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Ted Kennedy's dog


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This is irony at its best. Many of you may be aware of this, but I just heard this this morning. Senator Kennedy has a dog that he keeps in his Congressional office with him. It's a Portuguese water dog. The real iron? The dog's name is SPLASH.


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So no one said "uh, hey, Ted. This MIGHT not be the best name for this dog"???????


In the political world? I'm sure he heard a few of these, "Good one Ted." :irked:


Disclaimer: I'm all for good jokes and even jokes about dead people. However, this is not funny and just down right tasteless...

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There was a scandal in the 70's in which it seems that Ted Kennedy was driving a car drunk, left the road where a young lady died. He left the scene of the vehicle. It happened in Chappequicdicht (sp). I am sure someone can find links to the story on the Internet.






On July 18, 1969, Kopechne attended a party on Chappaquiddick Island, off the coast of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, held in honor of the "Boiler Room Girls." This affectionate name was given to the six young women who had been vital to the late Robert Kennedy's presidential campaign and who had subsequently closed up his files and campaign office after his assassination.


Besides Kopechne, the other women, all single, were Susan Tannenbaum, Maryellen Lyons, Ann Lyons, Rosemary (Cricket) Keough, and Esther Newberg. The men in attendance, all married but present without their wives, were Ted Kennedy, Joe Gargan, U.S. Attorney Paul Markham, Charles Tretter, Raymond La Rosa, and John Crimmins. The festivity was held at Lawrence Cottage, rented for the occasion by Gargan, Ted Kennedy's cousin and lawyer. The twelve attendees gathered at the cottage after two Kennedy boats raced in the Edgartown Regatta earlier in the day.


Kopechne left the party at 11:15 p.m. with Ted Kennedy after he allegedly offered to drive her back to the Katama Shores Motor Inn in Edgartown where she was staying. (According to Kennedy, they left the party at 11:15 p.m. to catch the last ferry of the night -- at midnight. However, there is evidence that Kennedy and Kopechne may not have left the party until after midnight, thus suggesting they had no intention of catching the ferry.) According to Ted Kennedy, on his way to the ferry crossing back to Edgartown, he accidentally turned right onto Dike Road - a dirt road - instead of bearing left on Main Street which was paved. After proceeding one-half mile, he descended a hill and came upon a narrow bridge set obliquely to the unlit road. Ted Kennedy drove the 1967 Oldsmobile Delmont 88 belonging to his mother, Rose Kennedy, off the side of Dike Bridge, and the car overturned into Poucha Pond. A Reader's Digest investigation estimated that the car was travelling at about 35 miles per hour when it left the bridge.


Ted Kennedy extricated himself from the submerged car but Kopechne died. Since her parents' lawyer, Joseph Flanagan, filed a petition barring an autopsy, the cause of death was never medically confirmed. When the car was recovered, all the doors were locked and three of the windows were either open or smashed in.


Kennedy said that he dove down several times attempting to free her and, after exhausting himself, rested for twenty minutes, then walked back to the Lawrence Cottage where the party had been held. At the Lawrence Cottage, Kennedy summoned his cousin, Joe Gargan, and another friend, Paul Markham, to return to the scene of the accident. Kennedy sat in the back of a white Plymouth Valiant rental car that Kopechne had used that day. Though there was a working telephone at this location, the group waited 10 hours before they contacted the police. Ted Kennedy then returned to the submerged car with Gargan and Markham who then resumed trying to reach her. The group claimed that the tidal current prevented them from reaching her for fear of being swept out to sea. However tidal records indicated that the tide was running in the opposite direction at the time of the supposed attempted rescue.




Kennedy entered a plea of guilty to a charge of leaving the scene of an accident after causing injury. He received a sentence of two months in jail, which was suspended. The sentence was notable in that the statute for the crime provided only for mandatory jail time and not the discretion of a suspended sentence.


It is widely believed that the Chappaquiddick incident was the major factor in Kennedy's decision not to run for president in 1972. The case resulted in much satire directed against Kennedy, including a National Lampoon page showing a floating Volkswagen Beetle with the remark that Kennedy would have been elected President had he been driving a Beetle that night; this satire resulted in legal action by Volkswagen complaining of unauthorized use of its trademark.

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