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Illegal Alien debate...


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I may be complete off base with my assessment of illegals so lets see what others think.


I feel that it would be more cost efficient to come up with a process to get these illegals citizenships. So, in essence, get them paying taxes. The alternative is to build up our border patrol & corral them, send them back, then corral them again, send them back. I dont think this problem will ever stop unless we use some of our resources to help Mexico get their crap straight. I just dont want to spend a bunch of money on another battle we cannot win.


other views??

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I may be complete off base with my assessment of illegals so lets see what others think.


I feel that it would be more cost efficient to come up with a process to get these illegals citizenships. So, in essence, get them paying taxes. The alternative is to build up our border patrol & corral them, send them back, then corral them again, send them back. I dont think this problem will ever stop unless we use some of our resources to help Mexico get their crap straight. I just dont want to spend a bunch of money on another battle we cannot win.


other views??


I think you are half right. I think that we have to find a way to legalize the status of people that are already here, but we also have to control our border. I think we have to beef up the border patrol and stop the flow of illegals into the country. I don't think either will happen. One side wants to get votes by calling any attempt to legalize the status of those that are already here "amnesty". The other side wants to get votes by insisting that we have to have comprehensive reform before we take any action. Each side keeps the other from getting its way.

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To legalize the illegals already here is a slap in the face to every imigrant that has ever come to our country the right way. We need to fortify and stabilize our borders. We need to round up all illegals and send them back to their respective home countries. And we need to fine the employers who put these people to work, jail time for the habitual offenders. Until we clean up our population and make sure the only folks in our country are those that belong, we will always be paying for it. The illegals eat up our resources in free healthcare, school, and welfare programs. Most don't put anything back in the economy, sending any extra $ back to family in their home countries. And the communities that have high populations of illegal immigrants also have high crime rates. Get these people and their problems out of my country and do it now!

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To legalize the illegals already here is a slap in the face to every imigrant that has ever come to our country the right way. We need to fortify and stabilize our borders. We need to round up all illegals and send them back to their respective home countries. And we need to fine the employers who put these people to work, jail time for the habitual offenders. Until we clean up our population and make sure the only folks in our country are those that belong, we will always be paying for it. The illegals eat up our resources in free healthcare, school, and welfare programs. Most don't put anything back in the economy, sending any extra $ back to family in their home countries. And the communities that have high populations of illegal immigrants also have high crime rates. Get these people and their problems out of my country and do it now!


There is the problem. We will not round up millions of people and send them anywhere. If you continue to insist that a massive roundup is part of the solution you are making sure that nothing will happen.

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There is the problem. We will not round up millions of people and send them anywhere. If you continue to insist that a massive roundup is part of the solution you are making sure that nothing will happen.


You can't cure this problem overnight. But you can take the needed steps to fix it for future generations. Secure the border, first and foremost. Then slowly start sending them back. You can't do a massive roundup, but every time one is arrested, don't lock them up and eat more tax $, send them home. It will take years, probably decades to fix this problems. But get started on it now. The longer we wait, the worse it's going to get.


There also needs to be an amendment to the constitution changing the automatic citizenship of babies born in the US. Babies born to illegal immigrants need to be deported, along with their law breaking parents. Anyone who comes to this country illegally is breaking the laws of this country. They are showing no respect for our laws or government, and deserve no respect from us. Send them home!:madman:

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You can't cure this problem overnight. But you can take the needed steps to fix it for future generations. Secure the border, first and foremost. Then slowly start sending them back. You can't do a massive roundup, but every time one is arrested, don't lock them up and eat more tax $, send them home. It will take years, probably decades to fix this problems. But get started on it now. The longer we wait, the worse it's going to get.


There also needs to be an amendment to the constitution changing the automatic citizenship of babies born in the US. Babies born to illegal immigrants need to be deported, along with their law breaking parents. Anyone who comes to this country illegally is breaking the laws of this country. They are showing no respect for our laws or government, and deserve no respect from us. Send them home!:madman:


Wow...I am speechless.

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Wow...I am speechless.


That's why our southern border is being over run by illegal aliens. Too many Americans have been speechless for too long. And don't think I have a bias towards any certain group. One of my best friends is the grandson of Mexican immigrants that got their paperwork in order and came here the right way, learned English, didn't demand to have things available to them in Spanish, and proudly became US citizens. This proud family flies the American flag in front of their home, and I can honestly tell you, they feel the same way as I do about illegal immigration.

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I feel that it would be more cost efficient to come up with a process to get these illegals citizenships. So, in essence, get them paying taxes.


Would they then not fall under minimum wage laws? If so, that would prevent them from getting the jobs they are often getting now.


Until the govt comes down HARD on the employers, this problem will have no solution - wall or no wall.

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You can't cure this problem overnight. But you can take the needed steps to fix it for future generations. Secure the border, first and foremost. Then slowly start sending them back. You can't do a massive roundup, but every time one is arrested, don't lock them up and eat more tax $, send them home. It will take years, probably decades to fix this problems. But get started on it now. The longer we wait, the worse it's going to get.


There also needs to be an amendment to the constitution changing the automatic citizenship of babies born in the US. Babies born to illegal immigrants need to be deported, along with their law breaking parents. Anyone who comes to this country illegally is breaking the laws of this country. They are showing no respect for our laws or government, and deserve no respect from us. Send them home!:madman:

I agree completely with these sentiments and also any company or company oweners that hire illegals either knowingly or unknowningly should face hefty fines possibly prison sentences .The flaunting of our laws has to stop now
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We are ALL the sons & daughters of immigrants. Most of those would be considered illegal aliens today. We as a country are different than others b/c we use laws instead of the fist. We use compassion instead of discrimation.


I agree with needing to fix things now but I disagree that we can "round up" millions of people that we dont know where they are. Is this possible without spending billions or trillions more dollars on another fight we cannot win (war on drugs, war on terror, etc).


Lastly, these illegal aliens are trying to help their families!! instead of making $0.25 or $.50 and hour in Mexico, they come here to feed their families. Is this right? probably not but would I steal if I were in dire need of food & my kids were hungry? probably. This issue is not about breaking laws but families trying to do whats best for themselves.

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We are ALL the sons & daughters of immigrants. Most of those would be considered illegal aliens today. We as a country are different than others b/c we use laws instead of the fist. We use compassion instead of discrimation.


I agree with needing to fix things now but I disagree that we can "round up" millions of people that we dont know where they are. Is this possible without spending billions or trillions more dollars on another fight we cannot win (war on drugs, war on terror, etc).


Lastly, these illegal aliens are trying to help their families!! instead of making $0.25 or $.50 and hour in Mexico, they come here to feed their families. Is this right? probably not but would I steal if I were in dire need of food & my kids were hungry? probably. This issue is not about breaking laws but families trying to do whats best for themselves.

Sure it is, plain and simple.


How so?

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Illegals probably make up 35% of the sales at my business. I don't want to see them go.


You can get mad at me if you like, I don't care. But it's people like you who look the other way when laws are being broken because the result of the broken law puts $ in your pocket that make me sick. As long as you benefit in the short term, you don't care who it hurts. Long term effects on our economy of illegal aliens will cripple our country.

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