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Some report said they made $11 billion in the last quarter.


That would be in 2007 and that sounds about right if they made 39 billion in 4 quarters the year before. What reports fail to mention is that they probably paid 25 billion in all taxes (except payroll) in that quarter.

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That is a sad number. And the saddest part of that, a good portion of them brought it on themselves by not taking their education important and preparing themselves for what it takes to have things in life.


Kids leave school everyday dropping out because they don't need no stoopid education and their parents just sign them out. And then 10 years later they are going on and on about not having this and not having that, when they are in the position they are in because of their own accord.


NOT ALL get there that way but a good number do.


I think it is important to designate that there is truly needed and that is trying who should be helped. I am not sure about the others that are there of their own accord.


My faith and my worldly view bash heads here.


I understand that completely! I am from Southeastern KY. You want to talk about abuse of the system, come on down, and take a look around. I want to cut programs so bad, when I see that, then here comes that exception, a person who uses the programs to better herself and get a college education, but that person could not have done it on her own, that is why the programs were created so people could pull themselves up. However, because people are lazy and no longer value hard work (at least in my area) it has become the norm, to expect something for nothing, and what is worse, they believe that they are entitled to this type of lifestyle.


I believe one of things that was way over looked by the Clinton administration was the reduction of these types of programs. I think that OBAMA can make the same type of changes from the administration stand point.


However, if people want real change, it has to start with themselves, neighborhood, community, county, state, then region, then all of America. I am in the middle many times, I do not consider myself a conservative, because the gov't does need to regulate people to a degree, and I am not a liberal because the gov't does not need to overstep its bounds.

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I understand that completely! I am from Southeastern KY. You want to talk about abuse of the system, come on down, and take a look around. I want to cut programs so bad, when I see that, then here comes that exception, a person who uses the programs to better herself and get a college education, but that person could not have done it on her own, that is why the programs were created so people could pull themselves up. However, because people are lazy and no longer value hard work (at least in my area) it has become the norm, to expect something for nothing, and what is worse, they believe that they are entitled to this type of lifestyle.


I believe one of things that was way over looked by the Clinton administration was the reduction of these types of programs. I think that OBAMA can make the same type of changes from the administration stand point.


However, if people want real change, it has to start with themselves, neighborhood, community, county, state, then region, then all of America. I am in the middle many times, I do not consider myself a conservative, because the gov't does need to regulate people to a degree, and I am not a liberal because the gov't does not need to overstep its bounds.


Agreed on many points. I think the systems in place are very good but they are abused. I feel that all of these programs should include drug testing. If you do not like that, then don't get this help. There also needs to be limitations to length, amounts, etc. Instead of being open ended, there needs to be more stipulations regarding the gov'ts help.

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Agreed on many points. I think the systems in place are very good but they are abused. I feel that all of these programs should include drug testing. If you do not like that, then don't get this help. There also needs to be limitations to length, amounts, etc. Instead of being open ended, there needs to be more stipulations regarding the gov'ts help.


I agree but here is the problem. They don't do things to get off the need and then they run out of time.


The politicians seeing them out of time are told that they are uncaring and not for helping the poor if they don't extend the help.


And it is extended and extended and extended.

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