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Illegal Alien debate...


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We have been down this road, RTS. But, I have time, so let's go again.


To BEGIN the process to become a legal citizen costs thousands of dollars. I would guess that if the "Angelo's" of the world had several thousand dollars they would not need to come to our country for a better life...or they would apply legally.


The process does not work for the poor. Kind of makes this statement a little less meaningful.


Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


And right after an immigrant passed that inscription they were taken to Ellis Island where they were checked for among other things disease and their ability to earn a living. If they made it past all the required hurdles their names were recorded and they were allowed into the country…legally. Being against illegal immigration is completely, totally, and wholeheartedly consistent with the sentiment espoused by that inscription.

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And right after an immigrant passed that inscription they were taken to Ellis Island where they were checked for among other things disease and their ability to earn a living. If they made it past all the required hurdles their names were recorded and they were allowed into the country…legally. Being against illegal immigration is completely, totally, and wholeheartedly consistent with the sentiment espoused by that inscription.


Except that the poor can't make it anymore...you have to have thousands of dollars to begin the process legally.

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The number of generations that it will take to change loyalty from the old country to ours or the number of generations it will take immigrants to culturally difuse does not concern me. What does concern me is that our country will soon run into the same problems that the rest of the world is having if we continue to allow an overflow of immigration. Our population will grow to the point of having a shortage of resources. I do not blame illegal immigrants for trying to get here. I blame our government for not making the cost too high through the punishment applied.
The majority of the world will hit this theoretical point far before those in this country. There are more resources in this country than anywhere and currently far more per captia than any where else in the world. It should also be stated that not all demographic groups are naturally growing in this country. The overall growth rate is not that big in the US.
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Except that the poor can't make it anymore...you have to have thousands of dollars to begin the process legally.


To use this logic...you have to have THOUSANDS of dollars to buy a, if I dont have that...should one of these car lots just give it to me? I mean...I must be worthy of it. Or wait, I could just wait until they close and steal it! Of course, being a natural born citizen that BROKE THE LAW, I would go to prison. Some things just dont add up!


A law is a law...break it, face the consequences! It sickens me to hear how many people believe its absolutely fine for illegals to break the law and make their way into this country.


I am a hard working American. I pay my taxes. I act within the law. My insurance rates have gone through the roof just like everyone elses...YET, I am still the one who has to pay more to cover someone who decided to spit in the face of a law and cross the border into this country illegally? I just cannot seem to understand this logic!

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To use this logic...you have to have THOUSANDS of dollars to buy a, if I dont have that...should one of these car lots just give it to me? I mean...I must be worthy of it. Or wait, I could just wait until they close and steal it! Of course, being a natural born citizen that BROKE THE LAW, I would go to prison. Some things just dont add up!


A law is a law...break it, face the consequences! It sickens me to hear how many people believe its absolutely fine for illegals to break the law and make their way into this country.


I am a hard working American. I pay my taxes. I act within the law. My insurance rates have gone through the roof just like everyone elses...YET, I am still the one who has to pay more to cover someone who decided to spit in the face of a law and cross the border into this country illegally? I just cannot seem to understand this logic!

:thumb: :thumb: :thumb:


One of the BEST posts in this thread!

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You can't seriously be comparing illegal immigration to slavery. The slaves were brought here by force and treated like crap. That's a major understatement and a sad time in our history. The illegals come here in force and demand everything be change for them. As for your comment in another post that you haven't seen much impact of illegal immigration, then you need to travel more. Go to any city in the Southwest, Rocky Mountain region, or any large city, and you will find the fruits of illegal immigration. While it may not be a problem in LEX, L'VILLE, or CINCY yet, ask someone from Houston, Phoenix, or even Denver about their immigrant situation, and you will get a different picture of what the real wolrd is like.


slavery wasn't about abusing a different race. it was about finding cheap labor to do bad jobs. I can see the connection. can you?

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To use this logic...you have to have THOUSANDS of dollars to buy a, if I dont have that...should one of these car lots just give it to me? I mean...I must be worthy of it. Or wait, I could just wait until they close and steal it! Of course, being a natural born citizen that BROKE THE LAW, I would go to prison. Some things just dont add up!


A law is a law...break it, face the consequences! It sickens me to hear how many people believe its absolutely fine for illegals to break the law and make their way into this country.


I am a hard working American. I pay my taxes. I act within the law. My insurance rates have gone through the roof just like everyone elses...YET, I am still the one who has to pay more to cover someone who decided to spit in the face of a law and cross the border into this country illegally? I just cannot seem to understand this logic!


so you never speed? you have never jaywalked? what about forgetting to put on your turn signal? forgot to get your tags renewed on time? forgotten to wear your seatbelt?


no one is saying that it is perfectly okay. We are saying that we understand why people do it. If someone's daughter is raped & the daughter's dad whips the guys behind, I understand. He may have broken the law but I understand. If someone is barely getting by & can't feed their family, I understand the move.


I've also heard the tax thing WAY TOO MUCH. I don't like that my taxes go to pay for a war that I didnt agree with. I don't agree with giving disability to people that could work. I dont agree with giving foreign aid to every tom dick & harry country. I dont agree that it takes way to long for willing families to adopt needy children.

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Just saw this on the news. A 17 year old boy in Tuscon, AZ gets caught at school w/ dope. School calls police, police call parents. Parents show up, can't produce any ID, and admit the entire family is here illegally. The cops call Border Patrol. They take the family into custody and deport them. :dancingpa This is what I have been saying needs to happen. A mass round up is not feasible, but when local law enforcement becomes aware of illegals, they need to take the appropriate steps to get them out of here. A crackdown of this nature is not a cure all for our immigration issues, but it is a step in the right direction.

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To use this logic...you have to have THOUSANDS of dollars to buy a, if I dont have that...should one of these car lots just give it to me? I mean...I must be worthy of it. Or wait, I could just wait until they close and steal it! Of course, being a natural born citizen that BROKE THE LAW, I would go to prison. Some things just dont add up!


A law is a law...break it, face the consequences! It sickens me to hear how many people believe its absolutely fine for illegals to break the law and make their way into this country.


I am a hard working American. I pay my taxes. I act within the law. My insurance rates have gone through the roof just like everyone elses...YET, I am still the one who has to pay more to cover someone who decided to spit in the face of a law and cross the border into this country illegally? I just cannot seem to understand this logic!


Then let's quite using the excuse that (financially) poor Mexicans can come to our country legally. They can't. Let's be realistic about that.

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so you never speed? you have never jaywalked? what about forgetting to put on your turn signal? forgot to get your tags renewed on time? forgotten to wear your seatbelt?


no one is saying that it is perfectly okay. We are saying that we understand why people do it. If someone's daughter is raped & the daughter's dad whips the guys behind, I understand. He may have broken the law but I understand. If someone is barely getting by & can't feed their family, I understand the move.


I've also heard the tax thing WAY TOO MUCH. I don't like that my taxes go to pay for a war that I didnt agree with. I don't agree with giving disability to people that could work. I dont agree with giving foreign aid to every tom dick & harry country. I dont agree that it takes way to long for willing families to adopt needy children.


Great post. :thumb: The probably is that they other side doesn't believe that breaking those laws is as bad as entering the country illegally. They feel that "we" have more of a right to speed because we are late to work than a poor family looking for a way to feed their kids had to come to our country...they don't have the money to feed their kids, much less the thousands of dollars to enter legally.

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