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ESPN's favorite arena atmospheres

13th Analyst

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There has been a lot of talk on another thread about the lack of an exciting atmosphere in Rupp Arena. Most blame it on the "dead" spirit of the student sections. One thing that most people seemed to misunderstand is that the students do not get free tickets. In fact, they can't even just go to the ticket office a buy tickets. At UK, the students participate in what is called a "lottery" for their allotment of student tickets. On designated nights throughout the basketball season, student flood into Memorial Coliseum, each getting a numbered ticket as the enter. Twenty minutes later when the venue is packed, they call out ranges of numbers (tickets 1200-1250 for example). That group of students goes down to the court and gets in line to purchase their ticket, on a first come first serve basis. Most of the time, if a student waits around long enough, they can at least buy a nose bleed ticket but for some games (North Carolina, Louisville, Florida, etc.) some do not. The student pay 5 dollars for each ticket, basketball and football.




Now that the issue has been cleared up, ESPN recently posted an article about their favorite arena atmopsheres. Each analyst, all who I am sure have been to far more arenas than anyone posting on this board, rated their favorites and here were the results. These were all based on best game atmospheres and not just tradition


Jay Bilas:

Kansas, Kentucky, Indiana, Butler, Duke


Pat Forde:

Duke, Indiana, Michigan State, Arkansas, Kentucky


Fran Franschilla:

Kansas, Iowa State, Oklahoma State, New Mexico


Doug Gottlieb:

Oklahoma State, Illinois, Southern Illinois, Oklahoma, Kansas


Andy Katz:

Florida, Gonzaga, Wisconsin, Kansas, Duke


Mark Schlabach:

Duke, Kansas, Kentucky, Syracuse, Florida


Kyle Whelliston:

North Carolina A&T, Missourri State, Western Kentucky, Valpo, Penn

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There has been a lot of talk on another thread about the lack of an exciting atmosphere in Rupp Arena. Most blame it on the "dead" spirit of the student sections. One thing that most people seemed to misunderstand is that the students do not get free tickets. In fact, they can't even just go to the ticket office a buy tickets. At UK, the students participate in what is called a "lottery" for their allotment of student tickets. On designated nights throughout the basketball season, student flood into Memorial Coliseum, each getting a numbered ticket as the enter. Twenty minutes later when the venue is packed, they call out ranges of numbers (tickets 1200-1250 for example). That group of students goes down to the court and gets in line to purchase their ticket, on a first come first serve basis. Most of the time, if a student waits around long enough, they can at least buy a nose bleed ticket but for some games (North Carolina, Louisville, Florida, etc.) some do not. The student pay 5 dollars for each ticket, basketball and football.




Now that the issue has been cleared up, ESPN recently posted an article about their favorite arena atmopsheres. Each analyst, all who I am sure have been to far more arenas than anyone posting on this board, rated their favorites and here were the results. These were all based on best game atmospheres and not just tradition


Jay Bilas:

Kansas, Kentucky, Indiana, Butler, Duke


Pat Forde:

Duke, Indiana, Michigan State, Arkansas, Kentucky


Fran Franschilla:

Kansas, Iowa State, Oklahoma State, New Mexico


Doug Gottlieb:

Oklahoma State, Illinois, Southern Illinois, Oklahoma, Kansas


Andy Katz:

Florida, Gonzaga, Wisconsin, Kansas, Duke


Mark Schlabach:

Duke, Kansas, Kentucky, Syracuse, Florida


Kyle Whelliston:

North Carolina A&T, Missourri State, Western Kentucky, Valpo, Penn



Gottlieb had Oklahoma St. 1st and 3-5 from the Big 12 WHAT A SURPRISE.:sleep: :sleep:

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What do all of you people who said that Rupp Arena was not a draw to a recruit have to say now?

These guys are not recruits and are historians of college basketball.


I have no doubt that to most recruits, for as critical as we are, Rupp is pretty cool and not as bad as many make it seem. No coeds jumping up and down and rowdy fans, but the banners in the sky have to hold some water, not to mention the sea of blue and it is a rather large venue. With that said, it could still be more exciting to the average teenager.

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These guys are not recruits and are historians of college basketball.


I have no doubt that to most recruits, for as critical as we are, Rupp is pretty cool and not as bad as many make it seem. No coeds jumping up and down and rowdy fans, but the banners in the sky have to hold some water, not to mention the sea of blue and it is a rather large venue. With that said, it could still be more exciting to the average teenager.


I'm going to respectfully disagree with that. In my opinion, the recruiting game today is about the here and now. And while the banners are great and show unparalleled tradition, it doesn't have much to do with what is going on right now.

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I'm going to respectfully disagree with that. In my opinion, the recruiting game today is about the here and now. And while the banners are great and show unparalleled tradition, it doesn't have much to do with what is going on right now.

I agree with you and I may have not clarified well enough.


Tradition, past championships, etc. do not mean as much as they used to, no doubt. But I have hard time believing it does not mean a little bit when being recruited.


If that were fully the case with today's kids, UCLA and UK would not attract any recruits. They attract kids because of fan support, banners, and top notch facilities... not the people jumping around at games.

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There has been a lot of talk on another thread about the lack of an exciting atmosphere in Rupp Arena. Most blame it on the "dead" spirit of the student sections. One thing that most people seemed to misunderstand is that the students do not get free tickets. In fact, they can't even just go to the ticket office a buy tickets. At UK, the students participate in what is called a "lottery" for their allotment of student tickets. On designated nights throughout the basketball season, student flood into Memorial Coliseum, each getting a numbered ticket as the enter. Twenty minutes later when the venue is packed, they call out ranges of numbers (tickets 1200-1250 for example). That group of students goes down to the court and gets in line to purchase their ticket, on a first come first serve basis. Most of the time, if a student waits around long enough, they can at least buy a nose bleed ticket but for some games (North Carolina, Louisville, Florida, etc.) some do not. The student pay 5 dollars for each ticket, basketball and football.




Now that the issue has been cleared up, ESPN recently posted an article about their favorite arena atmopsheres. Each analyst, all who I am sure have been to far more arenas than anyone posting on this board, rated their favorites and here were the results. These were all based on best game atmospheres and not just tradition


Jay Bilas:

Kansas, Kentucky, Indiana, Butler, Duke


Pat Forde:

Duke, Indiana, Michigan State, Arkansas, Kentucky


Fran Franschilla:

Kansas, Iowa State, Oklahoma State, New Mexico


Doug Gottlieb:

Oklahoma State, Illinois, Southern Illinois, Oklahoma, Kansas


Andy Katz:

Florida, Gonzaga, Wisconsin, Kansas, Duke


Mark Schlabach:

Duke, Kansas, Kentucky, Syracuse, Florida


Kyle Whelliston:

North Carolina A&T, Missourri State, Western Kentucky, Valpo, Penn


That Kyle Whelliston needs to get out more!

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