as many people as folks believe. I think it is a bogey man to scare people.


Interesting example...I too would like to see numbers.

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here are some facts:

1. McCain, Clinton or Obama will all be better than Bush.

2. The war in Iraq is the biggest waste of money in a long long time.

3. Our healthcare system needs revamped. maybe not universal healthcare but when someone, like me, says there are problems, the fear tactics start. I have never in this post or any other said that I supported mandated healthcare but b/c I think our system could be better, i am for universal healthcare. These are the same fear tactics by most conservatives regarding religion, the moral right, abortion and oh yes, terrorism & our nice color coded warning signs & us hearing al qaeda, terrorism, etc every time Bush has spoken over the last 6 years.

4. There are people that do game the system but we all can agree that many people do need to be helped. Who will do that? government. who are those people? handicapped, ill, sick

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You know, I keep hearing that number thrown around but of who is included in that 45,000,000? How many of those are singles in there 20's who can afford it, have a job where it is offered but not take it because they don't think they need it. They would rather have the money. Are illegals included in that figure?


How many of that 45,000,000 are actually people that want it, need it, but really can't afford it? How many of those 45,000,000 are driving new cars with $400/month car payments, or have a $120/month cell phone bill, a flat screen TV, or have the latest and greatest of everything?


I know there are plenty of people/families in this country that simply cannot afford health insurance and something needs to be done to fix that. But universal healthcare isn't it.


Being critical of numbers?? I wish many of you were as critical about the Iraq war. The lack of gov't response to Katrina & san diego fires.


being critical of these numbers BUT saying things like, "we didn't find WMD's but they had them." or President Bush keeps referring to Iraq & al qaeda but al qaeda wasn't in Iraq when we entered & they are a very small percentage (less than 3%) of the "insurgence" in Iraq.

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Being critical of numbers?? I wish many of you were as critical about the Iraq war. The lack of gov't response to Katrina & san diego fires.


being critical of these numbers BUT saying things like, "we didn't find WMD's but they had them." or President Bush keeps referring to Iraq & al qaeda but al qaeda wasn't in Iraq when we entered & they are a very small percentage (less than 3%) of the "insurgence" in Iraq.

It's funny how your reponse seems to always be about the war. You can't answer my questions so you start touting about the war. What does the war in Iraq, Katrina, or the fires have to do with my post? I was asking a serious question. I wasn't trying to be critical of anything. I want an accurate picture of what the situation really is, you were using the number to make your case so I thought you might know.

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here are some facts:

1. McCain, Clinton or Obama will all be better than Bush.

2. The war in Iraq is the biggest waste of money in a long long time.

3. Our healthcare system needs revamped. maybe not universal healthcare but when someone, like me, says there are problems, the fear tactics start. I have never in this post or any other said that I supported mandated healthcare but b/c I think our system could be better, i am for universal healthcare. These are the same fear tactics by most conservatives regarding religion, the moral right, abortion and oh yes, terrorism & our nice color coded warning signs & us hearing al qaeda, terrorism, etc every time Bush has spoken over the last 6 years.

4. There are people that do game the system but we all can agree that many people do need to be helped. Who will do that? government. who are those people? handicapped, ill, sick

I have put in bold the only two things in your post that are actual facts.

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4. There are people that do game the system but we all can agree that many people do need to be helped. Who will do that? government. who are those people? handicapped, ill, sick


My faith says that Jesus called on the church to do this. Jesus calls on us to be the church and help the needy. He didn't come here to sacrifice himself for us to rely on government to step in and do it.


I feel the church has shirked it's duties to help the truly needy out. But it is moving back in the direction to help people out.


One of the problems though is that is not covered by the mainstream media for people to realize that the church is trying to do it's mission. Instead they like to quote some guy they see as a national spokesman for Christianity.


Look at the responses of the churches throughout this country in Katrina.


That is how it should be handled. God's people banding together to come to the aid of others. Not waiting on the government to do it.

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Your belief that humans are inherently evil and that the people need a government to protect one another from everyone's evil is a cornerstone of socialist systems. Conservatives believe that most people are inherently good and that big government is evil. We believe that a government that forcibly redistributes income under the treat of imprisonment and breeds dependency among large numbers of its citizens in exchange for their votes is fundamentally a negative force in society.


People do good deeds without being coerced. Nobody made the Carnegies, Rockefellers, Fords, Vanderbilts, and other well known philanthropists set up large charitable trusts. Those wealthy philanthropists, who politicians of today would demonize in the name of class warfare, were great Americans who achieved greatness because of the individual liberty that this nation allowed them to keep.


Rags to riches stories used to be associated with our country. Now, such stories are increasingly likely to come from China or some other country having only recently embraced the capitalism that Democrats (and, sadly too many Republicans) disparage on a regular basis.


Socialist programs aimed at controlling human behavior have chased jobs from our shores, but if voter turnout for Hillary and Obama are any indication, Democrats believe that we still enjoy too much freedom. We still enjoy the freedom to leave, and today's Carnegies and Fords are looking elsewhere first for the next great investment opportunity. The jobs are following their money.

On the bolded...Amen brother!!! A Democrat doctrine since the days of LBJ. Vote buying is illegal, but the Dems have used this method for years, at the expense of taxes and the working man.

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You are a conservative, I am a democrat, so we'll have to agree to disagree on almost everything.


Most of your points are made with blinders on. So, the world does not look at what we do? OK, sure whatever. So, Barack living in almost every corner of the U.S. doesnt matter (hawaii, NY, Illinois). It may not but I feel that would give you valuable knowledge about different areas, different people, etc. Not to mention, he excelled in every spot (as a student in hawaii, being the first african-american president of law review in harvard history and then a state legislature in Illinois). How did he does this? Well it definitely wasn't on the back of his DADDY (like your pal George and Jeb). His dad was gone, he was bi-racial, so he had every opportunity to NOT EXCEL but he did. Remember those false emails? that wasnt b/c he was democrat or his issues, that was because he was african-american. period. I respect someone that will succeed in the face of overwhelming negative toward them. If you don't think racism still exists, then again take your blinders off!!


Dealing with abortion. The Supreme Court has the conservative majority so why haven't they already did something. This is just a wedge issue that is brought up every election for the past 30 yrs & then forgotten after it. they keep all you republicans and some democrats panties in a bunch about abortion but we all know that the supreme court which usually has a conservative advantage & does now, haven't & won't do anything.


further on abortion: take McCain for example. He has debated & talked his head off about a bunch of issues. He's talked for weeks & weeks & weeks with little to no hoopla. Then, he just has to say 2 words & people say, I'll vote for him. those words "I'm pro-life". Ask yourself. How many times has a politician said that? how many times in the last 30 years have I hear abortion come up when an election isn't on the line?

1) Why is it that those from the party of “tolerance” seem to be the most intolerant people? I disagree with you and I have “blinders” on. So, in other words, ONLY you and your views are the correct ones. No one else’s OPINION matters.

2) How did he NOT have the opportunity to excel just because his dad was not there? My parents were divorced since I was about 3 or 4, does that mean I didn’t have the chance to excel or did I have the chance to because I’m white?

3) Come on Superfan, those false emails weren’t because he’s African American, they were because people think he’s Muslim (which he isn’t) and he’s a politician.

BTW, just curious, is he considered African American or bi-racial? Not being a jerk here, I’m seriously asking if you’re half black and half white how are you African American.

4) Where did you get the idea that I don’t think racism still exists? Did I say that? Let me ask you a question, is racism only towards blacks or is it also towards whites and every other skin color out there?

5) On abortion I will ask again, does the child have a choice? How many times do I hear Pro Life? About as many times as I hear Change.

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One of the philosophical differences is to work on preventive care instead of corrective care. Also, insurance companies really help but the thought of "pre-existing conditions" are very vague.


There are also things like this that are touchy but need to be address. You have the right to smoke but if you smoke, you have a higher chance & risk of getting cancer. If you get cancer, then you care will cost quite a bit. Those costs will also affect others & there premiums, etc. There are also people like my nephew who got cancer when he was 7. I dont know how he got it but he did. There isnt always a sure sign to what happened.


I personally dont have all the answer but i'm sure a progressive leader like Obama and 535 Congress people plus the experts of the United States can find more answers than myself. I want them to do that. I dont want them to be complacent like many people (in the world & on here) that are okay with the things as is.

If we all do what we are supposed to and live healthy, won’t it cost this country more in the long run if we all live longer? They’ll still need to use Health Care. If people don't keel over from heart attacks, won't they be a bigger drain by living to be well into their 90's? Again, they’ll still need to use Health Care. What about SS?
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here are some facts:

1. McCain, Clinton or Obama will all be better than Bush.

2. The war in Iraq is the biggest waste of money in a long long time.

3. Our healthcare system needs revamped. maybe not universal healthcare but when someone, like me, says there are problems, the fear tactics start. I have never in this post or any other said that I supported mandated healthcare but b/c I think our system could be better, i am for universal healthcare. These are the same fear tactics by most conservatives regarding religion, the moral right, abortion and oh yes, terrorism & our nice color coded warning signs & us hearing al qaeda, terrorism, etc every time Bush has spoken over the last 6 years.

4. There are people that do game the system but we all can agree that many people do need to be helped. Who will do that? government. who are those people? handicapped, ill, sick

1) How could you possible know that when you have no idea what the future holds? Just because you hate the guy doesn’t mean the next one couldn’t be much worse. I hope not, but never say never.

2) It has been a drain no doubt, but I’m sure our troops risking their lives over there appreciate you calling it a “waste.” :rolleyes:

3) I agree with you that it needs revamped. Maybe people think you are for mandated Health Care because you support a guy that’s for it. Yeah, Democrats never use fear tactics. :lol:

4) Many people do need the help, but the government’s job isn’t to take care of use. It’s up to us individually and as families and communities to take care of one another.

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here are some facts:

1. McCain, Clinton or Obama will all be better than Bush.

2. The war in Iraq is the biggest waste of money in a long long time.

3. Our healthcare system needs revamped. maybe not universal healthcare but when someone, like me, says there are problems, the fear tactics start. I have never in this post or any other said that I supported mandated healthcare but b/c I think our system could be better, i am for universal healthcare. These are the same fear tactics by most conservatives regarding religion, the moral right, abortion and oh yes, terrorism & our nice color coded warning signs & us hearing al qaeda, terrorism, etc every time Bush has spoken over the last 6 years.

4. There are people that do game the system but we all can agree that many people do need to be helped. Who will do that? government. who are those people? handicapped, ill, sick


You seem confused as to what constitutes a fact vs an opinion.

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My faith says that Jesus called on the church to do this. Jesus calls on us to be the church and help the needy. He didn't come here to sacrifice himself for us to rely on government to step in and do it.


I feel the church has shirked it's duties to help the truly needy out. But it is moving back in the direction to help people out.


One of the problems though is that is not covered by the mainstream media for people to realize that the church is trying to do it's mission. Instead they like to quote some guy they see as a national spokesman for Christianity.


Look at the responses of the churches throughout this country in Katrina.


That is how it should be handled. God's people banding together to come to the aid of others. Not waiting on the government to do it.


I agree but in reality that doesn't happen. Most churches in the United States have been divided down to have minimal money and resources because of the number of denominations. When there was one church in history, the Catholic Church, they did act very similar to a government (tithe, canon laws, inquistions, & gave to the needy)

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