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Should Carson be spouting off?

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Marvin has tried and failed in this approach. I think it will be the same for Carson because he has no more control (probably less) over the other players than does Marvin and therefore this could just be Carson throwing himself under the bus.


Then the front office needs to take a stand, get behind their QB, and cull the herd. Get rid of the undesirable. This isn't rocket science, it's just takes common sense, morals, and a spine.

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I said it in a previous thread. I personally think the personal commits should be kept in house. However, this is a large problem, and I think Palmer is fed up because this not only reflect on the players who have been arrested but also reflects on the player that have not been arrested, the team, the city, and the league.


I do not think the players who have not been arrested will take offense. I think Palmer is probably saying what all of them want to say ( probably saying in private). It would not even surprise me if the Bengal organization asked Palmer to make a statement against the arrests, so the public would have the perception that the organization was taking it seriously without an organization head making the commits.


Some posts in another thread have said this is "just a possesion charge", and have implied that these arrest are not a big deal, "only a misdimenor", or not an orginization problem. I think these opionions are dangerous and taking a loose stance on this problem. I think the NFL should expect their players to not be arrested, and set an example for children, fans, and all others who come in contact with the league.



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Then the front office needs to take a stand, get behind their QB, and cull the herd. Get rid of the undesirable. This isn't rocket science, it's just takes common sense, morals, and a spine.

Its a lot bigger than all that. It comes down to $$$$$$$$$$$$$. With out some of those guys this organization doesn't make as much money.

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Carson is trying to step up off the field and be a leader as well as being the leader on the field. It's obvious that the Bungals are lacking good leadership at the upper levels. Maybe somebody will start listening to him and make some much needed personel changes before it's too late.

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Carson has EVERY right to say what he wants. He is not only the QB he is the team leader. He recognizes that and acknowledges that by setting the example of how to walk the line. He has a right to be embaressed of what his teamates do. It reflects him and makes him look bad. They're a team, a family. One gets in trouble, they all get put in the bad spotlight.

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I 100% think he should have spouted off. He doesn't speak much and they need some leadership that has respect within the team to take on a leader role. He is the face of the franchise and I think it is important for the fans to know where he stands. I also think the team needs somebody like him leading the charge to get on the right track.

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Good point stick1, CP is usually lead by example, he usually keeps quiet, for him to speak up means a bunch. Others on the team should look up at CP, the guy worked his rear off to become the player he is today, worked his rear off to come back from a MAJOR injury way ahead of the average Joe. Noone is perfect but how hard is it to make the proper decision knowing you are under a huge microscope?

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I think under "normal" circumstances, it should be handled in house. But we are all well aware of all the off the field problems this team has had.


The NFL has spoken to the all the players, Marvin and the front office has talked to the players and NOTHING has worked.


I honestly don't even think Carson's rant will help, but at least it shows some leadership. It was mentioned on ESPN that they need to start releasing players, no fines, no game suspensions. Just start releasing players and start putting clauses in contracts. You would think this stuff would be common sense, but it's amazing how it continues to happen to this team.


Marvin fights to get past the Bungles moniker, finally helps put together a real quality team and all this starts to happen. I'm not a Bengal fan and I'm frustrated when I see the potential this team has. I can only imagine what die hard fans are feeling after the downward spiral that was the 90's.

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Brown needs to do a midnight move to LA like the colts did and let Cincy start fresh. Maybe the next time they could find uniforms that are not so ugly...

Ridiculous in so many ways about a serious problem.


1) If the Bengals leave town, we will NEVER get another franchise! It's been how long in LA without a team? And that is the top TV market in the nation, what chance would we have of getting another team?


2) You need to check your facts first, the Bengals uniforms are among the top sellers in the league, the uniforms are different and look very good, one of the best out there!

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Some posts in another thread have said this is "just a possession charge", and have implied that these arrest are not a big deal, "only a misdemeanor", or not an organization problem. I think these opinions are dangerous and taking a loose stance on this problem. I think the NFL should expect their players to not be arrested, and set an example for children, fans, and all others who come in contact with the league.



I agree with you! But yes I could see the other side that "this is just a possession of marijuana charge" At least it wasn't something else, and at least he wasn't driving. But, as was said by a player in the paper this morning, if you are #9 or #10, you are not afforded the "first offense" excuse, you will feel the full force of the previous arrests, not just yours. If you are a professional you do your pot at home, as well as find a DD if you are out drinking, period!


I think Carson has every right to speak out, the locker room talks, lectures from Marvin and the organization are not working. Carson and other players want to win, and these arrests are hurting the team and they are one reason they were 8-8 this year, the players claim that themselves. You can't count on who will be available for a game. If it doesn't stop you will soon see "the good guys" wanting out of town.


The in-house humility isn't working, it's beyond the time for public scrutiny and humility, Put their photos on bill boards with the charge(s), maybe but jail bars in front of them as well, something over the top needs to be done to get their attention. If not, just wait, just wait until one of them gets in an accident and God forbids injures or kills someone.


If you had a group of 50 people, and you had 9 arrests in just over a year, something is wrong, and needs to change.


Carson may be putting himself out on thin ice, but someone needs to do something. Again, if Carson and the other good guys don't see changes, they will soon be demanding to leave for another team! Then it's the 90s all over again.

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Carson's the franchise player, he needs to take a stand.


I wouldn't want to play for a team that has 20% of the team getting arrested every year. It has to be distracting when you don't have a clue who's going to be on the field on a week to week basis.



Leaders lead. Carson is a leader. He didn't say anything that wasn't true. I think there is great respect for Carson in the lockerroom so when he speaks people listen.

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