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Chris Benoit and Family Found Dead in Home


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I am starting to believe that maybe someone else was involved. Did they say that Benoit's finger prints was around his wife's neck? It just seems that there are too many stange facts coming out to substainiate that this was just a typical murder then suicide.

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You tell me how in the world someone that reported a death 13 HOURS before anyone knew about it could be called a coincidence? Tell me please! There is no way the author just said "hmmm, I think that I'll write Nancy Benoit died" and then 13 hours later it's confirmed. No way that it was just a "coincidence"!

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You tell me how in the world someone that reported a death 13 HOURS before anyone knew about it could be called a coincidence? Tell me please! There is no way the author just said "hmmm, I think that I'll write Nancy Benoit died" and then 13 hours later it's confirmed. No way that it was just a "coincidence"!



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Jim Rome was saying on his show today that the athletes (performers? entertainers?) in the WWE weren't being taken care of. That may be the understatement of the year. He pretty much accused McMahon of passing out steroids by the handful.

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Jim Rome was saying on his show today that the athletes (performers? entertainers?) in the WWE weren't being taken care of. That may be the understatement of the year. He pretty much accused McMahon of passing out steroids by the handful.


Nothing would surprise me about anything within the WWE anymore.

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Jim Rome was saying on his show today that the athletes (performers? entertainers?) in the WWE weren't being taken care of. That may be the understatement of the year. He pretty much accused McMahon of passing out steroids by the handful.


Vince isn't that dumb. He doesn't hand out anything. He's been on trial for this before and was found not guilty and he is much smarter now then he was then in the mid 90's. Steroids in WWE are an unwritten rule to work for Vince but Vince doesn't say it out loud. Eddie Guerroro and Chris Benoit knew this and thats why they swelled up like a ballon when the left WCW for WWE.


I wouldn't listen to much on what Jim Rome has to say about wrestling. I don't listen much to what he says about sports so definitely not listening to him about wrestling which he just spouts off his opinion and has no facts.


But Vince may have to go through something here in the near future very similar to what the Commish of Baseball went through a couple of years ago where wrestlers can be called to speak just like McGwire and Curt Schilling did. Wrestlers are built upon lying, and it would be very interesting to see what comes out when the truth must. Just like McGwire gave the "I don't know answers" you would see a ton of that with the Pro Wrestlers.


I say Chyna on Gretta Van Sustren on Fox News and she was asked if she ever took steroids and she said "I never have." You have to be kidding me. She used as much as any man ever has. She looked like a man for crying out loud when she was Hunter and Michaels. These stories are gonna get interesting in the near future.

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I also saw the interview with Chyna. When asked if she had ever taken steroids she said no and that she was worried what they would have done to her as a female. Then about 3 questions later she said that she HAD taken steroids for a period. She is a total nut job and a complete idiot. She may be the next pro wrestler to overdose because since leaving the WWE she appears to be "not in the right state of mind" in everything she has ever appeared on. Brett Hart was also on the shwo and he admitted to using steroids for a short period in the early 90's. During what he called the "Hulk Hogan" era of steroids.

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I also saw the interview with Chyna. When asked if she had ever taken steroids she said no and that she was worried what they would have done to her as a female. Then about 3 questions later she said that she HAD taken steroids for a period. She is a total nut job and a complete idiot. She may be the next pro wrestler to overdose because since leaving the WWE she appears to be "not in the right state of mind" in everything she has ever appeared on. Brett Hart was also on the shwo and he admitted to using steroids for a short period in the early 90's. During what he called the "Hulk Hogan" era of steroids.


Hannity and Colmes did the best job I thought on Fox News when they had Debra (Steve Austin's Former Wife) and Superstar Billy Grahm on there as well.


Debra basically bashed steroids as a whole for Steve beating her and causing the divorce of their marriage, but Billy Grahm was the really interesting one I thought. Billy Grahm for about 15 -20 years or so if not more was 100% against Vince McMahon on the steroid policy of WWF. Superstar Billy Grahm and Vince clashed about as much as anyone ever has. But a few years ago I believe Billy Grahm came out with a book and then appologized to Vince and he now is with WWE again but he basically says now that he "lied all of those years when he was going after Vince for roids."


It is very odd to see Billy Grahm as a defender of the company now with Drug questions when he spent most of his years going against Vince. Basically he seems like a company sell out now.


Chyna is a nut job and thats about it. She left the WWE because she wanted a contract renewl of the time at the same pay of Stone Cold and The Rock and vince said no so she left. It worked out real well for her since :rolleyes:


It makes News shows look bad when they get awful sources such as Chyna to come on and talk about steroid use in the business then lie and say she never took them. And Geroldo's spill on O'reilly was just terrible trying to lump Sherry's death with Benoit's wife on the same day but the meat head was off by a week. He kept saying Benoit's wife died on June 15 and she died a week later, but Sherry did die on the 15th which made O'reilly look really bad.

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