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Oceanic Flight 815-Spoilers-Don't read if you don't want to know

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Here's another reason I think Jin/Sun will be the last 2 of the oceanic six.


Every episode thus far that has been a "Oceanic survivor" centric (Hurley, Sayid, Kate) have ALL been flash forward episodes of members the oceanic six.

Episode 4.01 "The Beginning of the End" - Hurley centric (3rd known member of the Oceanic 6)


Episode 4.02 "Confirmed Dead" - Episode about the people from the Chopper.


Episode 4.03 "The Economist" - Sayid Centric. 4th known member of the Oceanic 6.


Episode 4.04 "Eggtown" - Kate Centric. 2nd known member of the Oceanic 6.


Episode 4.05 "The Constant" - Desmond centric. He was not an oceanic survivor, therefore can not be a member of the "oceanic 6".


Episode 4.06 "The Other Woman" - Juliet centric. Not one of the oceanic survivors, can't be one of the "oceanic 6".


Episode 4.07 "Ji Yeon" - Jin/Sun centric. Enough said.

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Maybe they are considering that to be Kate?


I still think Jin and Sun will be the final two. Many other people agree with me.




It's pretty obvious we knew about Kate way before that episode.


You are reaching.


It's okay to be wrong. :thumb:

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It's pretty obvious we knew about Kate way before that episode.


You are reaching.


It's okay to be wrong. :thumb:


:laugh: You can not say who is wrong until we see the next few episodes. Nice try though.


I will remember this post, if I'm right.

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I mean seriously, its pretty tough to argue with the video evidence.


Video evidence? That proves NOTHING! How many times in the past has this show said something in the promo similar to this: "In the next episode three of the islands mysteries will be revealed!" And then afterwards, we're all sitting here with a dumb look on our face like...what? We had not been officially introduced to Kate as a member of the "oceanic 6" until that episode, so she could have been the new member of the oceanic 6 we were introduced to. You have no proof that I'm wrong, or right there.


Some things to consider:


When Kate and Jack were first shown in a flash forward, there was no mention of an oceanic 6. For all we knew, at that point, no one knew who they were. Kate could have just escaped and no one knew she had.


Secondly, we don't even know FOR SURE that "Aaron" is Claire's Aaron. That hasn't been confirmed. It's likely, but not 100%, and with this show anything is possible.


Third, when Jack tells the lie about what went down after the crash, he says 8 people survived, and Kate rescued 7 and then she herself lived. This was in court, under oath. Jack said 2 of them died, and 6 lived, thus leaving us with the Oceanic 6. She can't say that Aaron was one that she saved, because he was apparently not born yet.


Nothing is 100% in this show, and that includes whether or not Aaron is a member of the Oceanic 6.

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And when you are wrong?


If I'm wrong, I'm man enough to admit it. But there's nothing to prove me wrong at this point.


If I'm wrong, I'll come in this thread and post the following:


I was wrong. Aaron was part of the Oceanic 6. Oops. Sorry, that was such a terrible mistake by me that caused so much trouble.



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Also, don't forget that Benry could possibly be a member of the Oceanic 6. Everyone remember his room full of passports and such? And he first tricked the Oceanic survivors into thinking he was Henry gale...he's a master of disguise.

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Video evidence? That proves NOTHING! How many times in the past has this show said something in the promo similar to this: "In the next episode three of the islands mysteries will be revealed!" And then afterwards, we're all sitting here with a dumb look on our face like...what? We had not been officially introduced to Kate as a member of the "oceanic 6" until that episode, so she could have been the new member of the oceanic 6 we were introduced to. You have no proof that I'm wrong, or right there.


Some things to consider:


When Kate and Jack were first shown in a flash forward, there was no mention of an oceanic 6. For all we knew, at that point, no one knew who they were. Kate could have just escaped and no one knew she had.


Secondly, we don't even know FOR SURE that "Aaron" is Claire's Aaron. That hasn't been confirmed. It's likely, but not 100%, and with this show anything is possible.


Third, when Jack tells the lie about what went down after the crash, he says 8 people survived, and Kate rescued 7 and then she herself lived. This was in court, under oath. Jack said 2 of them died, and 6 lived, thus leaving us with the Oceanic 6. She can't say that Aaron was one that she saved, because he was apparently not born yet.


Nothing is 100% in this show, and that includes whether or not Aaron is a member of the Oceanic 6.


I love it. Keep reaching, you will never actually get there.


If you don't think Kate was already considered one at the first mention of the Oceanic 6 there is plenty of Oceanfront property here in Lexington for you to buy.


Why would he be named Aaron?


It's getting deep in here...

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I love it. Keep reaching, you will never actually get there.


If you don't think Kate was already considered one at the first mention of the Oceanic 6 there is plenty of Oceanfront property here in Lexington for you to buy.


Why would he be named Aaron?


It's getting deep in here...


You are turning this into a personal battle when it should not be. Your opinions are no better than mine. You have no more proof than I do.


I can throw out the same jabs at you, but it's pointless. This is about opinions.


Many people had theories that Kate might not be considered part of the Oceanic 6 because she was WANTED. She could have gotten back to civilization, but kept her return secret due to that fact.


I'm just posting some other rumors I've read about things. It has not been confirmed nor denied that Aaron is Claire's Aaron. And with Lost, nothing is for sure. You should know that if you really consistently watch the show.

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